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Moon Rover tweets from Hawaii

We will safely "land" a robot on Hawaii, travel at least 500 meters over the surface, send video, images and data back to our HQ in Budapest - and Your Tweet!

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Moon Rover tweets from Hawaii

Moon Rover tweets from Hawaii

Moon Rover tweets from Hawaii

Moon Rover tweets from Hawaii

Moon Rover tweets from Hawaii

We will safely "land" a robot on Hawaii, travel at least 500 meters over the surface, send video, images and data back to our HQ in Budapest - and Your Tweet!

We will safely "land" a robot on Hawaii, travel at least 500 meters over the surface, send video, images and data back to our HQ in Budapest - and Your Tweet!

We will safely "land" a robot on Hawaii, travel at least 500 meters over the surface, send video, images and data back to our HQ in Budapest - and Your Tweet!

We will safely "land" a robot on Hawaii, travel at least 500 meters over the surface, send video, images and data back to our HQ in Budapest - and Your Tweet!

Tibor Pacher
Tibor Pacher
Tibor Pacher
Tibor Pacher
5 Campaigns |
Budapest, Hungary
$1,779 USD 63 backers
17% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 5 Projects Mountain Filled 5 Projects

Thanks for your support!

Although we did not reach our goal, we are ready to go to the slopes of Manua Kea. And be assured, with your support, we will have a wonderful time there and our Moon rover prototype will perform well!

We are proud of Your encouragement and support, which we still need. Join us in our follow-up campaign at

Go Puli Go!


... about our 3D models on - :


"... it is igniting a new era of lunar exploration by offering the largest international incentive prize of all time. A total of $30 million in prizes are available to the first privately funded teams to safely land a robot on the surface of the Moon, have that robot travel 500 meters over the lunar surface, and send video, images and data back to the Earth. Teams must be at least 90% privately funded, though commercially reasonable sales to government customers are allowed without limit."

Yes, that's the

and we are

Team Puli

We are competing in the Google Lunar XPRIZE and we will send our rover to the Moon in 2015.


Until the launch of the Puli rover in 2015, though, we have a lot of exciting work to do. After our successful field tests in the Moroccan desert in February, 2013, the next step is to simulate a complete Lunar Surface Mission.

The I2.0 Puli rover in the Moroccan desert

 The I2.0 Puli rover in the Moroccan desert

And that's exactly the reason why we go to Hawaii. At PISCES (Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems) we find ideal conditions to conduct such a test run.

Just like NASA did it several times, like for the RESOLVE project.

NASA's Resolve in Hawai'i

NASA's RESOLVE - Regolith and Environment Science and Oxygen and Lunar Volatile Extraction - mission simulation


What do we plan now? After landing on the Moon (Mauna Kea for now), the rover will send near real-time and HD videos, photos, a 360° panoramic view of its surroundings: the landing site - an Arrival Maunacast, mimicking the Arrival Mooncast of the Google Lunar XPRIZE. Then we journey at least 500 meters, before taking another set of videos and imagery of the surroundings - a Mission Complete Mooncast.

Completing the same moves and processes we plan to do on the Moon over the hills of Mauna Kea will be a big step in verifying the rover and mission control design.


Team Puli is an official Google Lunar X PRIZE Team, one of the current 22 teams from all around the world. We are planning our mission as well as raising funds to build and send robots to the Moon in a new kind of race.

We are a dedicated team of young professionals and space enthusiasts, named after the Puli, a dog-breed long used by shepherds for the protection and guidance of livestock in Hungary. Pulis are revered for their extraordinary intelligence, obedience and playful temperament. The Puli’s unique appearance and capabilities easily distinguish them from other dogs, just as Team Puli aims to be different from any other GLXP Team.

Founded and led by Dr Tibor Pacher, Team Puli currently has round 30 active members, mostly young professionals from every segment of the economic and scientific life. We have already put over 30,000 volunteer working hours into the project.


Team Puli is reaching to the Moon, in a consistent, step-by-step manner. Currently, we are working on our 3rd step, the so-called Iteration 3 phase. In this phase, we are building space grade prototype systems until the spring of 2014. The following phase, Iteration 4, will deliver our flight ready systems, and in Iteration 5 we will reach the Moon, some time in 2015.

The Hawai'i Test is an important building block of Iteration 3: it shall greatly enhance and deepen confidence in Puli's rover design and the team's Mission Control performance.


10,000 USD will cover the expenses for our two-person crew's trip to Hawaii and the logistics costs for the rover. If there is any money left, it will go into the development.

Supporting this mission is in no way a waste of your money: in return you will get great perks, and more importantly, your support will make a valuable contribution to space exploration!

By supporting us, you support a mission that is part of an industry just getting born.

The more people do so, the sooner we will be able to find other comfortable places in the Universe. Space exploration shall be everyone's right.

Bring it closer, make it happen!


Do you think you have not enough information to support our mission?

Then follow us on Google+, on Facebook  or Twitter to be up-to-date and find out more.

We would also be happy, if you shared this link.

Thank you!

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Choose your Perk

Small Step Club

$5 USD
For as little as 5 bucks, we'll take your name to the Moon. Simple as that. You also get a Puli' Supporter Certificate as well as a numbered photo from Hawaii, taken by our rover, sure.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
23 claimed

Send a tweet from Hawaii

$20 USD
For all Twitter fans: Surprise Your followers with a uniqe retweet! Our rover will tweet Your message from Hawaii during its tour like "@Bob says: your text" on our Twitter channel: Plus all that what the Small Step Club perk offers.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
4 out of 100 of claimed

Puli fan T-Shirt

$50 USD
We send You a great T-Shirt - design is top secret for now! - additionally to Your Small Step Club membership and numbered photo from Hawai'i.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
14 out of 50 of claimed

3D laser etched rover inside

$75 USD
You already know: Your Small Step Club membership and a numbered photo is yours for this perk. And, of course, there is something very special in addition to this here: the 3D image of the Puli I2 Moon Rover Prototype, laser etched in a 4 cm x 4 cm x 6 cm glass piece. Truly amazing!
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
2 out of 50 of claimed

Your 3D printed Puli I2 rover

$125 USD
A perfect eye-catcher for Your desk: a mini Puli rover as 3D print. Round 12 cm long, it looks like the original one with Hawaii experience! And, of course, also You will become a Small Step Club member, and get a unique Hawai'i image, shot by our rover.
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
4 out of 50 of claimed

Mauna Kea hiking boot

$500 USD
Manufactured in Hungary, a nubuk leather hiking boot, with waterproof and breathable lining and Vibram sole. Our Field Crew will bear this boot as well. From Mauna Outdoor Footwear, Hungary. We don't forget the Small Step Club membership and Your numbered Hawai'i photo, shot by our rover!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

Bronze Sponsor

$1,500 USD
As our brand new Bronze Sponsor, You will be portrayed on our Google Lunar XPRIZE blog, Google+ and Facebook pages. Not to forget our tweets about You. All this comes, of course, additionally to the usual Bronze Sponsor benefits: e.g. we shall bring your logo to the Moon on a microchip and list your logo on our website. Welcome!
0 out of 2 of claimed

Main Sponsor "Puli on Hawai'i"

$15,000 USD
This is the unique chance to become the Main Sponsor for our Hawai'i Mission, with special rollups and Your Sponsor Logo on the Puli rover before, during and after the Mission, in every PR and EPO presence. The same time, You enjoy the benefits of our Silver Sponsor Package, Contact Tibor if You are interested,
0 out of 1 of claimed

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