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eMAKER Huxley 3D printer kits

Affordable RepRap 3D printer with a proven track record

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eMAKER Huxley 3D printer kits

eMAKER Huxley 3D printer kits

eMAKER Huxley 3D printer kits

eMAKER Huxley 3D printer kits

eMAKER Huxley 3D printer kits

Affordable RepRap 3D printer with a proven track record

Affordable RepRap 3D printer with a proven track record

Affordable RepRap 3D printer with a proven track record

Affordable RepRap 3D printer with a proven track record

Jean-Marc Giacalone
Jean-Marc Giacalone
Jean-Marc Giacalone
Jean-Marc Giacalone
2 Campaigns |
Milton Keynes, United Kingdom
$158,685 USD 302 backers
528% of $30,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects

We are a relatively new company specialising in the development of open source 3D printers. Our mission is to make these revolutionary machines available to the mass market, at a realistic price and with a guarantee of printing success.
We are offering backers the opportunity to own one of the first 100 eMAKER Huxley 3D printing machines, as part of our beta program, for a very competitive price in return for feedback on any aspect of the machine, from the packaging, to the assembly, and ease of use.

The eMAKER Huxley

The eMAKER Huxley 3D printer is a Replicating Rapid prototyping machine, or RepRap for short. It is derived from the open source RepRap project which was started at Bath University, UK, about 6 years ago. The machine uses a process known a Fused Filament Fabrication, which it uses to build 3 dimensional objects in a range of plastics and in a variety of colours.
This process enables the user to create almost any shape which can be modelled on a computer, including some which could not be produced by traditional subtractive manufacturing techniques. Many examples of the objects people have made with similar machines can be found on thingiverse.

The eMAKER Huxley is one of the smallest 3D printers available at the moment in terms of footprint but not in terms of build volume. Its primary design goals were to offer a printer which was small enough to be portable, fast to replicate, and fast to assemble and commission. Since its inception at the end of 2010, the eMAKER Huxley has undergone brisk development and heavy testing. Two prototype machines have been built, although neither now looks the way it started life. The great thing about these machines being self replicating is that they can print upgrades and replacement parts for themselves.

The machines have been put through hundreds of hours of printing, with a variety of materials, and the design refined to end up with what we believe is a robust and high quality 3D printer. Examples of parts printed with these machines can be found on our blog, showing the range of features which can be produced, as well as the consistently high print quality which can be achieved.

We fully understand that merely assembling a 3D printer will not guarantee good prints, so we are also offering backers all the software and knowhow to produce high quality parts. As well as access to online support, all of this information will be made available to backers on our website.

You can see the eMAKER Huxley in action on our youtube channel here.

We also have an active development plan for the eMAKER Huxley 3D printer, so users will also have access to software updates and designs for upgraded parts which they can print themselves.

Machine specifications:
- Build volume: 140x140x110mm
- Overall size: 260x280x280mm
- Printing materials: ABS, PLA, 1.75mm diameter thermoplastic.
- Build surface: Heated to ensure parts do not warp.
- Resolution: 0.0125mm
- Speed: 12000mm/min
- Deposition rate: 33cm3 / hr
- Motion: Linear bearings on X and Y axes, Igus low friction bushings on Z axis.

Sources of plastic filament:
We are working on having our own plastic filament suplpier, and will provide more details in the next few days.
In the meantime, here are currently available sources of 1.75mm diameter filament:
Cost ranges from $36/kg to $50, and both ABS and PLA are available in a range of colours.
PLA tends to be a little cheaper and easier to obtain, and available in more colours.

Who we are

eMAKER was founded to help promote affordable 3D printing machines to an international audience. Although a small company, we are passionate about making this technology available to the mass market. This not only means at an affordable price, but we have put a lot of effort into developing a robust printing process and see this as an integral part of our products.

Our experience covers many aspects of machine tool technology, from programming and operating CNC machines to designing and developing control systems for them.

Project time scales

We are running this indiegogo crowd funding campaign to enable us to bulk purchase parts for the 100 eMAKER Huxley 3D printer kits in order to offer you a great price.

Due to the overwhelming demand for these kits, we have reviewed our manufacturing strategy and teamed up with some of the most qualified RepRappers in the world to increase our capacity. On completion of this campaign, we will aim to ship the first 150 beta kits in August (this gives us time to order and receive all of the bought in items), and the Round 2 kits in September/early October. All kits will be shipped from our RepRap factory in the UK.

Kits will be sent to backers in the order that funding is received, so the sooner you invest, the sooner you will receive your kit.

We will keep everyone informed of our progress with regular updates on as well as through our twitter account.

Included in the eMAKER Huxley kit

Backers will receive a complete kit of parts to enable them to assemble and use an eMAKER Huxley 3D printing machine. The only things which will need to be provided will be some simple tools, (including soldering equipment) and a few hours to assemble and commission the machine.
Some sample filament will also be included to get you started.

Please note: shipping costs will be added based on location, but will be charged at cost and should be less than $70.

If you have any questions regarding this campaign, please feel free to contact us at info at emakershop dot com.
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Choose your Perk

eMAKER Huxley FULL kit

$475 USD
All parts required to assemble a fully functioning eMAKER Huxley 3D printer, including all software, full instructions, online support and a 12 month warranty(stc).
Only 1 left

eMAKER Huxley FULL kit microSD

$500 USD
This kit will include all of the parts included in the FULL kit above, but with the added extra of a microSD card reader socket to enable the 3D printer to run without being connected to a computer. Useful for leaving a print on overnight.
Only 1 left

Round 2 - FULL kit + microSD

$550 USD
This kit will include all of the parts included in the FULL kit with the added extra of a microSD card reader socket to enable the 3D printer to run without being connected to a computer. Useful for leaving a print on overnight. This ROUND 2 Perk will be shipped after all ROUND 1 perks are shipped, and before the official product release to the public.
149 out of 500 of claimed
sold out

No Printed parts, with microSD

$465 USD
1 out of 1 of claimed

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