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Otherworld Miniatures - Dungeon Adventurers

A range of 28mm Dungeon Adventurer miniatures, inspired by the iconic imagery of the early RPGs.


Otherworld Miniatures - Dungeon Adventurers

Otherworld Miniatures - Dungeon Adventurers

Otherworld Miniatures - Dungeon Adventurers

Otherworld Miniatures - Dungeon Adventurers

Otherworld Miniatures - Dungeon Adventurers

A range of 28mm Dungeon Adventurer miniatures, inspired by the iconic imagery of the early RPGs.

A range of 28mm Dungeon Adventurer miniatures, inspired by the iconic imagery of the early RPGs.

A range of 28mm Dungeon Adventurer miniatures, inspired by the iconic imagery of the early RPGs.

A range of 28mm Dungeon Adventurer miniatures, inspired by the iconic imagery of the early RPGs.

Richard Scott
Richard Scott
Richard Scott
Richard Scott
1 Campaign |
Cambridge, United Kingdom
$55,731 USD 241 backers
1114% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Since 2006, Otherworld Miniatures has been producing 28mm fantasy miniatures for gamers, painters and collectors, inspired by the iconic imagery of the early roleplaying games.  So far, we have just made the monsters, and with a range of nearly 400 creatures in our catalogue, we think that the time has come to introduce some player character models.

We could grow the range slowly, making a couple of figures a month for a few years, but we’d really like to be able to release a substantial range into the marketplace from the start.  Unfortunately, the costs of such a project are significant, so we’re asking for your help.  With the aid of our backers, we plan to release this range, initially with a boxed set of 12 Human adventurers, quickly followed by sets of demi-humans, female adventurers and hirelings and henchmen, over the course of the next few months.  The range of boxed sets will be complemented by individual blister-packs featuring variant models with different armour, weapon and equipment options.

The figures will be sculpted by a variety of talented sculptors, including Kevin Adams and Patrick Keith, with others joining the project later.  The miniatures will depict archetypal fantasy adventurers, human and demi-human, male and female, wearing practical clothing and armour and carrying realistic weapons and equipment. They will be posed for exploration, not combat.  And these characters won’t be muscle-bound superheroes waving Vorpal Swords in the air - they’ll be grim-faced dungeoneers, a little bit down on their luck, and ready for action on your table-top!

The 4 initial boxed sets will be:

DAB1 – Dungeon Adventurers I – Human Male Characters (planned release – January 2013)

  • Fighter in Plate Mail, with Bastard Sword & Torch
  • Cleric in Chainmail, with Mace & Cross
  • Magic User in Robes, with Staff & Lantern
  • Thief in Leather Armour, with Shortsword & Sack
  • Druid in Leather Armour, with Scimitar
  • Ranger in Leather Armour, with Bow
  • Monk in Robes, with Quarterstaff
  • Barbarian in Studded Leather, with Spear & Shield
  • Illusionist in Robes, with Scroll
  • Assassin in Studded Leather, with Blade Venom
  • Paladin in Plate Armour, with Longsword & Shield
  • Bard in Chainmail, with Longsword & Lute


Concept Art

Concept ArtConcept Art

DAB2 – Dungeon Adventurers II – Demi-human Male Characters (planned release – March 2013)

  • Dwarf Fighter in Plate Mail, with Battleaxe
  • Dwarf Cleric in Chainmail, with Warhammer & Shield
  • Dwarf Thief in Leather Armour, with Shortsword
  • Gnome Illusionist/Thief in Leather Armour, with Shortsword & Sack
  • Gnome Fighter in Plate Mail, with Polearm
  • Half-orc Fighter/Cleric in Banded Mail, Warhammer & Shield
  • Half-orc Assassin in Studded Leather, with Heavy Crossbow
  • Half-elf Fighter/Thief in Leather Armour, with Shortbow
  • Halfling Fighter in Plate Armour, with Axe & Shield
  • Halfling Thief in Leather Armour, with Shortsword & Sling
  • Elf Fighter/Magic User in Chainmail, with Longsword & Wand
  • Elf Thief in Leather Armour, with Shortsword & Rope


DA6 Montage

DA5 concept montageDA4 - Demi-humans I - Dwarf Fighter, Halfling Thief, Elf Fighter/Magic User, Half-orc Fighter/Cleric


DAB3 – Dungeon Adventurers III – Female Characters (planned release – June 2013)                                                                                                                                                                    

  • Human Fighter in Plate Mail, with Longsword & Shield
  • Human Cleric in Chainmail, with Flail & Holy Symbol
  • Human Thief in Leather Armour, with Rope & Grappling Hook
  • Human Magic User in Robes, with Dagger & Torch
  • Dwarf Fighter in Plate Mail, with Warhammer
  • Gnome Fighter in Chainmail, with Light Crossbow
  • Human Ranger in Leather Armour, with Shortsword & Dagger
  • Half-elf Druid in Leather Armour, with Spear & Torch
  • Elf Magic User in Robes, with Dagger & Scroll
  • Half-orc Assassin in Studded Leather, with Longsword & Hand-axe
  • Human Barbarian in Leather and Furs, with Spear and Torch
  • Human Monk in Robes, with Bardiche & Lantern

 DAB4 – Dungeon Adventurers IV – Hirelings & Henchmen (planned release – June 2013) 

  • Mercenary Swordsman
  • Mercenary Crossbowman
  • Mercenary Spearman
  • Pack Bearer I
  • Pack Bearer II
  • Lantern Bearer
  • Torch Bearer
  • Squire
  • Scribe/Mapper
  • Mule Handler
  • Expedition Mule
  • Expedition Equipment

 Each set of 12 miniatures will include 12 metal scenic dungeon bases, and  will be supplied packed into a foam-lined carry case made by FeldHerr in Germany.  All of these figures will be cast in pewter.  Some will require minor assembly, such as a seperate shield or weapon arm.  They are all supplied unpainted.

Stretch Goals

  • If we reach our initial target of $5000, all levels of support will receive a bonus gift of a 'Weapons & Equipment Pack', designed for converting your characters to suit your precise needs.  ACHIEVED!
  • If we reach $10,000, all contributors at Level 4 and above will receive a free 'Treasure Items Pack'.  ACHIEVED!
  • Reaching a goal of $15,000 will see all backers of Level 5 and above granted a bonus pack called 'Adventurers' Campsite', featuring bed-rolls, a campfire & cooking pots, and other paraphernalia.  ACHIEVED!
  • At $20,000, all backers of Levels 6 & 7 will receive an 'Adventurers' Cart Set', pulled by an expedition mule and piled with adventuring gear, looted treasure, and a fallen comrade.  ACHIEVED!
  • At $25,000, all backers of Level 4 and above will receive a pair of War/Guard Dogs – 1 sitting, 1 standing, wearing studded leather collars & harness.  ACHIEVED!
  • At $30,000, for Level 7 only – a set of 'Adventurers’ Stores' – crates, boxes, chests, sacks, barrels.  ACHIEVED!
  • At $35,000, for Level 5 and beyond, a pack of Magic Users’ Familiars (standard) – cat, crow, hawk, owl, toad, weasel.  ACHIEVED!
  • At $40,000, again for Level 5+ a pack of Magic Users’ Familiars (special) – quasit, pseudo-dragon, brownie, imp, homonculus.  ACHIEVED!
  • At $45,000, for Level 4 and above, a Dwarf Mercenary Warrior, lightly armoured but heavily armed!  Designed and sculpted by the multi-talented Des Hanley.  ACHIEVED!
  • At $50,000, for Level 7 only, a pack of 4 Slain Adventurers - the gruesome remains of the Fighter, Cleric, Magic User and Thief from DAB1.  ACHIEVED!
  • If we reach $55,000, all backers of Levels 6 and 7 will receive a seated Magic-user model - a variant of the DA1 Magic-user, remodelled to drive the 'Adventurers' Cart from the $20k bonus.  ACHIEVED!
  • All stretch goals now achieved. No further bonuses will be added.


Our planned availability dates are:

  • DA1 - Magic User, Cleric, Fighter & Thief - October 2012
  • DA2 - Monk, Ranger, Druid & Barbarian - November 2012
  • DA3 - Assassin, Paladin, Bard, Illusionist - December 2012
  • DAB1 - Dungeon Adventurers I Boxed Set (Human Male Characters) - January 2013
  • DAB2 - Dungeon Adventurers II Boxed Set (Demi-human Characters) - March 2013
  • Hireling Bonus Packs (Pack-bearer, Lantern-bearer, Mule-handler) - January 2013
  • Stretch Goal Bonuses (Weapons & Equipment, Treasure Items, Adventurers' Campsite, Adventurers' Cart, War Dogs) - December 2012 to March 2013
  • DAB3 - Dungeon Adventurers III Boxed Set (Female Characters) - June 2013
  • DAB4 - Dungeon Adventurers IV Boxed Set (Hirelings & Henchmen) - June 2013

Items will be shipped out as and when they become available, unless backers specifically request to combine a shipment.  For example, a Level 5 backer who selects DAB1 & DAB2, will get their DAB1 set (plus any stretch bonuses achieved, if available) in January 2013, and the DAB2 set (with any remaining bonus packs) in March 2013.


Worldwide shipping costs are included in all pledge levels.  Shipments will be sent by first class or airmail parcel post.


Regular progress reports, including photos of sculptors' master models as they are completed, will be sent out to all backers at regular intervals.




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Choose your Perk

Level 1

$10 USD
A single blister-packed miniature from the DAB1 boxed set; Fighter, Cleric, Magic User, Thief, Barbarian, Monk, Ranger, Druid, Illusionist, Assassin, Bard or Paladin. Worldwide shipping included.
Estimated Shipping
December 2012
9 claimed

Level 2

$30 USD
A blister pack of 4 miniatures from DAB1. Choose from DA1 - Magic User, Cleric, Fighter, Thief, DA2 - Monk, Ranger, Druid, Barbarian, and DA3 - Bard, Paladin, Illusionist, Assassin. Worldwide shipping included.
Estimated Shipping
December 2012
8 claimed

Level 3

$75 USD
All 3 blister packs of 4 miniatures from DAB1. DA1 - Magic User, Cleric, Fighter, Thief, DA2 - Monk, Ranger, Druid, Barbarian, and DA3 - Bard, Paladin, Illusionist, Assassin. Worldwide shipping included.
Estimated Shipping
December 2012
2 claimed

Level 4

$85 USD
The first boxed set, DAB1 - Human Male Characters, featuring Magic User, Cleric, Fighter, Thief, Monk, Ranger, Druid, Barbarian, Bard, Paladin, Illusionist, Assassin. Each model is supplied with a pewter 25mm round base with a textured dungeon-floor surface. The set is packed in a Feldherr Mini miniatures case lined with protective foam and covered with a full-colour slip-case. Worldwide shipping included.
Estimated Shipping
January 2013
22 claimed

Level 5

$160 USD
Any 2 boxed sets of your choice from the DAB range. Choose from DAB1 - Human Male Characters, DAB2 - Demi-human Male Characters, DAB3 - Female Characters, DAB4 - Hirelings and Henchmen. In addition, you will receive a bonus figure, only available as part of this Indiegogo campaign, a Henchman Pack-bearer. Includes worldwide shipping.
14 claimed

Level 6

$225 USD
Any 3 boxed sets of your choice from the DAB range. Choose from DAB1 - Human Male Characters, DAB2 - Demi-human Male Characters, DAB3 - Female Characters, DAB4 - Hirelings and Henchmen. In addition, you will receive 2 bonus figures, only available as part of this Indiegogo campaign, a Henchman Pack-bearer, a Lantern-bearer. Includes worldwide shipping.
12 claimed

Level 7

$280 USD
All 4 boxed sets from the DAB range. You will receive DAB1 - Human Male Characters, DAB2 - Demi-human Male Characters, DAB3 - Female Characters, DAB4 - Hirelings and Henchmen. In addition, you will receive 3 bonus figures, only available as part of this Indiegogo campaign, a Henchman Pack-bearer, a Lantern-bearer, a Mule-handler. Includes worldwide shipping.
173 claimed
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