Short Summary
Paulette Kouffman Sherman is a breast cancer survivor who is a psychologist, life coach and author. She was told the day before her 41st birthday that her cancer had a 25% chance of coming back and she just completed a year-long treatment of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. This experience brought many lessons including clarity about her soul's mission to write a Legacy Project of 22 books, including a 4-book Cancer Path series that would help women with breast cancer to view it as a spiritual path.
Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman is a psychologist, life coach and the author of 9 books (by March 2013). She has helped many people with challenges concerning illness, career goals, anxiety, depression and relationship issues during her career.
This campaign is important because getting a diagnosis of breast cancer is scary and the treatment grueling, so women going through this experience need hope, guidance and a powerful context.
Dr. Sherman funded the first 4 books in her Legacy Project herself and now she wants funding partners for this four-book series. Even when being very careful with expenses, each book costs at least $1500 to produce. In addition, she wants to donate free books to at least 25 cancer libraries so that women going through breast cancer treatment have access to this series for free for years to come.
Thousands of omen can benefit from your generosity and so can you.
What We Need & What You Get
Here are 10 packages and ways you can help so that this Cancer Path series gets published and disseminated. See the Perks described on the side.
The 4 book Cancer Path series consists of 4 books. This is how this series came about and what each book coverst:
Going through breast cancer was one of the hardest years of my life. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, yet I have found that a lot of growth came from it. I love to write, so I wrote about my experience and came through it with a book that was more than 300 pages. It was part memoir, part self-help, as well as a photographic account of how I got through everything, including losng my hair. Writing was my lifeline and I hoped that in sharing this, it would help other women walk this path.
I thought it unlikely that women struggling with cancer would want to read such a lengthy book, so one day while I was walking the beach I had a revelation that it was meant to be a 4-volume series called The Cancer Path, which could embrace women at different points along their journey. This is the 4 book series:
Volume 1- The Quick Essential Guide to Breast Cancer: Diagnosis, Surgery, Chemo & Radiation is a slim guide that you could slip into your purse and flip through for easy tips and references about how to get through your 8 months of standard treatment. Even if you don’t have cancer, this could be that first cancer gift book that could connect you to someone else who had this experience. And if you are facing your own cancer diagnosis, this book provides an overview and some practical tips about how to get through surgery, chemo, or radiation. Some women might prefer just to read these tips, get through conventional treatment, put cancer behind them, and stop there.
Volume 2- The Cancer Path: A Spiritual Journey Through Healing, Wholeness & Love approaches cancer on a level deeper, as a spiritual initiation. It allows you to heal cancer from the inside-out by giving you tools to address healing your mind, body, emotions, and Spirit as you go through your traditional treatment. If you are like me, you may not want to be a passive recipient of healing. You may want to take action and create a year of treatment that leads to greater wholeness and health on all levels. I read over 60 books so that I could address these four levels of healing for you, with many sub-headings, as well as to explore many discrepant issues like diet, how your immune system affects cancer, whether your emotions, thoughts and stress affect cancer, and so forth. This book is for the cancer patient who wants to do serious inner work and learn spiritual lessons along this path.
Volume 3- My Date With Cancer: 21 Spiritual Lessons is a gift book that explores 21 spiritual lessons from Volume 2, without the more intensive research, explanation, and exercises. It has pictures and brief spiritual lessons that a cancer patient can flip through while in the hospital. It's intended to provide love and hope, and to point out some spiritual lessons that can help patients grow and be positive while on their cancer path.
Volume 4 - Create Your Own Cancer Path Workbook is a workbook to help cancer patients keep track of their personal experience and story. It is a journal/workbook with ideas, springboards and exercises so that they can remember and record how they got through chemotherapy, what and who inspired them, the lessons they learned, and other memorable moments. In the end, they can use this workbook as a template for writing and publishing their own story, if they wish. Its can be a journal, a place to vent and cope, and a legacy for their children, grandchildren, and great-grand children to learn from their story. Research shows that there are many benefits to cancer patients from journaling and leaving a legacy behind.
Don't forget to tell people about your perks and get them excited!
All funds collected will go towards completing this 4 book Cancer Path series even if we don’t reach the entire 22 book goal here.
The Impact
The Cancer Path examines healing on all four levels, examining controversial questions related to cancer treatment, addressing coping strategies, healing resources and providing many practical tips along the way. Dr. Sherman references over sixty books as milestones along The Cancer Path but realizes that each woman's journey is unique. She knows that these books will help many survivors.
The Cancer Path will help them:
- Feel less alone on this startling & challenging journey
- Develop a Healing Team that supports you
- Explore ways to process your emotions
- Find Spiritual meaning in your illness
- Choose positive thoughts and a powerful context about your cancer
- Explore the research on controversial issues related to your cancer treatment
- Examine diet, movement and alternative therapies for your body
- Consider the role of meditation and prayer
- Reflect upon the spiritual lessons you receive on your cancer path
- Marry healing on all four levels for optimal holistic growth
...And so much more!
Dr. Sherman felt that her cancer path brought her spiritual purpose into focus and she wants the same for others going through this!
Other Ways You Can Help
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Thank you so much for your support, ahead of time!