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Entangled Magazine audacious growth plans!

Entangled Magazine - a digital only fibre craft magazine with a global voice - has a plan for sustainable growth

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Entangled Magazine audacious growth plans!

Entangled Magazine audacious growth plans!

Entangled Magazine audacious growth plans!

Entangled Magazine audacious growth plans!

Entangled Magazine audacious growth plans!

Entangled Magazine - a digital only fibre craft magazine with a global voice - has a plan for sustainable growth

Entangled Magazine - a digital only fibre craft magazine with a global voice - has a plan for sustainable growth

Entangled Magazine - a digital only fibre craft magazine with a global voice - has a plan for sustainable growth

Entangled Magazine - a digital only fibre craft magazine with a global voice - has a plan for sustainable growth

Genny Stevens
Genny Stevens
Genny Stevens
Genny Stevens
1 Campaign |
Gisborne, New Zealand
$5,660 USD 123 backers
22% of $25,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Entangled is a beautiful magazine full of lush imagery and thoughtful articles on anything to do with the fibrecraft world. 

luscious yarn

Would you like a free preview issue? Download here. See that's the kind of people we are at entangled! We'll give you something free before you've even got to the gorgeous rewards!


Our mission is to bring you inspiring stories from around the world about all fibrecraft. 


Still want a little more? Find out out to spin scraps here

sydney opera house

When we say all around the world, we mean it. From Germany to London, Paris to Sydney, Wisconsin to New Zealand, and more.

(Find out what to do when in Sydney here)


We look for inspiration and inspirational people, don't you think there's something amazing about fibrecrafters? We do. Be inspired by Margo Selby's story here.

angora fibre

It's not all pretty pictures and inspirational stories either! entangled also brings interesting and intelligent articles for the serious crafter.


We also champion those who are passionate about supplying crafters with the luscious yarns, fibres, tools and books.

We do this because we love it, and we want to do more.


Here's how you can be a part of this.

Entangled magazine is an amazing resource for fibrecrafters around the world. Produced digitally and published bi-monthly entangled tells in-depth stories with a global perspective. If you love spinning, knitting, weaving, crochet, knitting, embroidery, textiles and the people involved, you'll love entangled. 

entangled was created as a way of inspiring fibre crafters around the world with stories from around the world. We've achieved this, and now we need to grow and thrive. There is a marketing plan in place which can only be achieved with an initial injection of funds - $25,000 of funds.

What will this $25000 of funds do for entangled?

Well, we've identified the need to attend the major fibrecraft events as the most effective grass-roots way of promoting a fibrecraft product - with entangled being in New Zealand and the big shows being in USA and UK - the cost off attending these is slightly higher for us!

The $25000 of funds will support our attendance in creating marketing material and support as well as attending four major shows this year for promotional purposes. If the funding raised is short of the $25000 we will still attend the shows we can and if the funding is greater then our presence at shows will be greater. We'll be able to have loads of giveaways and lots more fun for our readers if we get more loot!

Entangled has a long term plan and vision for enhancing and valuing the opportunities for   many people in the fibrecraft community - contributors, designers, artists, crafters, businesses and most importantly - you, the readers! Please help us make that vision a reality.

Please spread the word about this campaign as much as you can and you'll find Indiegogo has created great tools to help you do this.

Check out the perks!

Entangled magazine single issues or subscriptions

More info here

entangled cover


Craftypod podcasts or ebooks by Diane Gilleland 


Sister Diane crafty ebooks crafty podcasts

More info here;

 JustJussi designs - warning! cute ahead!

roaring meg     Roaring Meg Pattern

Henry pattern    Henry Pattern

baby basics    Baby Basics Collection

garter stitch collection    Garter Stitch Collection


For more information


Tiki Mittens


For more information




Sample of one kind of kit that you could receive! They're all gorgeous!


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Choose your Perk

Look, Listen and Learn!

$10 USD
Receive the best digital craft information there is! A single issue of entangled magazine and a single download of your choice of podcast episode from the amazing Sister Diane!
Estimated Shipping
May 2012
2 claimed

Read and Knit

$15 USD
A copy of the most recent issue of entangled magazine and one of the cutest kids patterns ever by justjussi designs! Choose from Henry or Roaring Meg
Estimated Shipping
May 2012
3 claimed

A year of pleasure!

$25 USD
A years subscription to entangled magazine! Plus a bonus knitting pattern with a New Zealand theme. Tiki Mittens
54 claimed

No perk needed!

$30 USD
This is for those of you who don't need any perks but still want to support entangled's goals!
14 claimed

Read and make a crochet bag

$35 USD
The latest issue of entangled magazine AND a kit to crochet a gorgeous bag!
Estimated Shipping
May 2012
3 out of 10 of claimed

Read and Knit a scarf

$35 USD
The latest issue of entangled magazine AND a kit to knit a gorgeous scarf!
Estimated Shipping
May 2012
11 out of 45 of claimed

Read more and knit more!

$45 USD
A whole year of inspiration from entangled magazine and a choice of pattern collection from JustJussi designs. Choose from Baby Basics or Garter Stitch Collection
Estimated Shipping
May 2012
11 claimed

Take over the world pack!

$60 USD
A whole year of inspiration from entangled magazine and your choice of a DIY Media ebook from Sister Diane over at craftypod Choose from; Write, Publish & Sell Your Crafty e-book, Making a Great Blog: A Guide for Creative People + Worksheet Pack, Social Media for Your Crafty Business or Creating a Blog Audience: An Unconventional Marketing Guide + Worksheet Pack. Buy, Read and Take Over!
Estimated Shipping
May 2012
5 claimed

All the things!

$100 USD
An annual subscription to entangled magazine A choice between JustJussi Baby Basics or JustJussi Garter Stich collection. A choice of DIY Media e-book from Sister Diane at Tiki Mitten Pattern
Estimated Shipping
May 2012
7 claimed

Get noticed worldwide!

$250 USD
A full page ad in the next issue of entangled magazine! Usual cost is $500! Multiple buys of this reward can be used over future issues. Next available issue out July 20th
Estimated Shipping
July 2012
3 claimed

Get noticed worldwide!

$500 USD
A double page ad in the next issue of entangled magazine! Usual cost is $1000! Multiple buys of this reward can be used over future issues. Next available issue out July 20th
Estimated Shipping
July 2012
0 claimed

Sponsor an issue

$5,000 USD
Get full naming rights of an Issue of entangled magazine! You will receive a DPS spread on inside covers - both front and back covers! Tag line to show "sponsored by" on all newsstands where possible!
Estimated Shipping
July 2012
0 out of 4 of claimed

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