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A story with millions of your own adventure in it

With $ 1 or more you can create a new entertainment industry and change the way you read a story.

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A story with millions of your own adventure in it

A story with millions of your own adventure in it

A story with millions of your own adventure in it

A story with millions of your own adventure in it

A story with millions of your own adventure in it

With $ 1 or more you can create a new entertainment industry and change the way you read a story.

With $ 1 or more you can create a new entertainment industry and change the way you read a story.

With $ 1 or more you can create a new entertainment industry and change the way you read a story.

With $ 1 or more you can create a new entertainment industry and change the way you read a story.

Richard Nata
Richard Nata
Richard Nata
Richard Nata
2 Campaigns |
Tangerang, Indonesia
$0 USD 0 backers
0% of $88,888 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects
This campaign was active on August 8, 2015 (time in Jakarta).

Short Summary

Hi there.

Do you ever read a very boring fiction?
Do you ever feel that you can easily guess the storyline?
Do you ever feel that the main character had made a mistake when making decisions?
Do you ever feel that you can make a better ending?
Do you ever feel that you can make a fictional story better than the story you are reading?
If one or all of the above answer is yes, then you can join us.

Together we can create "A story with millions of your own adventure in it". 

Today I am looking for readers, writers, ghost writers, authors, editors, reporters, journalists, bloggers, influencers, entrepreneurs, sponsors, funders like you who want to help me by giving $ 1 or more and spreading this campaign and the story to the world. 

With $ 1 or more you can create a new entertainment industry and change the way you read a story. 

And every dollar you give to support this campaign I will return with perks worth tens, hundreds or even thousands of times.

This is a new entertainment industry you must know. 

Try to imagine this. When you're reading a story on the website, you are given two choices. You can choose the next story based on your own choice. After selecting then you can continue reading the story. Shortly afterwards you will be presented back to the two other options. The next choice is up to you. So onwards.

If you feel curious then you can re-read the story by changing your selection. Then you will see a different story with the story that you have read previously. The question now is why is this so? Because the storyline will be varying according to your choice. 

You might say like this. Sounds like gamebooks, books I read when I was young. Gamebooks are sometimes informally called CYOA or Choose Your Own Adventure booksa series of children's books published by Bantam Books
Correctly. The idea is taken from there. My story is the development of gamebooks. But I wrote a story much more interesting than the gamebooks because due to the limited number of pages. When a child first you may already feel interesting. But if you re-read the book now then becomes no fun anymore because you don't get anything with the amount of 80-200 pages. 
Choose Your Own Adventure books or CYOA is evolving now. CYOA evolved into MYOA or Millions of Your Own AdventureDon’t leave your friends behind. So invite your friends to join us.
I, as the author is planning to make tens of thousands of articles with millions of your own adventure in it. With tens of thousands of articles then you like to see a show of your favorite series on TV for several years. 
The difference is while watching your favorite TV series, then you can not change the story. Meanwhile, if you read my story then you can alter the way the story according to your own choice.
A story that I make will surprise the world as made up of tens of thousands of articles with millions of your own adventure in it.

With millions of your own adventure in it then you can be whatever you want according to the choice you make. Because you are the main character in the story you are reading. So life and death, blessing and cursing, from the main character in the hands of you

You can be an entrepreneur. You can also become criminals. You can be a politician. You can be a pastor. You can also become a ghostbuster. So you become a success or a loser, it all depends on the choices you make.

Are you going to feel fun or cry, all depending on your choice. 


A good story can make us fun or cry, or make us discuss and argue with one another, because we can relate. A good story can help us see things in a new way. A good story can entertain us, enlighten us, and it can change us.

Try to imagine this. 

1. When you are hit by a big man then which one you choose:

Time for you to give a choice.

a. I'm good at kung fu.

b. I'm only human.

You as the main character, then what you choose? Number 1 or 2? I think you will choose the number 1. 

I as readers also chose the number 1.

But as the author of the story then I will give you the option to number 2.
Is this not a surprise that makes this story even more attractive to the readers? Ha...7x

You can read my story, after that you can judge for yourself. 

Do you think I give an interesting story?

I think yes. Because I give a surprise to the readers.

As a kung fu master, I had to be hospitalized. Meanwhile, as an ordinary person, I suffered only minor injuries, but I get the attention of a pretty chinese girl. Ha ... 7x

This is just the beginning.

If you want to continue reading the story that I made then you will get a lot of surprises in it. Readers like surprises.

2. When a girl who was possessed up to you while angry then which one you choose :

a. Running away from her as practiced by your friends.

b. Your face it alone

3. When you are still junior high school your head slammed onto the table by an evil teacher. Then after becoming a man then which one you choose.

a. Revenge by beating him.

b. Trying to forget the incident.

Start reading a story with millions of your own adventure in it here. 

Based on the story above, then you are faced with two choices. Are you interested in reading my story is? Or you are not interested at all. The choice is up to you.

If you are interested then forward this campaign to your peeps, friends, family, neighbors and relatives. You can spread this story on your website, blog, facebook, twitter, goggle +, reddit, stamble upon, digg, instagram, pinterest, line or other social media so this story could be a viral campaign in the world. YOU CAN ALSO MAKE VIDEO, PUBLISH ON YOUTUBE OR Vimeo.
You can also help by providing funds amounting to $ 1 or more. Or you help by doing both of the above. By doing these so a new entertainment industry has been created.
If you are a  reporter, journalist, writer, ghost writer, author or blogger then you can help to make an article about this. If you are an editor, you can request made articles that discuss the issue of this campaign to your writers. If you are an influencer then you can disseminate about this to your followers. Because of what? Because you are one among those who talked about this issue before this new entertainment industry launched at the end of 2015 or early 2016. If you are a businessman or entrepreneur then you can donate funds so that this great project can be quickly realized. You can also become our sponsors (funders) and then we will put up your banner, logo or video on our website. By doing this you will make millions and even tens of millions of people around the world can enjoy a new entertainment.

Its creators named Richard Nata and you as readers, reporters, journalists, writers, ghost writers, bloggers, editors, translators, influencers, supporters/backers or sponsors/funders.

Therefore, I invite people like you from all over the world to participate in creating a new entertainment industry.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Richard Nata. I am an author, novelist, blogger and ghost writer. My articles, including short stories have been published in magazines and newspapers since 1994. I have written a lot of books, both fiction and non-fiction. So I was a professional in the field of writing, both fiction and non-fiction.

I was born in Jakarta, August 17, 1968. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia.

In 1988, at the age of 20 years, I started working as an accounting staff. Age 24 years has occupied the position of Finance Manager. Age 26 years as a General Manager.

In 1994, my articles published in magazines and tabloids.

In 1997, I wrote a book entitled "Buku Pintar Mencari Kerja". This book is reprinted as much as 8 times. Through the book, the authors successfully helped tens of thousands of people get jobs at once successful in their careers. They were also successful when moving to work in other places.

In 1998, I started investing in shares on Bursa Efek Indonesia (Indonesia stock exchange). As a result of investing in the stock market then I can provide consulting services for companies that want to go public in Indonesia stock exchange.

Read more :


In 2015, I revise the"Buku Pintar Mencari Kerja" became BUKU PINTAR DAPAT KERJA GAJI TINGGI PINDAH KERJA GAJI SEMAKIN TINGGIThis ebook available on google play.

What We Need & What You Get

What We Need

To be honest. I have no money. So I start marketing my idea with

And I want to realize my idea with this campaign.

This is my plan.

I need fund of $ 88,888 to create a new entertainment industry and spread the story to the world. So you can participate in creating a new entertainment industry just by giving money amounting to $ 1 or more. 

The question now is why should $ 88,888?

I am a chinese - Indonesia. As a chinese, I believe that the number 8 is a lucky number.

Figure 8 is a number of very unique shape. He formed from an unbroken line pull. Figure 8 is so aesthetic form a series of arches that are so graceful, they are formed of a dotted line, and even two time lines we write. Shape of the number 8 is also very, very consistent, it will still look the same viewed from any angle. Back and forth, left and right, up and down, its shape will remain the same, there is no beginning no end, continuously, the perfect number.

I hope the funds with the number 8 will make me get income unbroken, continuously and flowing without interruption.

If the funds are provided only $ 8,888 the results obtained will not be maximized.

Besides I will begin campaigning in Indiegogo on August 8, 2015.

Details figure 8 of this campaign.

1. The total funds to be achieved $ 88,888

2. Date 8

3. Month 8

4. Year 2015. 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 8

So the total number 8 in this campaign is as much as 8. 

Or written as 88,888,888. 

A very interesting numbers game. Isn't it? 

What's the money for :

1. Buy a domain and rent hosting. I will not buy a domain and rent hosting if I don't get funding at least $ 25,001. If this occurs then the next year as I get the money contributions from readers, then I bought a domain and rent hosting.

2. Hiring an editor or some editors (including you) so that my story would be more interesting.

3. Hiring a translator or some translators to make the multiplication of readers around the world.

4. Hiring as many writers (including you) who can help me develop the story, so it will be more interesting story when read by the readers.

5. Hiring IT programmer or some IT programmers to create and maintain a website as I wanted.

6. Build a website, including here a forum for communication between the readers and authors. 

7. Recruiting employees, including editor, writer, translator and IT programmer here.

8. Promotion about make a story with millions of your own adventure in it.

9. Write and publish as many articles (including your articles) every day.

10. Pay you as the author and editor of the articles (your perks).

11. Remaining funds used as working capital.

12. etc.

The proceeds from the campaign on indiegogo cultivated in order to finance the operations of website and pay the salaries of the employees (including you  as the author and editor of the articles) for 1 years. 

Starting next year I will ask for contributions from readers of $ 1 / month or $ 12 / year or $ 88 for lifetime contributions

If I don't get the funds in accordance with what I want ($ 88,888). Then I will continue to fight to realize my dream. My dream is to create a story or some stories (with your help) that surprised the world. And each story were made tens of thousands of articles with millions of your own adventure in it.

SO THROUGH THIS CAMPAIGN, MY SHORT-TERM GOAL is to accelerate the dissemination of my story to the whole world. WHILE MY LONG-TERM GOAL is to provide a good story or some nice stories to the whole world forever.


What You Get 

- Giving to others (me) can make you happier.

Our Philosophy: We want you to practice in making choices that will determine your future.

- IF YOU HELP ME THEN THIS IDEA will soon materialize. By doing it so a new entertainment industry has been created. AND YOU CAN READ THE MILLIONS OF YOUR OWN ADVENTURE IN A STORY OR SOME STORIES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

- Galatians {6:7} Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for

whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Matthew {13:8} But other fell into good ground, and brought forth

fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.

Mark {4:8} And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and

increased; and brought forth, some thirty, and some sixty

and some an hundred.

For $ 1 (your money) then I will replace with 5 years payment of contributions (worth $ 60).
- Every dollar you give to support this campaign I will return with perks worth tens, hundreds or even thousands of times.

- It would be very nice if you could participate in creating a new entertainment industry. You will feel proud and be able to tell your children and grandchildren about your participation to create a new entertainment industry. And you can provide proof to them because your name will be written in the website forever.

- Your pride will grow if you participated in writing the articles.  Because your name will be written as the author of the articles that you created.
If you are an reporter, journalist, writer, author, ghost writer or blogger then this is the best opportunity to promote yourself. In addition, you can train your writing skills and popularize the results of your writing. Writing with us will increase your value in the eyes of the readers and your fans.
- You will feel proud if your name is written in the articles as an editor. 
If you are an editor then this is the best opportunity to promote yourself. Your rate will also be increased when you edit text in other companies.

How it works.
1. You read and study my campaign.
2. You give a contribution of $ 1 or more to support this campaign.
3. You choose one of the perks available. You can choose a perk that we provide or choose another perk to your taste. But you can not choose a perk that is greater than the funds you have given.
4. We started building the website and create a story or some stories with millions of your own adventure in it.
5. We provide perks according to your choice.
6. If you choose the perks to participate in writing a story then you can start writing articles in accordance with the directives of us.
7. If you choose a perk to be editor then you should check out all the articles that are given to you.
8. We publish your articles and put your name as the author in the articles. We also include the name of the editor that checks your articles.
10. Everyone was happy, including here is I, you, indiegogo, we and the readers.
Terms and conditions: 
a. None of your personal or business information will show up in our website, nor will any of it show up in your articles (except for your author name and any information you send to us when you submit each article).
b. You acknowledge that we don't pay for your articles are published on our website, if I don't get funds amounting to $ 35,001. The primary reason for submitting your article to our website is for the chance to be picked up by us. Because our website receives many tens of millions of unique visitors monthly (our goals). But if I get a fund of $ 35,001 or more then I will pay you $ 1 per article up to $ 100 per article. Further information on the part of the challenge for you (the funders/backers/supporters/sponsors).
c. Our website is advertiser supported. We reserve the right to publish ads on the same pages as your articles.
d. We reserve the right to accept or reject your articles. You may resubmit the rejected article after you fix it. 
e. If your articles doesn't conform to the our website editorial guidelines, our editors may edit your articles, including here to change the title of your articles. Please read our editorial guidelines before submitting your articles to save time and speed the articles approval process.
f. Your articles must be original, unique and pass the job plagiarism (no copy paste).
g. If you can not write well then you can hire a ghost writer.  If perk given is greater than the fee to the ghost writer then the difference will be your income.
h. We refuse to publish gambling, pornography, erotica, sex abuse, sexual perversion, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, pedophilia, polygamy, magic,  magician, witch, mermaid, satanic, occultism, dragon, zombie, werewolf, dracula, aliens, elf, santa claus, illuminati, new world order or spread the teachings of religions other than Christianity, drugs, and drug paraphernalia. 
i. If you want to insert a Christian teachings then you can insert Bible passages in your articles. You must use the King James Bible. You should teach about the Trinity, God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in your articles. But you must not exaggerate the pope or the Virgin Mary in your articles.
j. By accepting this terms and conditions, you agree that you will own no rights to the work or parts of the work and you understand/agree that I would retain all copyrights to any of these articles (stories). I will retain ownership of the resulting content including royalties. The full ownership, royalties, and rights stay with me (the publisher).
- You will be very proud if your name is used as the name of one of the characters in the story. Because your name will be known throughout the world. Moreover, only provided 15 names (very exclusive) per story. 
- And you will be very very proud if your name is used as the main of the characters in the story (very very exclusive). Your name will be famous all over the world. You will feel like a superstar or famous artist in the world of entertainment. So don't wait until tomorrow. Immediately send your contribution now. Because tomorrow may be too late. Every minute you wait then maybe someone will pick it up. AND YOU WILL REGRET ALL THE REST OF YOUR LIFE FOR LOSS OF YOUR NAME TO BE TREND IN THE SUBJECT IN THE WORLD.


- You promised not to ask for a refund for the funds that you have given to me.

- You promised not to sue me, if we reject your articles. 

- You promised not to sue me, if we edit your articles.

- You promise not to sue me, if we change the title of your articles.

- If you are not good enough to write articles then you can hire a ghostwriter.

If there is a dispute between us regarding the articles that you created and not found how to solve it. Then I will refund your money after deducting all the costs of existing, including perk I have given and the problem was considered finished. If you get a total payout is greater than the funds you give then we will not refund your money again.

- You promise not to sue me, if I went bankrupt because of one thing and another, while you have not received all the perks that I promised.
- We reject advertising sponsors who offer drugs, gambling, sex, erotica, sex abuse, sexual perversion, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, pornography, drugs, alcohol, magic, magician, satanic, illuminati, new world order, terrorism and propagate a religion other than Christianity, including the Roman Catholic Church.

The Impact

Your participation amounting to $ 1 or more would greatly impact the world. Because a new entertainment industry has been created. You can have fun with the story that I created (with your help). 
With your funds then I can accelerate the spread of our story to the world. So there will be more people who can have fun with the story that I created (with your help). 
I can employ some people with your funds. If the readers is growing so we can employ much more people.
If many people or companies to follow in my footsteps, so it will be more and more work that can be offered.
If I can provide a compelling story and liked by the readers then read a story in a book or books to be abandoned. This is because when we read a story in a book or many books we have to follow the storyline created by author.  But if you read the story that I made (with your help) then you can choose the way the story according to your choice.

Risks & Challenges 

I, as the author is planning to make tens of thousands of articles with millions of your own adventure in it. Of course, this is not an easy job because it will spend a lot of time, drain the mind and create headaches. Ha...7x

Therefore it makes a story with millions of your own adventure in it obviously can not be done by all the authors. Only authors who like fantasy and strong imagination can do it. 

I bet if JK Rowling, Stephen King, GuyKawasaki, John ChowSeth Godin, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferriss or other top authors or bloggers not be able to make up a story like that I will make.

If they can, the result is not necessarily as good as the story that I will make.

Challenges like these that make me excited and eager to campaign on indiegogo. Getting funds amounting to $ 88.888 or more is not the end of the challenge faced by me but the beginning of a real challenge, namely the challenge to create an interesting story all the time.
The biggest risk for me as the author of this story is boredom, stress and out of ideas. To overcome this then I would hire some good writer (including you if you choose a perk to join writing articles) so that we can exchange opinions so that we will produce a more interesting story from time to time. If I get $ 35,001 or more of the campaign on indiegogo then I am not just hire a writer but I will employ a lot of writers (including you if you choose a perk to join writing articles). So we will be a team of creative writers. I wish we could be a dream team. Ha ... 7x

A Referral Contest

A referral contest is a program designed to increase campaign contributions by having the funders refer their friends and people within their network to my project. As the campaign owner, my job is to create incentives for them to do so while also tracking the results.

How To Participate In A Referral Contest

When you refer your friends and help spread the word about a campaign, many campaign owners want to reward you with special offers and perks. That’s why you often see referral contests announced on campaign pages throughout Indiegogo. We want to make sure that your efforts are recognized whenever you participate and here’s what you need to do to make your action count:

How can you be sure that your referrals count?

Simply log in to Indiegogo if you have not already, or create an account by signing up here. Then, visit the campaign page on Indiegogo and look below the main video to share and copy your unique URL.

How To Track Your Results

You must be logged into your Indiegogo account and use Indiegogo’s share tools for our analytics to track your referral.

How to check your referrals through your Indiegogo profile.

  1. Log into your Indiegogo account.
  2. Click on your user name beside the search box at the top right of the page.
  3. Select the “My Profile” option.
  4. Click on the tab that says “Referrals” for the latest totals of referrals and contributions.
  5. Count the number of funders.

Referral Contest is only valid for those who provide funds amounting to one dollar or more.

How it works.
1. You participate provided funds amounting to one dollar or more.
2. You must use the Indiegogo share tools. 
3. You refer your peeps, friends, family, neighbors and relatives through indiegogo share tools. Invite them and and get the best perk for you.
4. You provide funds amounting one dollar. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 5 - $ 9, then you will get an additional 5 years of contributions so that you will get a total of 10 years of contributions.
5. You provide funds amounting one dollar. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 10 - $ 14, then you will get an additional 10 years of contributions so that you will get a total of 15 years of contributions.
6. You provide funds amounting one dollar. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 15 - $ 49, then you will get a perk for lifetime of contributions.
7. You provide funds amounting one dollar or more. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 50 - $ 69, then you will get a perk for interview me via email.
8. You provide funds amounting one dollar or more. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 70 - $ 89, then you will get a perk for join to write 40 articles.
9. You provide funds amounting one dollar or more. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 90 - $ 109, then you will get a perk for join to write 60 articles.
10. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 110 - $ 169, then you will get a perk for join to write 80 articles.
11. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 170 - $ 209, then you will get a perk for join to write 150 articles.
12. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 210 - $ 409, then you will get a perk for join to write 250 articles.
13. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 410 - $ 509, then you will get a perk for join the editor.
14. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 510 - $ 1,000, then you will get a perk for join to write 750 articles.
15. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 1,001 - $ 2,000, then you will get a perk for join to write 2,000 articles.
16. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 2,001 - $ 3,000, then you will get a perk for join to write forever.
17. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 3,001 - $ 6,000, then you will get a perk for your name as one of the character.

18. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 6,001 - $ 15,554, then you will get a perk for your name as The main character.

19. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 15,555 - $ 17,776, then you will get a perk for sponsor banner for 15 years.

20. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 17,777 - $ 30,000, then you will get a perk for sponsor video for 15 years.

21. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 30,001 - $ 34,000, then you will get a perk for sponsor banner for 30 years.

22. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 34,001 - $ 50,000, then you will get a perk for sponsor video for 30 years.
23. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 50,001 - $ 60,000, then you will get a perk for sponsor banner for 60 years.
24. If you can bring a friend or some people who contribute to provide funds amounting to $ 60,001 or more, then you will get a perk for sponsor video for 60 years.

Tips to get the most current referral contest.

1. You refer your peeps, friends, family, neighbors and relatives through indiegogo share tools.

2. You actively promoting this campaign to everyone that you can offer. 

3. YOU CAN ALSO MAKE VIDEO, PUBLISH ON YOUTUBE OR Vimeo. Enter your indiegogo account (URL) in the video.

4. Promote also to companies that are willing to sponsor with advertising banners or video. Give an explanation if their company becomes sponsor of this campaign, the ads they get published on the website up to 60 years into the future. Only $ 34.72 per month for banner and 41.67 per month for video. It's very very cheap. :)

The Challenges for you (the funders/backers/sponsors), particularly for those who wish to participate in writing the articles. 















So if you want to get more dollars from writing articles with us then you should be more active in promoting this campaign in order to get the target in accordance with how much money you want to get every article.

If necessary, you can use free advertising or paid advertising that your referral deliver maximum results.

If many sponsors/funders chose perks to join to write Articles then I will make 

several stories with millions of your own adventure in it

at once.

Questions and answers 

Q : You must be crazy, Richard! You must be crazy!!! Perks that you offer far greater than the funds can be obtained through this campaign. Do you want to deceive us?
A : Of course not.  I don't want to deceive you. And I will not deceive you. This is my way to overcome this problem. In the first year, I will restrict articles that you can accomplish every day because I have limited funds. Because every article we publish will reduce the funds that I get in this campaign.
But in the second year or next year, after I get funding from contributions from readers, then I would not limit how many articles you can finish each day. Because I already have enough funds to pay for any articles that you can finish each day.
Q : Are you crazy, Richard ? There is never a main character in the story of 100 people. Moreover, the story is based choose your own adventure. It is impossible to have 100 people at once became the main character in the story.
A : That's right. At first I only provide one place for the main character. But I give the opportunity for sponsors to participate write a story together with me. And if a lot of sponsors willing to participate in writing the story, then I have to give a place where they can develop their writing talents.  The easiest way is to make a lot of stories at once. So if I provide 100 places as the main character then it means there will be 100 stories where every story has tens of thousands of articles with millions of your adventure in it.

Q : If you say so then the perks you offer becomes not exclusive anymore.

A : Perks that I offer a very very exclusive because there's only one name of the main characters in each story. You should not assume that all the available perks taken by funders. Before the campaign ends we do not know whether the funders willing to take one or more of these perks. It could even be no one wants to take this perk. Of course I very much hope that all the perks that are provided are taken by the funders. :)

Q : You will not probably be able to do it all at once.
A : That's right. If I do it alone then this is something that is impossible. But if I get help from hundreds or thousands writers then I would be able to do this once. And this is very beneficial for the readers because they have a lot of choices when the story will start reading. They can begin to choose which stories will be read first.
Q : Although you are assisted by hundreds or even thousands of authors, but you still might not be able to publish the story at once. How do you overcome this?
A : I will delegate it to some editors. Every editor should be able to handle one or several stories at once.
Q : If I am not talented in writing fiction, but I want to join a team of writers on your website, is it okay?
A : Of course you can. Because our website will not only contain any fiction. But will also contain a wide range of other articles.  Therefore our campaign classified in categories as transmedia.
Q : Why do you provide so many spots available for each perk. Even you to provide one million places available?
A : Because I want to get the support and funding as much as possible. Including here the readers of a story that I created (with your help). I provide a place as much as possible so that there is no sponsor who didn't get the perk. And if I manage to get the readers as much as a hundred thousand people or more, then I would be a success story as I want. 
Q : I've chosen a perk, but I joined the referral contest. After the campaign ended if I could get an extra perk.
A : Yeah. That's right. You can choose whether you get an additional one more perk in accordance with your request or you combine the funds that you provide with the funds you get through referrals, so you can replace it with a new perk.
Q : Why you would not buy a domain and rent hosting if you don't get funding at least $ 25,001?
A : Because I have to keep my funds not to run out as long as I didn't ask the cost contributions from readers. If this occurs then the website could not be accessed because I can not pay a monthly hosting fee. :)
Remember this. In addition to the cost of buying the domain and rent hosting, I also need funds to pay employees.
Next year after I get money contributions from readers, then I bought the domain and rent hosting.
Q : Why do you say like this, we don't pay for your articles are published on our website, if I don't get funds amounting to $ 35,001?
A : Because I give you the opportunity to join with us by writing articles that provide a perk value much greater than the funds you give me today. So I have to have the funds to pay your articles until I asked for contributions from readers.
Q : With tens of thousands of articles and millions of your own adventure in it, if you don't make it difficult for the readers?
A : Absolutely not. Because I provide a guide for reading my story.

Before starting to read the story, then I will give guidance in reading a story that I made (with your help). 

My story will be written in Indonesian and English. So before reading then you have to make a choice. You want to read the version of the Indonesian or English.

Read carefully this guide before you start reading stories.

1. You are the main character in the story you are reading.

2. You are required to provide choice in almost all the articles that I created (with your help). 
3. Be careful when making a choice. Because life and death, blessing and cursing, from the main character in the hands of you. 

4. After determining the choice then I as the author (with your help) advise that you don't try to read all of the options in this story. Because of what?  Because the story will be mixed then you will be confused. Ha...7x 

But I am sure that you will ignore it. Because you will feel curious to know how the story if you choose another option. I will also do the same thing if I were readers like you. Because I like to read the story.

5. The story will be made as much as possible at the same time continuously every day.

6. Each article will conclude with two choices or to be continued.

7. If there is no active link at the end of the article it means that advanced the story has not been written.
8. Each article will be given a code, so you do not bother to record it. You simply put a mark on the last article you read.

Q : Why don't you dare say like this? I bet if JK Rowling, Stephen King, GuyKawasaki, John ChowSeth Godin, Robert Kiyosaki, Tim Ferriss or other top authors or bloggers not be able to make up a story like that I will make. 

A : Millions of people can make good fiction. Thousands of people became famous for successfully making millions of readers to enjoy his/her work. But if you create a story with millions of your own adventure in it then this is the first created in the world. Only a genius or madman who can make work like this.

Q : Haha. Finally you admit that you were crazy. Are you crazy, Richard?

A : That's right. Only a madman could have such an idea.  But did you know that science and technology can be developed as it is today because of the inventors considered a lunatic. Ha ... 7x

Q : Is not it very difficult to create a story with tens of thousands of articles and millions of your own adventure in it?

A : That's right! Therefore, I hope you don't mind to give a contribution of 

$ 1 / month or $ 12 / year or $ 88 for lifetime contributions

Q : Why do you ask for money contributions while many websites provide free story?

A : Proceeds to pay the salaries of the employees, including writers, programmers, editors, translators. In addition funds are also used to maintain and develop the website. If you choose the perks to join in writing articles then I have to pay for your articles published on our website. Isn't it? I also have to pay for your work in editing the articles published on our website.

Q : Why you promised to give perks, backers name as the name of your story characters, especially the main character? And you've given the names of the characters in a story published on your blog?

A : The name of the main characters and supporting characters in a story published in my blog, only as an example. Hence the names it will be replaced with the names of the backers.

Q : If you say that story in your blog only as a sample then whether the name change will affect the course of the story?

A : That's right! The character of the main character will I adjust to the names and characters created by the backers. Particularly when the main character is a woman then I will make a story line with characters created by the backer. 

Q : Why do you ask a lot of money in order to my name and character can put into your story?

A : I need a lot of funds that my idea could be realized. So I offer a limited offer for those who want his/her name and character became famous around the world.

Q : Why don't you give the copyright to the backers who have created characters in your story?

A : Because  this is my story so that the copyright is mine.

Q :  Why don't you give the copyright to the backers who have bothered to write articles of your story?

A : Because they make the articles in accordance with my instructions.

Q : How many words are there in every article?

A : In each article there will be 1,000 - 1,100 words in it.

Q : Why in the articles on your blog, each article only contains 300-400 words?

A : The articles on this subject published in my blog just as the articles example. Moreover I see that my articles on the blog that contains only 300-400 words look less attractive. And if it was made in 1,000 - 1,100 words that each article will be more attractive. 

When creating articles example I accidentally just make each article as much as 300-400 words so that I can get more articles in the story that I made. I am wrong. Because the story doesn't bite if every article is limited only 300-400 words. Therefore, I immediately change my strategy in the hope that my story made (with your help) would be very interesting for the readers.

Q : Richard, why do not you dare say like this? To protect the funds that you have given me, so until December 31, 2020, I will not accept interviews from anyone who doesn't help provide funds in this campaign.

A : If you provide a fund of $ 20 and take the perk for interview me via email then I give a chance (ticket) for you to interview me, while it isn't a chance I give to the other party. And if I am successful campaign and or "a story with millions of your own adventure in it" success then tickets I gave to you, will be very valuable at all. Because the chance to interview me only given to a few people, those who took perks for interview me via email.

Q : Then why are you not willing to be interviewed until December 31, 2020?

A : I do this for your interest. Because the longer I could not be interviewed except by ticket holders, the more valuable the tickets you have. So my advice to you is if you donate $ 20 or more and you don't intend to write with us then you should take the perk for interview me via email. For a time the chance to interview me via this email can be very valuable.

Q : Why do not you dare say that?

A : Try to imagine this. If there are only 100 people who took perks for interview me via email, then the interview would you do become very, very exclusive, because there are hundreds of thousands of newspapers, magazines, tabloids, websites, blogs around the world. 

Q : Richard, you say that you reject advertisements from gambling. But why there are several gambling ads in your blog?

A : My blog now only blog example. I worked with several advertising companies. And those who advertise gambling in my blog. Frankly, I don't feel peace with their advertising such gambling. Therefore I planned so that no more gambling ads in my website later. So from now on I filter the ads that will be published through my website later.

Q : Why don't you make a video so that your campaign look more attractive to funders?

A : I don't trust myself to speak in front of the camera. I was nervous when speaking in front of the camera.

Q : Why don't you ask for help from your family, so that those who speak in front of the camera.

A : My family didn't support me because they aren't sure if my campaign can succeed. Therefore, please help me so that I can achieve my goal. Your help will realize my dream of making a story with millions of your own adventure in it.

Other Ways You Can Help 

It doesn’t matter what you have, it matters what you can share.
With $ 1 or more, then you can participate in creating a new entertainment industry.
If you are currently not able to help by providing funds amounting to $ 1 or more, then you can help by spreading this campaign to the world. You can use the Indiegogo share tools or you can also copy and paste the link. You can forward this campaign to your peeps, friends, family, neighbors and relatives. You can spread this campaign on your blog, facebook, twitter, goggle +, reddit, stamble upon, digg, instagram or other social media so this could be a viral campaign in the world. By doing that then you participate jointly set up a new entertainment industry. 

I need your help, please. Go viral. Then I salute you! This is REALLY cool. Isn't it?

Your help will change the world in reading a story. 
Thank you so much.

Richard Nata

P.S. I pray that Lord Jesus bless everyone who helped this campaign both in terms of funding and or help spread (go viral) this campaign. Amen.

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Choose your Perk

for 5 years of contributions

$1 USD
Starting next year the company will ask for contributions from readers of $ 1 / month or $ 12 / year or $ 88 / lifetime. If you give a contribution of $ 1 now then you don't need to pay a contribution for 5 years (worth $ 60). Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry.
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 out of 1000000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

for lifetime contributions

$8 USD
Starting next year the company will ask for contributions from readers of $ 1 / month or $ 12 / year or $ 88 / lifetime. If you give a contribution of $ 8 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever (worth $ 88). Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry.
Estimated Shipping
October 2016
0 out of 1000000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

for interview me via email

$20 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 20 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever (worth $ 88). Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry. You can interview me via email. Results of the interview can be published in newspaper, magazine, website, blog. To protect the funds that you have given me, so until December 31, 2020, I will not accept interviews from anyone who doesn't help provide funds in this campaign.
Estimated Shipping
October 2015
0 out of 100000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

for join to write 40 articles

$30 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 30 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry. You can participate by writing 40 articles (worth $ 88 - 4088). We will edit your articles. When your articles published then your name, bio, website/blog will be listed there.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

for join to write 60 articles

$40 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 40 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry. You can participate by writing 60 articles (worth $ 88 - 6088). We will edit your articles. When your articles published then your name, bio, website/blog will be listed there.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

for join to write 80 articles

$50 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 50 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry. You can participate by writing 80 articles (worth $ 88 - 8088). We will edit your articles. When your articles published then your name, bio, website/blog will be listed there.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

for join to write 150 articles

$80 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 80 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry. You can participate by writing 150 articles (worth $ 88 - 15,088). We will edit your articles. When your articles published then your name, bio, website/blog will be listed there.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

for join to write 250 articles

$100 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 100 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry. You can participate by writing 250 articles (worth $ 88 - 25,088). We will edit your articles. When your articles published then your name, bio, website/blog will be listed there.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

for join the editor

$200 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 200 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry. You can participate as an editor that examine the articles that will be published on our website. Your name as editor will be published in the articles. Every article published after passing the examination you then we will pay you for $ 2. So this perk worth $ 88 - unlimited.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

for join to write 750 articles

$250 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 250 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry. You can participate by writing 750 articles (worth $ 88 - 75,088). We will edit your articles. When your articles published then your name, bio, website/blog will be listed there.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100000 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

join to write 2,000 articles

$500 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 500 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry. You can participate by writing 2,000 (worth $ 88 - 200,088). We will edit your articles. When your articles published then your name, bio, website/blog will be listed there.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100000 of claimed

join to write forever

$1,000 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 1,000 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry. You can participate by writing articles forever (worth $ 88 - unlimited). We will edit your articles. When your articles published then your name, bio, website/blog will be listed there.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 10000 of claimed

Your name as one the character

$1,500 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 1,500 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry. Your name will be used as one of the characters in the story. You can create your character.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 1500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

The main character

$3,000 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 3,000 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. Your name will be written on the website as people who participated in creating a new entertainment industry. Your name will be used as the main character in the story. You can create your character.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sponsor banner for 15 years

$7,777 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 7,777 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. And your banner advertisement will be posted on the website for 15 years. Only $ 43.21 per month. During the contract is still valid, then you can change the material of your banner for free.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sponsor video for 15 years

$8,888 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 8,888 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. And your video ad will be posted on the website for 15 years. Only $ 49.38 per month. During the contract is still valid, then you can change the material of your video for free.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sponsor banner for 30 years

$15,000 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 15,000 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. And your banner advertisement will be posted on the website for 30 years. Only $ 41,67 per month. During the contract is still valid, then you can change the material of your banner for free.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sponsor video for 30 years

$17,000 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 17,000 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. And your video ad will be posted on the website for 30 years. Only $ 47.22 per month. During the contract is still valid, then you can change the material of your video for free.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sponsor banner for 60 years

$25,000 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 25,000 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. And your banner advertisement will be posted on the website for 60 years. Only $ 34.72 per month. During the contract is still valid, then you can change the material of your banner for free.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sponsor video for 60 years

$30,000 USD
If you give a contribution of $ 30,000 now then you don't need to pay a contribution forever. And your video ad will be posted on the website for 60 years. Only $ 41.67 per month. During the contract is still valid, then you can change the material of your video for free.
Estimated Shipping
January 2016
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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