Found a new studio; get two, no, FOUR minis
Get these two cool miniatures for a modest price and secure your place in game history as a contributing founder of Igra Miniatures Studio.
SQUISH GOAL UNLOCKED: The Gnome necromancer and familiar added to Founding Contributor levels. Cyber Punk and planetFallers may select to add either one or the other.
The figures are:
One 1:35 or "*54mm" sci-fi planetary orbital cavalry infantryman. A cool display piece of a design concept for a medium near future force space-warriors.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: I've been advised that 54mm is considered to be 1:32. Please consider that 1:35 is slightly smaller. A human at 1.80 meters tall will measure head to toe at 51.4mm. The actual height of the figure is in fact ~53.5 with the boots and helmet.
![planetFaller 1:35 planetary orbital cavalry]()
The other is a 1:52 or "28mm" cyberpunk character. He's got an ocular implant and a brain interface jack. He's wearing a military style jacket and backpack with jeans and flat soled shoes. He's holding a semi automatic pistol and has a computer deck on a sling.
![Cyberpunk character 1:52 Cyberpunk Character]()
1:52 War-Punk Gnome Necromancer - He's got a staff and a myriad of bags and pouches to hold all his spell books, scrolls and magical supplies.
![Gnome Necromancer War Punk Gnome War Necromancer]()
AND - 1:52 necromancer familiar - to be decided by popular vote. I'll be accepting suggestions via comments, email, tweets, forum posts and whatever (check links at bottom) untill the 12/03/13 after which we'll hold a poll on the blog for 7 days and decide on what animal will accompany the Necromancer Gnome. The list will be updated daily and the result posted here. You can then follow my progress with the updates like what we had with the Gnome himself.
How's it going to work
If we reach our goal I will, according to the amount of founding contributors, engage a professional miniature casting studio to make molds and cast the amount of miniatures required. I am already in contact with several notable establishments. I have a good grasp of the costs involved in the entire pipeline of production and shipping.
The figures will most likely be cast in metal.
![planetFaller 1:35 planetary orbital cavalry]()
![28mm cyberpunk 1:52 cyberpunk character]()
![Gnome Necromancer War Punk Gnome Necromancer]()
![Cyberpunk Character 1:52 cyberpunk character]()
![Cyberpunk 1:52 cyberpunk character]()
Time for delivery
Creating the mold and casting the miniatures is going to take a while. When the campaign is fully funded I estimate it will take ~two months or so to get everything cast and shipped. The entire process will be completely transparent and you will be able to follow along on my blog and contact me personally if you have any questions or comments. It may take less time but I prefer to set the expectation with ample breathing room for unforseeable events.
I've calculcated shipping international letter/parcel into my estimated cost per figure. The prices vary a little between countries but outgoing international mail is very reasonable here.
What's this Squish Goal business?
I've looked over the numbers and decided to add the Necromancer and familiar because I really really want this to work. Seeing as how the fund raising has had such a great start, I'm going to go ahead and reduce the potential returns on my end so that we can make this studio founding happen.
Now it's your turn.
Choose your familiar!
Weasel wins by a landslide! Updates on work to follow.
My vision
The gist of it is: I want to make games. To create a studio that makes things people will get excited about. I wish for people to trust and have a good relationship with Igra Miniatures Studio.
IMS will be:
Transparent: you can follow my work and musings online on the various social media as well as on the website when it becomes available.
Attentive: though I have my own mind, I try to keep it open and allow others' input to expand it.
Excellent: IMS will strive in all its endeavours to reach a high mark of craftsmanship and quality.
Generous: I want to be able to surprise my customers and give them gifts when it is possible to do so. Games should be affordable. I want to make profit, but that's not my goal.
Open Sourced: if and when IMS produces its own games the rules and information will ever be free to download. Players will be encouraged to expand the intellectual data on their own and third party elements can always be used.
Accessible: I want to create products and games that people can enjoy together. If they have a background in games or not.
The Future for IMS
In the immediate future I am going to create a core force of 28mm science fiction drop troops. Afterwards I've got several projects planned such as an opposing science fiction exFor (aliens) and a cool new concept that I call "Warpunk": a fantasy theme set in 50's era military setting (what if: industrial revolution = magic?).
![Warpunk Concept Gnomish War Necromancer]()
I've got a lot of other ideas and the passion to carry them through. If you contribute to this campaign we can make them come true together.
Everyone must do their part:
If you're a funder or otherwise believe that this venture is worthwhile please take a moment to tell people who might be interested about this.
- You can post about it on your Facebook wall or in a group that you're a member of.
- You can tweet, blog, or tmbl (?) about it.
- You can post about it on forums if it's apropriate.
Thank you for your help!
About me
My name is Nadav Igra. I am a husband and father. I have a BFA in fine art. I've been applying myself towards being a game artist for several years now. Making miniatures and wargames have been a passion of mine for more than a decade.
I live and work in Israel. I've served my obligatory tour of duty in the IDF as a warrior in the armored corps. I still serve in the same capacity in the reserve forces and my rank is Chief Sergeant(equivalent to Sergeant First Class according to wikipedia).
My dream is to create games that people all around the world can enjoy together. I thank you for making it possible.
You can follow my activities and get in touch on my blog, tumblr and twitter :
THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING! If you want to help out please share and recommend this to your friends!