World's first thermodynamic coffee mug
Perfect temperature control for the best coffee flavor
Will cool your scalding hot coffee faster than any other mug, in as few as 2 minutes
Will keep the ideal temperature range for up to three hours - enjoy the flavor of every last drop!
Easy to use, just pour in your coffee and enjoy!
Here is your chance to pre-order your own ThermoBuffer mug and help us launch production. See below for more details.
![Mug and logo New Mug design with logo]()
16 oz capacity
![comic comic]()
How do I use the ThermoBuffer mug?
Simple, just pour your hot fresh coffee into the mug and enjoy. ThermoBuffer looks and operates the same as a typical stainless steel travel mug; the magic automatically happens within the walls of the mug.
![So easy to use Just pour and enjoy!]()
How exactly does the ThermoBuffer mug work?
It’s all about thermodynamics and heat transfer. We employ a triple walled stainless steel mug design with the inner chamber containing our patented buffering layer. We fill the gap between the inner walls with one of nature’s most unique materials: water! This layer can be thought of as a heat sink that quickly draws the excess heat out of your fresh coffee when it is poured into the mug. The outer chamber of the mug utilizes vacuum insulation to keep it a closed system and maintain the ideal temperature for hours. The mug is designed so that once the coffee and our buffering layer quickly reach equilibrium they have met at the upper end of the ideal drinking temperature range. Next the buffering layer acts as a warm blanket surrounding your coffee to keep it at the right temperature all the way to the last drop of coffee. So simple and effective, no electronics or moving parts, just pour in your coffee and let the laws of thermodynamics go to work for you!
![Rendering of mug cut away Cut away of mug showing triple walled design with internal heat sink.]()
What is the ideal drinking temperature range for coffee?
Our research shows the ideal drinking temperature range to be between 160-135 degrees Fahrenheit. This is where the flavor of your coffee is maximized, so not only do you save your tongue from burning but you also get the best taste possible. No mug maximizes your time in the ideal temperature range like ThermoBuffer does; we get you there quicker and keep you there longer.
What is the performance I can expect from the ThermoBuffer mug?
Based on testing of our first manufactured prototype the ThermoBuffer mug is able to adjust the temperature of piping hot fresh coffee to the ideal range in as fast as 2 minutes depending on the serving temperature, faster than any other mug. This allows you to begin enjoying your coffee sooner than any other mug that exists and it keeps it in the ideal range for hours, so you can enjoy your coffee sooner and longer.
![Time vs Temp performance ThermoBuffer mug gets you to the right temperature sooner than any other mug, and keeps you there longer.]()
What is the goal of this project, and why do you need $65,000?
The goal of our project is simple; we are taking pre-orders of the ThermoBuffer mug to fund the initial manufacturing run. $65,000 is the minimum amount we need to put in a minimum order of the mugs. In order to supply these mugs at a reasonable cost they must be mass produced, and mass production requires expensive molds and minimum orders. Of the $65,000 we need to raise most of that will go to paying for the unit cost of the mugs. The rest will go to tooling costs, fees, and shipping. It all adds up fast, but with your help we can complete this project and take ThermoBuffer from an idea to a working product.
Other FAQ’s:
When does my payment occur, will I still get a mug if you don't reach your goal?
No transaction occurs until the project is finished and our goal is met. If we do not meet our goal no transaction will ever occur, you keep your money. However, that means you don't get a mug. Please help spread the word!
How many times can I use the ThermoBuffer Mug?
Forever! There is no limit to the times you can use your ThermoBuffer mug to enjoy your coffee at the perfect temperature. The performance of the mug will not decrease over time.
How can I get a ThermoBuffer Mug?
Simple, by pledging $30 to our project you can be one of the first to get your hands on the ThermoBuffer mug at a discounted price. Anticipated delivery 6 months after close of the project.
Why is ThermoBuffer on Indiegogo?
We’ve updated the design of our original prototype and we’re ready to bring it to market, but we need your help to cover tooling costs and minimum order sizes. By pledging you can be one of the first to get your hands on this innovative new mug at a discounted price.
Where exactly is the water located, do I have to refill the water?
The water is sealed within the walls of the mug; it never has to be refilled. It’s just on the other side of the inner stainless steel wall allowing quick transfer of heat through the thin metal wall.
How else can I help besides backing your project?
If you like the ThermoBuffer idea please “like” us on Facebook, and tell all your friends/family who love to drink coffee on the go.
![Mug with logo 2 mug with logo 2]()