Who, What, Why, When, Where And What Can I Do?
Who is Bikeverywhere?
Hello, my name is Doug Shidell and I am the creator of Bikeverywhere. I developed Bikeverywhere to offer bicyclists of all skill levels a set of online tools to assist them in planning and mapping their bike rides.
I am an avid rider with over 40 years of experience creating and mapping bike routes. Bikeverywhere began as Little Transport Press in 1984, a company that specializes in bike maps and route guides. From the start I focused on offering quality products and invested heavily in technology that helped me produce the most accurate and readable bike maps available.
Today, I am taking Bikeverywhere to the next level; an interactive website that offers riders an easy to use, customizable route mapping and printing experience.
That is why I’ve come to Indiegogo for funding. Bikeverywhere will launch in March 2013, but it won't be everything I want it to be. I need your financial help to add the features and information that will really make it a valuable tool for bicyclists of all levels. My goal is to raise $8000 in 30 days. With that money, I can immediately begin Phase 2 improvements.
I’ve assembled a team of skilled people to assist me in developing Bikeverywhere. Currently, we are working on GIS mapping software, an easy to use user interface, and the plumbing that holds the site together. In addition, I have enlisted the talents of a map data specialist who verifies and adds mapping data into the system and a video editor/copy writer.
What is Bikeverywhere?
Bikeverywhere is an interactive mapping application designed for bicycle riders. Riders will use it to find bicycle friendly roads and trails, bike amenities like drinking fountains and bathrooms, and fun stuff like public art, quirky museums and unusual features. Bikeverywhere also provides the digital tools that allow bicyclists to create their own routes, then print and share them with their riding companions.
Currently, Bikeverywhere covers Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Illinois. BE is scalable and might expand to other regions in the future. For now the focus is in the Upper Midwest.
What Makes Bikeverywhere So Special?
- BE is more than trails. We also have bicycle friendly roads, water fountains and restrooms, recommended bike friendly services such as restaurants and bike shops, and points of interest.
- BE gives you the tools to create unique routes that meet your specific needs.
Pick your distance, choose roads or trails, and gravel or pavement. Plan your ride around water, restrooms, parks, public art, bike services, and much more. It is entirely up to you.
- BE allows you to save your favorite routes for future reference. Save your route as a PDF file, then print it or share it with your riding companions.
- BE is a one-stop-shop for route information.
We've added information from public sources, advocacy organizations, avid cyclists, bike clubs and our own knowledge of the roads and trails in the Upper Midwest. It's all in one easy to use map.
- BE members are a community.
Suggest photos, points of interest, new routes and bicycle amenities. We'll check them out and if they benefit other members, we'll add them to the master map. In this way BE will continuously improve, thanks to its members.
- Is Bikeverywhere Free?
BE requires a small annual membership fee. Member support allows BE to provide its services without ads, scrolling banners or other annoying distractions.
- Who Can Use Bikeverywhere?
Bikeverywhere is for all bicyclists regardless of skill or physical training. You are in control of your ride. You create and print your own routes with the easy to use route building tools. Bikeverywhere is not a training diary, a forum for comparing your speed to others or a competition. It's about exploring, sharing and finding more ways to use your bike for recreation and transportation.
Why should I support Bikeverywhere?
No matter the size of your donation, you are supporting the growth of the Upper Midwest bicycling community by expanding safe bicycle commuting and promoting healthy exercise. You can take pride in knowing that you’ve helped fund a new interactive service that will benefit riders of all levels throughout the Upper Midwest.
Your donation supports the bicycling community by answering the question "Where can I ride my bike?" By highlighting bicycle friendly roads and trails and the amenities that make riding more enjoyable, Bikeverywhere promotes healthy exercise and a better environment.
Why should I donate?
I have already invested significant time and money into developing the Bikeverywhere concept and software. I am committed to making BE everything described here and more. At this point, what I need is money to insure that important features are available in future BE releases. With my decades of experience running a small business, I know how to get the most from every dollar I spend.
Is Bikeverywhere a non-profit?
No. Bikeverywhere does not depend on taxpayers, foundations or advertisers. The only way it can succeed is by offering a service that bicyclists are willing to pay for. It's a powerful incentive for me to keep your needs my first priority.
When Will Bikeverywhere Go Live?
Bikeverywhere will launch in March 2013, early enough to begin planning rides for the Spring.
What Can I Do?
- Donate to help us reach our goal.
- Spread the word to your friends and family.
- Become a member of Bikeverywhere.