INCENTIVE REWARDS include: Personal voicemail “Thank You” messages by Irvine Welsh, Kristin Kreuk, Billy Boyd and the rest of the cast…. tickets to see the ENTIRE cast at the US & Canada premieres and many more rewards. Still listening? We need your help to bring Irvine Welsh’s Ecstasy nationwide and help us to give it a fighting chance against the big guys.
You love Irvine Welsh’s Ecstasy….you’ve heard the stories about the struggle for independent funding and Rob’s mission to keep the vision alive. It took eleven years to bring “Irvine Welsh’s Ecstasy” to life because Rob wanted to give the fans what they deserved. We don’t have a big studio budget behind us…we just have you. Support the Independent Spirit by helping us to open “Irvine Welsh’s Ecstasy” around the world! We need your help to make sure that this independent film has a strong presence in theaters. Let’s give “Irvine Welsh’s Ecstasy“ the legs it needs to stand alongside studio films that have bigger budgets and allow it to have a further reach. We have a limited launch in UK, but we want to bring it to other countries on a larger scale and that’s where you come in! Let’s let the voice of the fans win…and win big with limited edition rewards for your contribution. Spread the word, tell everyone and donate as much as you can to help “Irvine Welsh’s Ecstasy” have a big launch and show that the voice of the people can help films to succeed! In an age where films are starting to play it safe, let’s show the world that audiences everywhere demand more. Our goal is to place “Irvine Welsh’s Ecstasy” in the US, Canada, and beyond. How big our launch will be Is up to you and we need your help…
Why do we need your help?
Because our independent film deserves a strong presence! Distribution - placing a film into theaters - is the hardest phase for filmmakers. It costs money to place the film into each theater - and that’s before it generates any funds. When you look at the amount charged per day to keep a film in a theatre (and per screen), multiplied by the amount of theaters…it’s easy to see why we need your help or we won't be able to place it in as many theaters as we’d like. This is where independent films live or die! It's taken Rob over eleven years to bring Irvine Welsh’s Ecstasy to the screen…let’s give it a big reception! After a limited debut in the UK we'd love to take Irvine Welsh's Ecstasy worldwide.
Can we raise more than the requested amount?
We're asking for a minimum of $125,000, but please don’t stop there. More money means a wider theatrical release. Our goal is to raise as much as possible so that we can place Irvine Welsh’s Ecstasy into as many theaters as possible…and perhaps we can raise enough money to do some advertising so that others know it exists. We want to make sure it succeedsafter eleven years in the making. Distribution costs tons of money and is the reason most independent films die before they’re given a fighting chance. Let’s help things along…with the fans' help anything is possible.
Indiegogo Accepts Funds Worldwide!
Yes you too! Indiegogo accepts donors worldwide. For theatrical distribution, we want to start with the U.S and Canada and then - depending on how much we raise - expand the amount of theaters showing “Irvine Welsh’s Ecstasy.” That means we'll be able to increase the amount of people who can see it and expand the film's the reach!). With all the work done, and the love put into “Irvine Welsh’s Ecstasy” we want it to have a successful run.
Who Are We?
We love to support Independent movies with determination and uncompromising vision by artists who refuse to sell out. Why should artists with pure visions suffer because they lack funding? Distribution will make or break a film. That’s why We Are Enchanted (my outreach company), joined Rob Heydon’s efforts – we decided it’s time to give the fans a voice. You'll get amazing reward incentives for helping, we get to distribute our film - and everyone wins.
Special thanks and please support our.....
PARTNERS/SUPPORTERS/FANS (w/ more to come!):
![I dream of Wires I dream of Wires]()
I Dream Of Wires
Kristen Kruek has donated on her own and fb support!
Articles with bonus items affiliated with our campaign (hint hint read in order to enter "codes" to be considered for these items after our campaign ends)
Hint: Follow Us And Good Things Will Happen
Psst…check out and follow as well as the twitter (@EcstasyMovie) and Facebook account ( to see additional promos for your support! We're hoping the fans will be very vocal about their support (and reap the rewards of helping) while making this this one of the biggest Indiegogo campaigns ever! The fun surprises will hopefully make you want to dance – or even sing some of the music from the "Irvine Welsh's Ecstasy" soundtrack. (Cough! Mega Contest! You can win tickets to our Premiere including flight and lodging, feel glamourous and hob knob with the stars, plus eat with Irvine Welsh just by contributing. It is a contest running in conjunction with our Indiegogo campaign through our facebook and website page for supporters.)
Psst…check out and follow as well as the twitter and Facebook account to see additional promos for your support! Hoping the fans will make a big noise and make this one of the biggest indiegogos ever while also reaping the rewards of helping! The fun surprises will make you want to dance, or sing some of the music from "Irvine Welsh's Ecstasy" soundtrack.
Voice Mail Messages...huh?
You pick from Billy, Irvine, Rob, Kirsten, Adam, Alex, etc and we will have them record a witty message (introducing themselves of course) and also mentioning your name (so that your family, friends & colleagues will know they reached the right number)...the number reached, and asking them to leave a message after the tone. The logistics of this is why the perk is delivered by Jan 2013 as the stars/crew will have to record individually, as time permits (they have busy schedules) and will send to you via digital download (for easy recording to your phone, or just forwarding to your friends for bragging rights). If you have a custom message that you want them to say please feel free to include once you purchase...however....the cast/crew will have the option of recording a basic default message as above. Irvine Welsh is down for pretty much anything, however Kristen will laugh if she sees that you want her to say you're her pretend boyfriend and might actually oblige...but if you go any further than's to her discretion whether to default to basic message which will still include your name and information. Still feel free to send a zany message as we are thankful for your donation.
FlightWhere can I fly from with my ticket:
Flights from U.S, Canada, or Mexico, to Canada or U.S premiere? From anywhere else you must provide transportation…still we have so many goodies included that you cannot lose.
It’s not fair! I’m international. I lose the ticket price…what are you going to do to make up for it?
Priceline my friend. You can get a cheap ticket and prepare…but meanwhile we will make up for the ticket in the form of an extra day in your hotel for you to enjoy on us (explore the city or just relax).
Personal Assistant…how many days what does that include:
You are a personal assistant for only one day but can fly in for 2-3 days with transportation and lodging according to your schedule and attend any events preceding or after as well as just enjoy a fun vacation. Check out event schedule to find out. You can also be a personal assistant at a day preparing FOR the event (via a weekend with Rob or Irvine) and then we will pay for 2-3 days at that time. We will then give you tickets to the premiere of your choice…and you must provide transportation if you choose to do it this way (one event transportation and lodging per donation).
What’s a day in the life of a personal assistant like:
Duties include attending interviews with press possibilities, riding in style to the premiere, answering phone calls that might be press or celebrities in the film/ agents or managers, reminding Rob or Irvine of the schedule for the day as you will help to monitor & help things flow smoothly. It can be as involved or laid back as you want: you can even be around to supervise as the red carpet is rolled out if you choose Rob or perhaps read or talk about Irvine`s new work. You have a boss but let`s face it we are excited to have your support so we want you to learn what they do but also make this a special experience. In short you are inside the action and will even get special access not only will whisk past security, sit w Rob or Irvine in the same section as the cast and crew versus the VIP section near Rob &Irvine. You will also have access to all backstage areas & activity because you will have a special pass. At the premiere & after party you are no longer on "duty" so enjoy! There may be musician surprises at the after party as well
For the personal assistant can I eat with other crew or cast members?
According to their schedules we will try to accommodate you. You will choose to eat with either Rob or Irvine Welsh, however if schedule allows…we will do whatever we can to make certain that it is possible for you to also have surprise guests. You have to let us know one cast, etc. member that interests you after you purchase and we will try our best to arrange a meet & greet if possible. They will have tons of events and interviews themselves so the schedule may not allow it. However…with that said don’t forget you are Exclusive at the after party and to the premiere. You will sit, as a member of the crew, with crew & cast at premiere and in the same exclusive section with cast and crew at after party and other events depending on the premiere chosen…so there will be plenty of chances to see your favorite cast members. And if they are around…just say the word and Rob & Irvine will certainly introduce you (except in the middle of the film screening lol! Shh no talking).
$8,500…noticed that under the $5000+ listing. What does that entail and why isn’t it a separate listing?
Unfortunately Indiegogo only allows a specific number of listings but you can always donate more than the amount listed. At $8,500 we are offering an IMDB credit as Associate Producer (say what?!). Yes…you are helping us with distribution so why not? This is a professional credit and is what the industry uses. You will also get everything in the $5,000 listing plus have the ability to attend one more event (festival, party, Q&A, screenings, awards, etc.). You will provide transportation & lodging to this one but one is on us.
At this price point we will credit you on IMDB as associate producer but the film is locked & treated…so in order for us to change it in it's physical form is an expensive process. If you must insist that you want to see your name in lights then we can make that happen. You will have your name in lights on our film, as well as IMDB for this price point (which is industry standard), in addition to attending all festivities where crew & cast are invited as a member of the team. We realize that you are donating a lot here. Please feel free to come to any events, festivals, awards (where available), and other premieres in addition to having your day in the life moment with Rob or Irvine. You will still receive everything in the $5000 listing. For other events you provide transportation and lodging just like the cast & crew but make sure you keep receipts for your tax time because you are a bonafide industry insider/professional. You will also have emails updates of any events so that you can know ahead of time.
What Does The Glow in the Dark T-Shirt look like?
above check out how it glows in the dark!
Events so far:
Events will be added as announced.
Canada Premiere: June 14th. If you donate before this date you can attend this event
US Premiere: TBD August/Oct will be announced by June so you have ample time to prepare
NXNE on June 15. - Which is also a music and interactive festival…opportunity to attend this event if you attend the Canadian Premiere? Rob will speak during this event.