I’m Sarah Todes-- the creator and writer of “Gwen and Mina’s Puppetopia,” and I am playing Gwen--the purple one.
In life, I do puppet shows for babies. I started my critically acclaimed company, Puppetsburg, in September, (www.puppetsburg.blogspot.com,) and before that I worked for another company where alot of bizarre things, puppet-related and otherwise, went down. That first company was the main inspiration for this show. (Oh god, flashbacks. . .)
I’ve gotten into some pretty absurd situations involving puppets and babies, and thought it would be selfish not to share those experiences with the world.
I’m a graduate of NYU Tisch where I studied Acting at the Atlantic Theater Company and Playwrights Horizons after graduating from Baltimore School for the Arts (an amazing performing arts high school where I was a Drama major as well.) I’ve been performing in New York consistently after I graduated in various theater and film projects; you can go to my website-- www.sarahmorgantodes.com-- to learn more about me as an actor.
As actors living in New York City, so much of our career is about fitting into a mold of what other people want us to be. This can be fun, but what I find more empowering is the alternative: to make our own work and write roles that WE think are meaningful, or compelling, or that genuinely appeal to our own sense of humor.
We are lucky to have a format like Indiegogo where we can reach out to our community and communities beyond and ask for the support we need to create a show that is authentically ours, that we are growing from seed to sprout.
I’ve been developing this project for over a year, and am thrilled to have the talented Diana Oh on board as Mina-- she is a brilliant actor, lyricist, singer, and she plays the ukulele! Check her out at www.dianaoh.com. Also, sometimes we do puppet shows together.
When Shal Ngo, one of the most talented young directors I know, read the script and wanted to take on the project, I knew we were set. We are being produced by his company as well: Macula Films, the brainchild of Shal Ngo and Matt McLaughlin--- www.maculafilms.com.
Brett Harding-- www.hitmanharding.com-- will be doing the editing and animation work (that’s right folks: animation.) Also starring the fabulous Kate Weber ("Fat Camp") as the evil Nun Paige. Watch out y'all.
We have a stellar team that is talented and committed to the project, a hilarious script, and a timeline: now all we need is the fuel of your donation!
Help us shoot our first episode, “Hot Dad,” in which Gwen and Mina host a guerilla-puppet show in Hot Dad Klynt's living room. . . and mania ensues.
Shooting this first episode means the world to us because once we have a strong first episode we will be able to pitch a full season of "Gwen and Mina's Puppetopia" to various online distributors and hope to be self-sufficient from there.
With such a powerful creative team I feel strongly that “Gwen and Mina’s Puppetopia” will make you proud to be a contributor. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support!
What We Need. . .
All our funding will go directly to production. We need 3,500 dollars to rent locations, pay for props, rent equipment, feed the cast and crew, and cover unforeseen costs. If we don't reach our entire goal we will make do and film anyway, and any proceeds beyond our goal will go towards promotion and distribution, or toward shooting a second episode.
. . . & What You Get
$25-- SHOUT OUT on our Facebook page! GwenandMinas Puppetopia is our name!
$50-- We will make you a personalized E-Card. . . WITH PUPPETS! Make your friend the most awesome E-Birthday Card EVER with this perk, or ask out that hot neighbor. . . WITH PUPPETS. Come on, who wouldn't love that? Many creative ways to use this badass perk!
$100-- Mina will write you or a friend a personalized theme song, and record herself playing it for you on the ukelele!
$500-- New York/ Metro area: Sarah's company, Puppetsburg, will throw a 40 minute puppet-show for any 0-4 year old you know! These book up fast, so get yours while you can!
$1000-- Gwen and Mina themselves will do a GUERILLA PUPPET SHOW anywhere and for anyone you like (within reachable transportation distance from Brooklyn--) AND you get to customize the story. Bachelor party, anyone? Imagine the scenarios in which a puppet show could REALLY take things to the next level.
Other Ways You Can Help
SPREAD THE WORD! Post our video on a friends facebook page! Use Indiegogo share tools that make this so easy! Email our video to your crazy cousin who loves puppets! Talk about "Gwen and Mina's Puppetopia" drunkenly at a bar! Whisper love to us as you fall asleep at night! LOVE US AND WE WILL LOVE YOU BACK!!!
Also-- once we shoot our first episode we will be looking for online distributors-- companies with established channels looking for content, or a website that wants to host us. So if you know people that might be interested, hook us up! XOXO