This campaign is closed

Project For Awesome

Every year, on December 17th, the YouTube community gives its time, talent, and money to non-profit organizations. We call it the Project for Awesome.

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Project For Awesome

Project For Awesome

Project For Awesome

Project For Awesome

Project For Awesome

Every year, on December 17th, the YouTube community gives its time, talent, and money to non-profit organizations. We call it the Project for Awesome.

Every year, on December 17th, the YouTube community gives its time, talent, and money to non-profit organizations. We call it the Project for Awesome.

Every year, on December 17th, the YouTube community gives its time, talent, and money to non-profit organizations. We call it the Project for Awesome.

Every year, on December 17th, the YouTube community gives its time, talent, and money to non-profit organizations. We call it the Project for Awesome.

Project for Awesome
Project for Awesome
Project for Awesome
Project for Awesome
6 Campaigns |
Missoula, United States
$397,120 USD 15,310 backers
397% of $100,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 6 Projects Mountain Filled 6 Projects

Increasing Awesome - Decreasing Suck

The Project for Awesome started back in 2007 when a bunch of video creators decided it would be good, for one day of the year, to take over YouTube in the interest of good. Here's how we do it:

  • Video creators all over the world create videos promoting their favorite charities.
  • People donate items for Indiegogo campaign levels.
  • People donate money.
  • The charities featured in the five videos that the community collectively decides are the best of the year receive the proceeds of the Indiegogo campaign.

Our goal, of course, is to raise as much money as possible.

To do that, we've got some pretty cool stuff this year...including


Questions? Answers!

The Project for Awesome has no traditional overhead. All of the time spent on the project is donated, guaranteeing that the maximum amount possible goes to charity. Some of the costs of the items as well as shipping (and of course the Indiegogo fee) are taken out of these items. This is, on average, less than 10% of the donation level.

Items will be shipped out starting January 1st and all items should be received by the end of January (even if you live in Australia.)

Other questions are answered on our official FAQ page.

So I'm done giving money...what now?

There's a 48 hour livestream happening at You can go there to find out what's happening at this very moment. You can also vote on which videos / charities you would like to see take in the proceeds of the Project for Awesome at That's decide!

And, of course, promote the P4A! Post this page on facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc. Share your favorite videos and encourage your friends and family to participate. 

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Hank's Face

$5 USD
"Look at Hank's Face" by Ethan Newberry and Hank Green. Composed and Recorded during the Project for Awesome and available in no other way. And yes, it's very expensive for an MP3, but VERY CHEAP for a P4A Perk.
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
871 claimed

Awesome List of Awesome

$10 USD
You’ll be listed in the Awesome List of Awesome on Tumblr (as will all other supporters). You’ll also receive a pdf file containing unpublished stories by New York Times bestselling authors John Green (whose story is about a children’s hospital) and Maureen Johnson (whose story is an insane reimagining of early American history).
Estimated Shipping
December 2012
2087 claimed

Black/Clare + Kiss/Kill

$15 USD
Own a beautifully designed pdf of a short piece merging the words of New York Times bestselling authors Cassandra Clare and Holly Black.
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
781 claimed

John Green eBook

$20 USD
You’ll receive a pdf e-book containing two unpublished stories by #1 New York Times bestselling author John Green. These semi-autobiographical stories set in a children's hospital have never been seen before, and were the earliest explorations of what eventually became The Fault in Our Stars. Also included in the e-book is the first 6,000 words of John’s (currently) abandoned novel, The Sequel, along with a special afterword discussing the relationship between these stories and TFiOS.
Estimated Shipping
December 2012
4958 claimed

The Men of YouTube Calendar

$30 USD
The 2013 Men of YouTube Charity Calendar, featuring eighteen of the sexiest (not really) men on YouTube including Charlie McDonnell, Mitchell Davis, Toby Turner, John and Hank Green, Charles Trippy, Tyler Oakley, Philip DeFranco and MORE! Available only for P4A fundraising!
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
2911 claimed

Annoying Orange Level

$35 USD
You get an Annoying Orange poster signed by the creator (and voice) of the Annoying Orange, Dane Boedigheimer.
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
21 out of 50 of claimed

P4A Shirt Donation Level

$48 USD
Get the OFFICIAL Project for Awesome Shirt (as seen on your left) + die-cast metal participation pin.
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
435 claimed

Wil W Bottlecap Necklace

$50 USD
Limited Edition Wil Wheaton bottlecap necklace featuring Sparks McGee! Never to be found anywhere but here, and available only through the Project for Awesome. Handmade by Crash Course associate producer, Danica Johnson.
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
110 out of 150 of claimed

Priceless Studio-Used Scripts

$100 USD
Donors at the Totally Priceless Studio-Used Scripts Level will receive an actual, complete, studio-used script from the production of Crash Course or SciShow, complete with notes, technical direction, and various creative scribblings. For good measure, they will be signed by either Hank or John.
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
Only 1 left

TFiOS Van Wrap Level

$250 USD
Remember the TFiOS Van? The van that John and Hank and the Katherine toured the country in for the TFiOS tour? Now you can own a piece of that shrink-wrapped amazingness when you become a donor at the TFiOS Van Wrap Level. You will receive one preserved piece of the decorative wrap that made the van so special.
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
4 out of 5 of claimed
sold out

More Notes by Kristina and Joe

$40 USD
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
20 out of 20 of claimed
sold out

Nerdfighter Necklaces

$45 USD
Estimated Shipping
February 2013
Only -3 left
sold out

More Evening of Awesome

$500 USD
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
1 out of 1 of claimed
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