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Pinoccio - A Complete Ecosystem for Building the Internet of Things

A wireless microcontroller with WiFi, Mesh Networking, and rechargeable battery. A real-time, streaming REST API. Web-connected right out of the box.

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Pinoccio - A Complete Ecosystem for Building the Internet of Things

Pinoccio - A Complete Ecosystem for Building the Internet of Things

Pinoccio - A Complete Ecosystem for Building the Internet of Things

Pinoccio - A Complete Ecosystem for Building the Internet of Things

Pinoccio - A Complete Ecosystem for Building the Internet of Things

A wireless microcontroller with WiFi, Mesh Networking, and rechargeable battery. A real-time, streaming REST API. Web-connected right out of the box.

A wireless microcontroller with WiFi, Mesh Networking, and rechargeable battery. A real-time, streaming REST API. Web-connected right out of the box.

A wireless microcontroller with WiFi, Mesh Networking, and rechargeable battery. A real-time, streaming REST API. Web-connected right out of the box.

A wireless microcontroller with WiFi, Mesh Networking, and rechargeable battery. A real-time, streaming REST API. Web-connected right out of the box.

Sally Carson
Sally Carson
Sally Carson
Sally Carson
1 Campaign |
Ann Arbor, United States
$105,232 USD 689 backers
175% of $60,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

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Order Pinoccio Scouts here.

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We did it! With your help, we reached our funding goal, and beyond.


If we reach $85,000
WE REACHED $85,000!

Great job everyone! We reached the goal! Every funder at the $49 level and higher received 1 free Proto Shield in their perk shipment. Go build cool stuff!

If we reach $95,000
WE REACHED $95,000!

Awesome! We're upgrading all Pinoccio boards to the ATmega256RFR2 microcontroller. It’s lower-power when receiving on the mesh network (it uses way less battery), and it has double the flash memory — 256k instead of the original 128k listed on our specs. Double up!

About Pinoccio

Every Pinoccio is wireless - Every Pinoccio Scout has a rechargeable battery and a built-in radio for mesh networking. Scouts talk to each other wirelessly and have a range similar to your home's wireless router.

WiFi made easy - Easily connect projects to the Web over WiFi. Your Scout will be talking to the Web within minutes of unboxing. You only need one Lead Scout — the Scout with a WiFi backpack — to connect dozens of Scouts to the Web. The WiFi shield also has a micro SD card slot for logging data.

Arduino-compatible  - Yep! You can use the Arduino IDE to program Pinoccio Scouts. The code for many existing Arduino projects will work with Pinoccio.

Mesh networking - Connect multiple Pinoccio boards to the Web wirelessly, all via one Pinoccio Lead Scout. If you have a Scout that's out of WiFi range, the others will route its data up to the Web.

Rechargeable battery included - Every board has a LiPo battery that charges via micro USB. A single charge lasts days to weeks — even months on a single charge (depends on how you're using the boards).

An API - A free, real-time, streaming REST API. Use our API, or roll your own, it's up to you. Our API lets you stream data out of each and every Scout. That means you'll be notified instantly when something changes (pin values, LED, temperature, etc). You can also stream your own reports through the API, and effortlessly query historical data.

Pinoccio HQ - Push code updates over-the-air using our light-weight scripting language called ScoutScript. No more waiting to compile and upload. Just type and watch your Scout's LED turn red immediately, all wireless. Send commands from anywhere in the world.

Open source  - Pinoccio is open-source hardware, which means that you can download the schematics, the board layout, and the bootloaders and do with it what you like. We host all of our files on the Github page.

A community - The Pinoccio Community is a place where you can share ideas, projects, code, help each other out, and collaborate on projects.  Want to join the discussion?  The community forums are open!

Like an Arduino Mega — with wings!

Pinoccio vs Arduino - Spec comparison table 

Tech Specs

Pinoccio has similar specs to the Arduino Mega.

  • Atmel ATmega128RFA1 microcontroller at 16MHz and 128k of flash
  • 550mAh LiPo rechargeable battery, rechargeable via the USB jack
  • 2.4GHz radio using the 802.15.4 wireless standard
  • 17 digital I/O pins, including four with PWM
  • 8 analog input pins
  • 2 hardware UART serial ports
  • Hardware SPI bus
  • Dedicated I2C bus
  • On-board temperature sensor
  • On-board RGB LED

Detailed tech specs

We Need $60,000 to Make Pinoccio Happen

Produce the first run of boards - We've been prototyping via small — and expensive — batches of boards. We're currently on our 9th revision, the hardware is dialed in, and we're ready for you to start building on Pinoccio. However, the only way to make Pinoccio affordable for everyone is to do a large production run of the boards. $50,000 is the minimum amount we need for assembly and manufacture of the first run of boards.

With our perks, you'll be the first wave of Makers, Artists, Musicians, Hackers, and Educators to build on the Pinoccio platform. We strongly recommend the Pinoccio Starter Kit at $149. With the Starter Kit, you'll get 2 Pinoccio Scouts — each with its own rechargeable LiPo battery, 1 WiFi backpack, and 1 micro USB cable for charging. You can start building any number of interesting wireless projects with the Pinoccio Starter Kit.


Shipping outside the U.S.
For International Shipping of rewards $49 and up, you'll need to add an extra $12. How do you add this money? When you select a contribution level, you'll be prompted to enter the total contribution amount just below. Add the $12 to the cost of the reward there.

What if I forgot to add the $12 for international shipping?
After the project is funded and we're ready to ship, we'll contact each contributor to confirm shipping details. If you didn't add shipping when you contributed, you can add it then.

About Us

Eric Jennings is a TechStars NYC alum with a ton of startup experience. He’s into hacking pretty much anything he can get his hands on: music, the environment, the brain, and the agora. His background is in writing software, but he has a soft spot for open-source hardware. Regardless of the tools, his passion lies in breaking open old, stagnant industries.

Sally Carson is a User Experience Designer with over a decade of Tech Industry experience. She’s worked with companies including Yahoo, the George Lucas Educational Foundation, Crutchfield, and She’s also cartoonist, a retired NYC bicycle messenger, one time she rode her bike from Canada to Miami to raise money for Hospice. That was hard. She was listening to R. Kelly's "I'm a Flirt" when she wrote this.

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WIRED Magazine logo

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Choose your Perk

Hall of Fame

$10 USD
You'll get our eternal gratitude and a prominent shout-out on the Pinoccio web site. Be a part of making Pinoccio happen! We'll never forget you!
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
30 claimed

Merit Badge of Honor

$25 USD
You will literally get a badge of honor — a small 2" circular patch for your denim vest or fanny pack. The merit badge-style patch shall proclaim you a "Pinoccio Scout" and will feature our cute little Pinoccio character. Total conversation starter!
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
11 claimed

1 Pinoccio Board (no WiFi)

$49 USD
Includes: 1 Pinoccio board, 1 rechargeable LiPo battery. No WiFi shield. Features a built-in wireless radio, and an easy way to power a small DIY hardware project. You can always add a WiFi shield later on, should you need to. Please add $12 for shipping outside the United States (see the FAQ for details)
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
40 claimed

1 Pinoccio Board + WiFi

$99 USD
Includes: 1 Pinoccio board, 1 rechargeable LiPo battery, 1 WiFi shield for connecting to the Web wirelessly. If you need an easy way to connect your project to the Web and run it wirelessly, this is a great choice. Please add $12 for shipping outside the United States (see the FAQ for details)
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
86 claimed

Starter Kit: 2 Boards + WiFi

$149 USD
RECOMMENDED PERK Includes: 2 Pinoccio boards, 2 rechargeable LiPo batteries, 1 WiFi shield (can bridge both boards to the Web). 1 micro USB cable for charging. This is where you really start to unlock the potential of the Pinoccio platform. Add more boards later to extend your project. Please add $12 for shipping outside the United States (see the FAQ for details)
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
425 claimed

5 Pinoccio boards + WiFi

$299 USD
Great for mesh networking projects. Includes: 5 Pinoccio boards, 5 rechargeable LiPo batteries, 1 WiFi shield (can bridge all 5 boards to the Web). Please add $12 for shipping outside the United States (see the FAQ for details)
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
73 claimed

10 Pinoccio boards + WiFi

$499 USD
Great for home automation projects. Includes: 10 Pinoccio boards, 10 rechargeable LiPo batteries, 1 WiFi shield (can bridge all 10 boards to the Web). Please add $12 for shipping outside the United States (see the FAQ for details)
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
10 claimed

20 Pinoccio boards + WiFi

$999 USD
Great for the classroom and for workshops. Includes: 20 Pinoccio boards, 20 rechargeable LiPo batteries, 1 WiFi shield (can bridge all 20 boards to the Web). Please add $12 for shipping outside the United States (see the FAQ for details)
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 claimed

The Daddy Warbucks Special

$4,999 USD
You've got some extra dough, and you want to see Pinoccio win. Throw a chunk our way and you'll get: 1 Pinoccio Starter Kit and 2 hours of Google Hangout time with the Pinoccio team. Talk to us about what it's been like building an Open Source Hardware Company, about the project you'd like to build with your Starter Kit — whatever's on your mind! Please add $12 for shipping outside the United States (see the FAQ for details)
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
0 claimed

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