My name is Thea Monyee´. I am a poet, a therapist, and a mother. Most of you know me through Def Poetry, Verses and Flow, Da Poetry Lounge, or maybe I performed at your college. But this is not about how we met; this is about where we are going.
Murmurs of a MadWoman is a collection of work inspired by several life-changing moments that occurred in my life between the years 2009 and 2011. This collection asks the question, what happens after I break? Imagine that an emotional bomb goes off in your life. What happens next? After the landmines have exploded and the landslides have wiped away everything you thought you knew? There will be hysteria, pain, and anger. Eventually there will be consciousness and a return of your survival instinct. There will be sacrifices that have to be made and unsung heroes that appear out of thin air. And if all goes according to plan, there will be a resurrection.
For those of you who are not familiar with my work this will be a beautiful introduction and I look forward to meeting you. For those who are familiar with my work, this project was largely motivated by the realization that I owe you something. I owe you more than just the parts of me that I am comfortable with. I owe you my shadow and my light. I cannot ask these things of you, be it as a friend, an audience member, a supporter, or a client, if I am not willing to give you the same in return. So here it is, my heart on a silver platter. Raw, bloodied, and strong. Thank you for your patience.
Your donations are more than money to me; they are a financial representation of your blessing to move forward with this project. My goal is to raise $4000.00, which will cover the cost of self-publishing through an amazing company I have identified, and duplication for the first 500 copies of the book.
Here are the perks!
$25 – Signed copy of a poem featured in Murmurs (50)
$50 – Signed copy of poem in Murmurs + In/Tuition CD (30)
$100 – Autographed copy of Murmurs + CD (20)
$250 – Autographed copy of Murmurs + CD+ Special Acknowledgement in the book! (4)
$500 – SOL Session © with Thea Monyee including book reading and discussion. Invite 4 friends! – (Via Skype if more than 2 hours away)+ Special Acknowledgement in the book + Autographed copy of Murmurs+ CD (3)
$750 – A one on one poetry writing session w/Thea Monyee – (Via Skype if more than two hours away)+ Special Acknowledgement in the book + Two Autographed copies of Murmurs+ CD (2)
$1000 – Whole Enchilada (All of the Above!!) (1)
All of the money will go into making this project the best it can be and everything you deserve as a contributor. For those of you that have followed my work or supported me by purchasing In/Tuition, you know that I give 100% of myself to my work and I feel a strong sense of responsibility for what I create. This project is another example of my dedication to creating and sustaining a place in this world where we can feel connected through our stories and our words.
There is one other way you can help!!
Share this link!
Facebook it! Tweet it! Talk about it! Write about it!
Help me to reach my goal by sending this to someone who has never heard of Thea Monyee´, but has struggled through the experience of a bomb blowing a hole in the middle of their life. Help me to lead them from the landmine to the resurrection with words, tears, laughter, and reflection.
Your support is invaluable to me.
All my love,
Thea Monyee