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Machinations of the Space Princess

Sexy, Sleazy, Swords & Sci Fi A sci-fantasy game and toolkit derived from Lamentations of the Flame Princess with kickass art by Satine Phoenix

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Machinations of the Space Princess

Machinations of the Space Princess

Machinations of the Space Princess

Machinations of the Space Princess

Machinations of the Space Princess

Sexy, Sleazy, Swords & Sci Fi A sci-fantasy game and toolkit derived from Lamentations of the Flame Princess with kickass art by Satine Phoenix

Sexy, Sleazy, Swords & Sci Fi A sci-fantasy game and toolkit derived from Lamentations of the Flame Princess with kickass art by Satine Phoenix

Sexy, Sleazy, Swords & Sci Fi A sci-fantasy game and toolkit derived from Lamentations of the Flame Princess with kickass art by Satine Phoenix

Sexy, Sleazy, Swords & Sci Fi A sci-fantasy game and toolkit derived from Lamentations of the Flame Princess with kickass art by Satine Phoenix

James Desborough
James Desborough
James Desborough
James Desborough
11 Campaigns |
Andover, United Kingdom
$4,615 USD 163 backers
461% of $1,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 11 Projects Mountain Filled 11 Projects

Yes this will be available in hardcopy via PoD!

***Target Six $6000***

A square-format 'concept album' of ten, introductory adventures for Machinations of the Space Princess to accompany the main book.

***Target Five: $5000***

An engraved Machinations of the Space Princess D6.

***Target Four: $4000***

An in-game 'tarot deck' - or at least the Major Arcana. NB: This is provisional upon securing Satine's agreement. It's potentially a lot of work and expensive! This and other stretch goals may or may not be included in lower tier funding depending on cost!

***Target Three: $3000***

If this target is met, a GM screen will be made available, in full colour!

***Target Two: $2000***
If this target is met the game will be available in full colour!

***Target One: $1000***
If the initial target is met, everyone who funds the project at all will get an exclusive PDF of 'A Fistful of SciFi' which will not, otherwise, be made available. Five adventure seeds with MotSP in mind.

The Machinations of the Space Princess fundraiser as part of the Lamentations of the Flame Princess adventure fundraiser didn't fund but there was sufficient interest to warrant another look.

MotSP will set its sights on the world of sleazy, sensual pulp Science Fiction from the likes of Metal Hurlant, creating a universe of heavy metal space opera (rather than rock n' roll).

Rather than a single adventure and some ideas, MotSP will be a FULL GAME.

MotSP will give you ALL THE RULES you need to play.

MotSP will BULGE AT THE SEAMS with adventure ideas and toolkits to help you create and maintain your game and produce ideas.

MotSP will include fantastic art by Satine Phoenix.

MotSP will take your gang of wandering space-reprobates from the strip clubs of Proxima to the feudal planets of the Black Cluster. The glass spires of Imperial Space to the wastelands of scrap-worlds.

MotSP will take you from confronting elemental evil to delving the crypts of long-dead civilisations across the known galaxy.

MotSP is planned to include:

  • Expert, Psion, Scholar and Warrior classes.
  • Extensive rules for creating humanoid and inhumanoid aliens or robots as PCs or monsters.
  • Expanded skill & combat rules.
  • Cannon fodder rules.
  • SF gear.
  • Starship combat.
  • Psionics
  • Hints, tips and toolkits for the GM and players alike.
  • Basic rules for creating stars, planets, cities and adventures.
  • A full game background.
  • A sample adventure.

Why should you back us?

Satine is a fantastic, up-and-coming illustrator and associated with I Hit it With my Axe and D&D With Pornstars. This project will give her a real chance to stretch her artistic legs and show off.

I am a full time RPG writer and author with a lifetime love of science-fiction comics, novels and fantasy art. If you've ever looked at a Tim White or Roger Dean illustration and been inspired to set a game in what you see, we have something in common.

I have a proven track record of producing great games in PDF and POD as well as selling through publishers such as Cubicle 7 and Chronicle City. I have worked for Wizards of the Coast, Steve Jackson Games, Cubicle 7 Entertainment and others and won an Origins Award (along with my writing partner Steve mortimer) for my work on The Munchkin's Guide to Powergaming, the book that spawned the card game.

If nothing else, you're guaranteed an amusing read with great art and that HAS to be worth a few bucks.


All funds donated will be used whether the project hits its target or not! If you're donating, you're actually donating! Whatever amount up to $1,000 is raised will go on art from Satine. Past that number we'll start to reveal and trigger stretch goals and more art!

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Choose your Perk

Protoplasmic Slime

$5 USD
EVERYONE who contributes - so long as we meet the goal - will get an exclusive 'Fistful of SciFi' in the style of the 'Fistful of Fantasy' series (Five detailed adventure seeds/stories). This is the minimum buy-in to get that and any other 1 Postmortem Studios PDF.
2 claimed

Planet-Bound Scum

$10 USD
A PDF copy of the book when complete, our eternal gratitude and sufficient karma to ensure you're not reincarnated as a slug.
99 claimed

Interplanetary Criminal

$25 USD
A PDF copy of the book and any other two Postmortem Studios PDF products, free of charge.
24 claimed

Universal Interface

$40 USD
A hardcopy of the book when complete. Nothing else. Just that. Dead trees can be read by anything and anyone. Who needs converter cables?
3 claimed

Tea, Earl Grey, Hot

$50 USD
Thanks to replication technology this way you'll be able to get a hardcopy of the book when released. You will also get the PDF the moment it's ready and any other two Postmortem PDFs of your choice, free of charge. Huzzah!
20 claimed

Interstellar Bounty Hunter

$100 USD
A PDF copy of the book, any other two Postmortem Studios PDF products free of charge and name/describe a planet, monster or NPC for the book.
3 claimed

Matter Transportation

$100 USD
The same PDF offer as all the other perks and a signed hardcopy of the book, plus a mystery bonus book from the Postmortem library.
5 out of 10 of claimed

Patron to the Art-Bots of Phen

$200 USD
You, or something/someone a little like you as an alien monstrosity, NPC or character. Plus the PDF of the book, bonus free PDFs and the rest, plus it'll keep the Art-Bot in power cells for a bit.
3 claimed

Mirror Universe

$300 USD
Satine will draw YOU as a character/class of your choice which will appear in the book AND you'll get the original.
1 out of 3 of claimed

Galactic Conference

$500 USD
A signed copy of the print version of the book A PDF copy of the book and any other two Postmortem Studios PDF products, free of charge. I will also GM a short, introductory adventure for you and four of your friends over Infrno or Google Hangouts.
0 out of 3 of claimed

Beyond Lies the Wub

$1,000 USD
You'll have dinner with Satine - you have to pay for your grub of course - and she'll do life drawings of you which you can have. Los Angeles only!
0 out of 1 of claimed

Unique piece of ExoTech

$1,000 USD
Since this will definitely take us over the 3k target, you will get all the PDF and print options at the lower tiers AND the original art from the GM screen.
0 out of 1 of claimed
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