My name is Elise Stokes. I am a wife of twenty years, the mother of four, a former elementary school teacher, and the author of the Cassidy Jones Adventures series for young adults.
I dreamed up my teenage superhero during a conversation my husband and I had about cool super powers and story concepts a little over three years ago. Since then, I’m happy to say thousands of readers have joined me on Cassidy’s journey. Currently, Cassidy Jones Adventures is the Top Rated Superhero series on Amazon, with Cassidy Jones and the Secret Formula holding the #1 spot. Book Three, Cassidy Jones and the Seventh Attendant, is complete and has received excellent beta reader feedback, but I'm now at a standstill and would appreciate your support.
You can make Cassidy’s next adventure a huge success. I loved writing this story and developing characters that readers have only had a snapshot of thus far. Everything changes for Cassidy in this next installment, and I certainly didn’t make things easy on her. ㋡
Where your contribution will go:
- Evaluation/Editing
- Proofreading
- Formatting (eBook/Print)
- Book Cover
Other ways you can help:
- Share this fundraiser with family and friends.
- Share this fundraiser on Facebook, Google +, Twitter, etc.
Thank you for considering pre-ordering Cassidy Jones and the Seventh Attendant, or choosing another great reward.
All the best,
Blurb for Cassidy Jones and the Seventh Attendant:
Some secrets are better left buried…
When the mysterious Gavin Phillips returns to Seattle after a prolonged and unexplained absence, he threatens to expose fifteen-year-old Cassidy Jones’s incredible secret: she is a superhero. But his presence is far more sinister than she realizes, for it soon becomes apparent that his hidden agenda holds a dark and dangerous intent that will unleash an unparalleled evil upon an unsuspecting world. Can Cassidy stop him before all is lost?