Now is a GREAT time for DownloadOurTroops.com, the FIRST OF ITS KIND U.S. MILITARY DIGITAL MUSIC COMMUNITY exclusively for all our military men and women, Active or Retired who have given great sacrifice for our Country, those who have all have in common current or past music to share with the world.
A site comprised of individual “Members” who want immediate placement of their music on iTunes® for worldwide exposure, continual promotion and great support. A Military Branch Specific “COMMUNITY” where all under one roof, the world can discover and learn about each Member, and be able to sample and purchase the various musical genre talents of our Heroes.
The Concept:
The concept behind DownloadOurTroops.com is to create a new dedicated digital music site or what we call a "COMMUNITY", where many of the 27 million US Military active and retired men and women, who proudly have worn the uniform of our Country and who have musical dreams, pursuits and careers can all be found. A unique digital Community for those who have already released or are planning to release singles or albums and who desire Worldwide exposure and sales, all the while being alongside their brethren who all share similar pursuits.
- A site which will get universal support and promotion from all branches of the military throughout the world.A site where anyone in the world can go, read about each Member, sample his or her music and purchase what they like as singles or entire albums.
- A site that will be branch specific (Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard) allowing for each Member to have his/her own feature page within their branch of service; to tell their own story, post their photos, share their military history, have links to their social marketing sites, blog with each other and of course feature their music for sampling and sale through direct linkage to the iTunes® store.
- A site that will give back to each member a substantial share of the royalties earned for each and every single or album sale made through iTunes®.
- A site that will donate a percentage of all profits earned to worthy Veteran Support Groups.
- A site that will promote each member to many key industry decision makers, sponsors, promoters and other professionals for maximum exposure and discovery.
Giving Back to Veteran Support Groups-Helping Those Who Helped Our Country:
We are all about “Doing the Right Thing All the Time”. We anticipate making a limited amount of profit after we give most of the Royalties we receive back to our Military Members. They deserve to get paid for their talents.
After we pay our Members their Royalties, DownloadOurTroops.com will retain a small percentage of what is left for business operations and we will also set aside a decent percentage which will go towards donations to several Veteran Support Groups such as Wounded Warrior and the USO.
Additionally, each new “Member”, will be given the options to designate whatever percentage of their Royalties they want to donate as well when the sign up to become a Member of DownloadOurTroops.com.
THIS MAKES DownloadOurTroops.com A WIN WIN FOR EVERYONE!!! Our Heroes get paid, we make a little money and in need Veteran Support Groups get support from each and every single or album sold through DownloadOurTroops.com.
Funding Needs:
DownloadOurTroops.com is a stand alone division of Brenda Brown Entertainment, LLC. (BBE) www.brendabrownentertainment.com. Through BBE we have already invested substantially into this project. Much of the leg work, preliminary marketing and research has already taken place. We are close to being able to Launch, but our resources are very limited for most of what is earned at BBE is paid out as royalties to the artists on the BBE Roster.
What is keeping us from Launching the project is the additional monies we need primarily for the development of the website and MAJOR promotion and advertising. WITHOUT THE ADDITIONAL FUNDS WE ARE SEEKING, THE PROJECT CANNOT BE LAUNCHED; FOR WE HAVE ALREADY TRIED PURSUING FUNDING THROUGH CONVENTIONAL MEANS WHICH IN TODAY’S ECONOMY ARE ALL BUT CLOSED TO US FOR NOW.
Major Accomplishments to Date:
Hiring of Military Consultant, John Calwile Vinestreet: (Retired Master Sergeant (Marines), Military Entertainment Liaison and Advisor.
- We have retained on a consulting basis the services of Retired Master Sergeant (Marines) John Calwille Vinestreet. John Calwile Vinestreet's primary role for DOT.COM is to be the key liaison for securing the necessary support and approvals from the key military Armed Forces Entertainment decision makers located in Washington D.C. and throughout the world. These contacts have the ability to promote the DOT.COM community throughout all branches of service. John has a stellar history of serving his country as both a decorated Marine and as a military entertainer who has a history of providing years of entertainment both, as a performer while serving and as a military concert promoter in many parts of the world. TODAY, JOHN VINESTREET IS HIGHLY REGARDED AND RESPECTED BY MANY STARS AND OTHER MUSICIANS AS AN ENTERTAINER AND PRODUCER, AS WELL AS MANY OF THE KEY MILITARY PERSONNEL INVOLVED IN ARMED FORCES ENTERTAINMENT.
- With John Vinestreet’s distinguished military service history, entertainment industry connections, experience of 30+ years, and stellar reputation as both a performer and a “Vocal Coach to the Stars,” John provides us a direct path to the project being accepted and launched throughout the entire Military entertainment hierarchy and apparatus.
- We have full licensing in place with Apple for worldwide placement of all New Member’s digital music content onto iTunes®.
- We have all necessary computer related needs in place to handle the expected volume of new clients (Members).
- We have all accounting systems in place.
- We have vast Social Marketing and Email platforms already in place to market the project through, with a reach to over 1 million people.
Funds Still Needed:
Website-Concept, Design, Creation and Hosting-Estimated Cost: $10,000-$15,000. This IS the most important need that has to be fully completed before we Launch. (See website details and descriptions below).
Advertising and Public Relations: Estimated Costs-$10,000. This is a very realistic budget that will be needed to ensure we have ample advertising as well as retain one or two major PR firms who specialize in the World of Music.
Promotion to the Armed Forces Entertainment Apparatus and Press Releases: Estimated Costs-$5,000-$10,500. This is also a critical step that will need to be immediately implemented once the website is complete and ready for show to the Military.
Legal and other Professional Costs: Estimate Costs-$2500-5000
The BIG Launch-Importance of:
Since we already know that DownloadOurTroops.com will be the FIRST OF ITS KIND, Digital Music site dedicated exclusively to only those with Military ties, it is absolutely imperative that the Launch of the DownloadOurTroops.com happen SEAMLESSLY, with tons of splash, fanfare, press and promotion, with everything happening ALL AT ONCE!
There is a lot of work to accomplish beforehand, but we have the expertise and dedication to make it all happen. We just need the additional funding in place to make it all work.
Our Connection to iTunes®:
DownloadOurTroops.com is a standalone company solely owned and operated by Brenda Brown Entertainment, LLC of North Las Vegas, NV www.brendabrownentertainment.com.
Brenda Brown Entertainment, LLC (BBE) is an Enterprise Partner with Apple and holds exclusive licensing contracts for worldwide content placement of music and books onto iTunes®. By authorizing DOT.com full use of BBE's licensing with iTunes, DOT.com has full access to the benefits of BBE's exclusive relationship derived from their license with iTunes. This gives DOT.comthe ability to offer immediate placement of all music content on iTunes for worldwide sales usually in 24-48 hours, allows the furnishing of on demand daily accounting of all sales, allows DOT.com the ability to upload liner notes or digital booklets as part of the content for sale and allows DOT.com to start with an Artist's single or EP (3-8 songs) and build a completed album at a later time.
Royalties-Giving Back to Our Heroes:
Each Member will receive a substantial share of the royalties earned for every, Single or Album uploaded and placed for sale within theDownloadOurTroops.com Community. Members will have full access to weekly sales reports and current accounting for all royalties earned and/or owed through a secure accounting page that each Member will receive as part of their Membership. Members can choose to have their earnings paid, according to the payment terms of DOT.com, via PayPal or Check.
DownloadOurTroops.com Website:
The most costly and critical need for the DOT.com project is the creation and building of the website and the subsequent ongoing maintenance and development. ***** THE WEBSITE MUST BE FULLY COMPLETED AND READY FOR THE ANTICIPATED LARGE VOLUME OF NEW MEMBERS AND THEIR CONTENT PRIOR TO LAUNCH OF DOWNLOADOURTROOPS.COM.
- The site will be built to be very user friendly both in terms of navigation and use for new Member submittal of information and music content.The site will be developed in layers starting with the Home Page. This page will be the DownloadOurTroops.com splash page featuring links to each Branch of Military-Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard, welcome section to new members, banner advertising, sponsor links, Armed Forces tour information, a rotating slide show, press releases and more.
- From the Home Page, the user will be able to go to any of the Branch Specific pages. These pages will become the Home Page for the branch of service that each Member served in and will feature a rotating slideshow of the members and their album artwork, an alphabetical listing of each Member and title to their music which when clicked on will take the user to the specific Members page. Also on these pages will be specific Branch recruiting banners, new Member updates as well as other approved military hotlinks and sponsors.
- Once the user clicks on the Members name, the site will then go the Members own dedicated page. This page will be a standalone page featuring the Member’s music, with a link for the user to click on to go directly to the Member’s individual iTunes® page, personal photos, military history and bio section, social networking links and more.Additionally, needed to be included in the site development will be an internal blog for all Members to communicate with each other, a series of forms for each new Member to utilize for music and personal information content submittal, a section for credit card and PayPal payments, a secure log-in section for each member to be able to see their personal sales and royalty accounting, a search engine and more.(A merchandise section and shopping cart are expected to be added once significant new Members have joined theDownloadOurTroops.com community.
The site must be hosted in a very secure environment and the design/development company that DOT.com selects must be an established website development and operating company with the capability to grow and modify the site as demand necessitates.
2011 Digital Music Sales:
- In 2011, Digital Music Sales accounted for over ½ of all music sold worldwide.
- In 2011Digital Music Sales sold on iTunes® represented between 50-80% (plus) of all worldwide digital sales and iTunes market share continues to grow almost everywhere in the World.
- In 2011, there was a total of 1.25 MILLION Digital Albums Sold.In 2011 there was a total of 1.14 BILLION Digital Tracks Sold.
- In 2011, there was a total of 76,875 New Album Releases.
DownloadOurTroops.com Member Promotion and Exposure:
All DownLoadOurTroops.com members will receive major promotion throughout the world, including all branches of the Military. Presently, the majority of other content providers (aggregators) to iTunes® simply place music on their respective sites and offer little or no promotion and guidance to their clients. As part of being a Member on the DOT.com website, each artist will get immediate and constant exposure and promotion, worldwide.
Military Exposure: DownLoadOurTroops.com has retained the services of a widely renowned world class military entertainer of many years and highly decorated retired Master Sergeant as our main liaison to the military establishment. Through this individual, the entire project, IMMEDIATELY UPON LAUNCH, will be heavily promoted throughout to many of the key Armed Forces Entertainment decision makers in Washington, DC. DOT.com will also be heavily promoted on most military websites and global radio stations, publications, and more. Additionally, each branch specific page of the website will set aside a portion of each page to the military for advertising and banner space which can be used for promotion and recruitment needs. In doing so, this will only add to the Military’s acceptance of the project.
National & International Exposure: All new Members will have their music promoted constantly via DOT.com’s social media pages, blogs, music groups and more to millions of potential viewers, many of whom are industry professionals and other musicians. Additionally, through Brenda Brown Entertainment, promotion of each and every artist’s music will be continuously promoted through a vast social marketing network and press release sites.
Members will also immediately receive upon placement of their music on iTunes an iTunes “button” or links that can be placed on all websites, and social media pages, which when clicked on will take the viewer directly to the Member’s specific iTunes page for sampling and purchasing.
Additionally, all Members will receive immediate personal guidance and suggestions to boost their social marketing sites as well as guidelines and assistance with building their email fan base.
New “Member” Eligibility Requirements:
Qualifying to become a “Member” of the DownloadOurTroops.com Community is open ONLY to the following individuals, families and bands: All Active and Retired Military personnel, their Spouses and Siblings and All Bans that have at least one Active or Retired Military person associated with the Band.
New “Member” Set-Up Fees:
For each New Member, DownloadOurTroops.com will charge a one-time New Member Fee of $99.99. This fee will place each New Member on theDOT.com website. The fee will cover immediate uploading of all Member content onto iTunes. ***** New Members will be able to have a single or EP initially uploaded by DOT.com into iTunes and then be able to add more content (songs) at a later time to complete a full album for no extra charges.
Additionally as part of the onetime New Member Fee, each Member will receive continual promotion of his/her music with a reach of over 1 million people via Facebook, Blogs and many other Social Marketing sites and press releases that are currently in use, as well as new sites that will evolve asDOT.com gains market traction.
Each New Member will also be given a secure log in page giving them private access to see continually updated sales reports Royalty balance status (earned and pending), and have full access to the Royalties that will be paid quarterly to each New Member’s account which will be able to be withdrawn electronically via PayPal or sent via check request to DOT.com.