We will be traveling to Haiti on January 10th 2013 for a week with a group of 14 people from Journey Commnity Church. While we are there we will be doing the following.....
- Visit a local church that our group (Journey Community Church) helps support and be an encouragement to the people of the congregation.
- Visit the local medical clinic that Journey Church opened there and deliver supplies to help the clinic to continue its assistance to the local people.
- Visit tent city where we will provide minor medical aid and also talk and pray with the people there. These people were hit hardest by the earthquake and live amongst garbage in tents.
- Visit local orphanages where we will bring food and also just to love on these kids and put smiles on their faces!! :-)
Please help us to get there!! We have already raised $900 of the $2500 we need. Every little bit helps!!
Thank you so much for your support!!
Kristen & Brandon