Converted Mephiston
Examples of custom Land Raiders
48 Hours after the begining of the invasion. The first diorama we´ve made ( fourth in the story-line )
We are Ballistic Skill 4 painting studio and we are trying to do a compilation of dioramas telling a fictitious end of the space marine chapter known as Blood Angels.
Our goal is to make between eight to fifteen dioramas. Each one tells how the invasion goes taking strenght and how the blood angels organize the last stand until the final breath. It´s something like a movie, a 40k movie.
All these models are hand painted at a very high standard.
Here you can see the first diorama of the series. A handful of blood angels resisting in a corridor against a huge wave of tyranid genestealers.
Why do we need money?
We need your help to complete all the series. This is only the begining.
Our idea is realize the largest diorama of all warhammer 40000. For this quest we will need mountains of miniatures, materials, paintings, and a lot of hours and days of work. We would need to get a local for gather the group in order to work together.
With 5200 USD we could to do the first eight dioramas. To complete the fifteen dioramas of the series we would need 9750 USD aprox.
But... Why dioramas?
Easy, we love miniatures and paint them. And think a diorama can to tell a good story. And what better than a story about warhammer 40000?
How will be the following dioramas?
The invasion starts. First diorama of the series. A lonely outpost see how the first spore falls to the ground.
- Six hours after the begining of the invasion. The first attack against the fortress doors. In this diorama the space marines resist and the door is unharmed. Hundreds of tyranids corpses pile up under the arch.
Twenty hours after the begining of the invasion. The tyranids change their strategy. Mawlocs arise from the ground in a dozen of different points throughout all the fortress . A torrent of small creatures follow them. Marines are caught in this new attack and various parts of the fortress fall.
- Forty-eight hours after the begining of the invasion. Once the tyranid force take strenght, the genestealers do the first spearhead advance going over some important corridors. In the diorama, we can see a handful of blood angels resisting the wave.
Sixty hours after the begining of the invasion. Most of the fortress has fallen. Mephiston, Lord of Death, a iconic blood angel hero, defend the great main hall of the chapter. In the diorama he appears alone and surrounded by enemies, killing hundreds of creatures with his mighty psichic powers. Finally, he dies defending the greatest relics of the chapter.
- Four days after the begining of the invasion. Five entire blood angel companies have been annihilated and the half of the fortress is in ruins. This diorama will show the intricate labyrinth of tunnels under the fortress the tyranids have made. Like an ant farm. And how these creatures organize for the war. Various chambers are used to pile up space marines corpses, for re-use the genetic biomaterial.
The fortress has fallen. The regrouped blood angel survivors led by Dante succumb to the blood thirst. Members of all kind of squads wear the black in their armours. Wounded and outnumbered, with all their comrades dead and the Baal planet in the brink of destruction, these warriors march to the final fight. This diorama will show how a small troop of twenty blood angels launch a suicide strike against the heart of the tyranid nidus below the fortress.
- Thirty days after the fall of the fortress. Help comes late. The Flesh Tearers, a successor chapter, reaches the desolate fortress. This diorama will show how these space marines come upon the alone corridors and chambers, only finding death in their path. All is in silence, seems as if there was anyone...
For the moment this is the script, good ideas are accepted. But this isn´t the end... Seven dioramas more missing to complete the 15 of the total. What happen with the last survivors, where are the tyranids at the Flesh Tearers arrive? and why does the blood angel fortress fall so quickly?...
If you help us to do the LAST DAYS OF THE ANGELS will see all this and more.
Rewards and Perks
If you help us, you could get a piece of this work.
Aside from the Last days dioramas, we´ll paint more blood angels and tyranids models for the people help us:
- Mini-dioramas, a single space marine blood angel fighting with one or two tyranids.
- Dreadnought-diorama, a blood angel dreadnought model surrounded by a lot of small tyranid creatures.
- And the LAST DAYS OF ANGELS dioramas. The largest, with dozens of models in each one and a piece of fortress hand builded and painted at a very high standard.
The models will be send to their owners when all the work will be finished. The shipments will be by express delivery.
Disclaimers and Warnings
All images used feature the work of our Studio in painting only. We make no claim to the intellectual property of the underlying models and/or designs. This project is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited or any other company unless otherwise noted by them.
40k, Blood Angels, Blood Angels logos, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Space Marine, Space Marine Chapters, Space Marine Chapter logos, Tyranids, warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40,000 device, and the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2007, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.