The Teddy Bear Defenders and Monster under the Bed Miniatures Set
The Teddy Bear Tales are a series of illustrated stories featuring Tristan the Teddy Bear as he protects children from the Bogeyman and his Legions of Monsters under the Bed.
Over the last few years Tristan's world has expanded outside his illustrated books into cuddly toys and comic books, and now I have the opportunity to show Tristan at a whole new scale - as a 28mm Resin Miniature Toy Soldier.
Who Am I?
My name is Nick Davis, I am the author of the Teddy Bear Tales and once upon a time was lead writer for Games Workshop Monthly Magazine White Dwarf. I love Toy Soldiers - I have a passion for gaming especially miniature based games they give a game an inherent dimension, a drama that is missing in many other gaming genres.
What We Need & What You Get
I commissioned Master Sculptor Alex Garrett to create a Tristan the Teddy Bear Green Sculpt and at the same time make a Monster under the Bed called a No Name.
I now had two beautiful sculpts with no way to cast them. But while I have some mold making experience the shape of the miniatures were just too complex for me to successful make a mold.
I reached out to the casting community and have got Valiant Miniatures on-board to make the molds and do the casting for me - the sculpts are in their hands ready for production.
Your contribution will help fund this process and if we meet our goals hopefully the commissioning of more sculpts from Alex Garrett. This project is in motion and you can help it exceed its goals.
You want a Teddy Bear Miniature!
The Tristan the Teddy Bear Miniature is going to be a limited run toy soldier, the most perfect fun gaming miniature for wargamer or collector alike.
This is truly going to be a unique little piece to own. As you can see from the pictures he fits on a 20mm (penny sized) base and wont look out of place on a 25mm base.
I have a proven track record with crowd sourcing and have delivered four books using both Kickstarter and Indiegogo to bring projects home.
I have choose Indiegogo because no matter if we hit our goal or not you will get your reward perk, and this project will get partially funded. I am determined to make this happen and with your help we can have a fun line of Teddy Bear Miniatures.
This project is a go... You will just help make it bigger!
Stretch Goal
If we hit $500 I can commission Alex to make the next Monster under the Bed - A Knocker to join the Teddy Bear Tales Miniature range. If we make this goal everyone who has ordered A Teddy Bear Collection upwards will get this miniature.
Then every $200 after $500 I can add another character to the Miniature range, and maybe we can produce the entire world of the Teddy Bear Tales in miniature form. Like Wilma Bunny, No Noses, the Bogeyman and maybe even Fluffy the Dust Dragon.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:
- Make some noise about this campaign.
- Use the Indiegogo share tools below!
With your help we can bring a whole new scale to Tristan's world!
Learn more about Tristan and the Teddy Bear Tales Here.