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Yari Yari Ntoaso: International Black Women Writers

Help OWWA pay for writers' travel costs and documenting the conference!

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Yari Yari Ntoaso: International Black Women Writers

Yari Yari Ntoaso: International Black Women Writers

Yari Yari Ntoaso: International Black Women Writers

Yari Yari Ntoaso: International Black Women Writers

Yari Yari Ntoaso: International Black Women Writers

Help OWWA pay for writers' travel costs and documenting the conference!

Help OWWA pay for writers' travel costs and documenting the conference!

Help OWWA pay for writers' travel costs and documenting the conference!

Help OWWA pay for writers' travel costs and documenting the conference!

OWWA Yari Yari
OWWA Yari Yari
OWWA Yari Yari
OWWA Yari Yari
1 Campaign |
New York, United States
$3,529 USD 56 backers
35% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal


About the above video:

OWWA Executive Board Member & Yari Yari Ntoaso Rosamond S. King explains why OWWA was founded, what Yari Yari is, and why you should support us!

THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR SUPPORTERS AND DONORS!  It's not too late to support OWWA & Yari Yari Ntoaso:


Here are the instructions to make a tax-deductible donate via PayPal:


1) Go to
2) Click "Personal" on the upper left of the screen.
3) Click on "Transfer," and when the menu drops down, click "Send Someone Money." 
4) A new window will open.  Type your email addres as the "From" and as the "To."
5) Enter the amount and click "Continue."
6) At this time it will ask you to log in or create a PayPal account.
7) Once the above is done, all you have to do is enter any message to OWWA, and click "Confirm!"
We will send you an email confirmation once our account has been credited. 
Checks are also accepted made out to OWWA and mailed to P.O. Box 652; Village Station; New York, NY 10014.

About Yari Yari Ntoaso:

Yari Yari Ntoaso: Continuing the Dialogue is a symposium of literature by women of African descent taking place in Accra, Ghana, May 16-19, 2013.  This free gathering will put writers, critics, and readers from across Africa, the USA, Europe, and the Caribbean in dialogue with each other through readings, roundtables, screenings, and performances. YYN continues the dialogue of the first two Yari Yari conferences, which put hundreds of writers in dialogue with thousands of readers.

Why should you give?

Amazingly, more than 50 poets, writers, and scholars from 15 countries have agreed to attend and to raise their own travel costs.  But those with less resources - often writers living in the Global South and those working outside of universities - are struggling to raise their travel funds.  The monies raised on this website will help cover these writers' costs.  Your gifts help ensure that Yari Yari Ntoaso will feature a wide range of voices.  If there are remaining funds, they will pay for documentation and an improved website so those who can’t attend in person can stay updated online.

And if you need more reasons to give, just look at our thank-you gifts to your left!

A list of participants – as well as many photos and videos – can be found in our "gallery" on this site.

About OWWA:

OWWA (The Organization of Women Writers of Africa) is a 501(c)(3) non-governmental organization associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information. OWWA was formed by Jayne Cortez (USA) and Ama Ata Aidoo (Ghana) for the purpose of establishing links between professional African women writers. In recent years OWWA created, and organized, critical panels, readings, book celebrations, conversations with creative women, the presentation of literary awards, film/video screenings, and a literary literacy project connecting young students to literature and professional writers.

OWWA is deeply saddened by the loss of its President and Co-Founder, Jayne Cortez, the amazing poet, performer, and activist described by The New York Times as “one of the central figures of the Black Arts Movement.”  We are committed to presenting the third Yari Yari as scheduled in Jayne’s honor.

Please give at whatever level you can.  And please let others know via email, Facebook, and Twitter, about this campaign!

                                              THANK YOU!


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Choose your Perk

Signed Postcard

$10 USD
A YYN postcard signed by an OWWA board member.
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
2 claimed

YYN Tote Bag & Signed Postcard

$25 USD
Tote bag with the YYN logo and a signed postcard! (Bags & postcards supported by the New York Council for the Humanities)
Estimated Shipping
March 2013
12 claimed

1st Yari Yari DVD

$100 USD
The award winning first YY documentary - usually $225 - AND the YYP doc!
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
8 claimed

YYN Highlights

$200 USD
Get all 3 DVDs - a $500 value! YYN DVD will include some of our famous authors and most moving conversations! Be the first to get the YYN DVD!
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
3 claimed

Signed book by Sapphire & MORE

$500 USD
All of the DVDs, the bag and postcard, AND a signed copy of Sapphire's latest novel The Kid AND two books written and signed by OWWA board members. Your perk may include books by Louise Meriwether, Zetta Elliott, Ama Ata Aidoo, or Rosamond S. King.
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
0 out of 8 of claimed

Signed book by Maya Angelou!

$1,000 USD
A signed copy of one of Maya Angelou's books, PLUS 3 more books written and signed by OWWA board members. *Limited number!*
Estimated Shipping
April 2013
0 out of 5 of claimed


$5,000 USD
All of the above AND a private screening of highlights from YYN with OWWA board members and NYC authors. Travel to and board in NYC not included.
0 out of 1 of claimed

Trip to Accra & NYC Reception!

$10,000 USD
Come join us in Ghana! Includes economy travel, 6 nights in the conference hotel, and VIP seating at all events. Travel arrangements must be made by 1 April 2013. Ghanaian visa is donor's responsibility. Travel to and lodging in NYC for screening reception not included.
0 out of 1 of claimed

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