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Wayka - Community Newspaper

A non-profit community newspaper distributed for free at the recently built metro system of Lima, Peru.

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Wayka - Community Newspaper

Wayka - Community Newspaper

Wayka - Community Newspaper

Wayka - Community Newspaper

Wayka - Community Newspaper

A non-profit community newspaper distributed for free at the recently built metro system of Lima, Peru.

A non-profit community newspaper distributed for free at the recently built metro system of Lima, Peru.

A non-profit community newspaper distributed for free at the recently built metro system of Lima, Peru.

A non-profit community newspaper distributed for free at the recently built metro system of Lima, Peru.

Rael Mora
Rael Mora
Rael Mora
Rael Mora
1 Campaign |
Lima, Peru
$12,121 USD 167 backers
101% of $12,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

(sigue en Español)

A Wayka is a Quechua word that means "group work for the collective well being"

We are a group of professionals and community activists who work in different areas and for a variety of causes, but we are united and passionate about the need to have media outlets independent of political and economic elites. We strongly believe that the advancement of democracy and social justice will not happen if we do not have not-for profit community media. Such media will not only serve Peruvians but will make a global contribution by informing people around the world about the social, cultural and political events happening in our country from the perspective of the people.

Wayka es una palabra Quechua que significa "trabajo en grupo para el bien común" 

Somos un grupo de profesionales y activistas de diferentes especialidades unidos frente a la necesidad de contar con medios de comunicación independientes de las élites políticas y económicas.  La democracia y la justicia social necesitan de medios comunitarios sin fines de lucro.  Wayka será uno de ellos. Si bien estará dirigido a lectores peruanos y peruanas, tendrá repercusión global informando a gente de todo el planeta acerca de los acontecimientos políticos, sociales y culturales de nuestro país y del mundo, principalmente, desde la voz del pueblo que lo conforma.

A Unique Opportunity: 

There is currently a tremendous opportunity to start such a project in Lima. This is because the city has a new and rapidly expanding public transportation system, with no newspapers currently offered at the stations – let alone newspapers that are free.

Free newspapers have been distributed in metropolises worldwide, and are increasingly proving to be the only successful model for print news media. However, this method can be financed solely through advertising if it is to be long term and sustainable. In order to attract advertisers, we need to become an established publication, and that is why we need the initial funds. 

Una oportunidad única: 

Actualmente tenemos una gran oportunidad para iniciar un proyecto de este tipo en Lima ya que contamos con un nuevo sistema de transporte público –el tren eléctrico o metro de Lima-,  que se está expandiendo rápidamente. Sin embargo no hay  periódicos que se ofrezcan en las estaciones -y mucho menos gratuitos.

Desde hace buen tiempo en muchas metrópolis del mundo, la distribución de medios impresos  gratuitos en el transporte público se ha estado convirtiendo en el mayor modelo de éxito del sector. Dicha distribución se financia en el largo plazo a través de publicidad. Con el fin de atraer anunciantes, Wayka debe primero establecerse como una publicación permanente. Para ello necesitamos el financiamiento para sus primeros números.

What Wayka will do:

In order to fill this gap, Wayka will be a non-profit community newspaper distributed for free at metro stations across Lima. It will be a space for the voices of civil society and community groups that are rarely heard – or, when they are heard, they are overwhelmingly censored and misrepresented – in mainstream media.

Wayka will also incorporate a website and use social networks in our outreach so that people can interact directly and contribute their points of view. We will thus give the public a direct say in what will be published in the print versions of our paper. Furthermore, Wayka will serve to promote the many talented Peruvian musicians, filmmakers, writers and other artists that are currently ignored by commercially oriented media.

Lo que Wayka hará:

Con el fin de llenar este vacío, Wayka será un periódico comunitario sin fines de lucro, distribuido gratuitamente en las estaciones de metro de Lima. Será un espacio para las voces de personas, comunidades y grupos de la sociedad civil que rara vez se escuchan -o cuando se escuchan, son censuradas o tergiversadas- en los medios de comunicación dominantes.

Wayka también tendrá un sitio Web y usará las redes sociales para que la gente pueda, directamente, compartir sus puntos de vista. Además, Wayka servirá para promover talentos –en música, cine o literatura- que actualmente son ignorados por los medios de comunicación de orientación comercial.

The Impact:

We believe Wayka will be a major means for people to empower themselves, work towards greater social justice, and reclaim our democracy from special interests. It will break the oligopoly over the means of communication, which is currently led by one extremely wealthy company that is also heavily entangled with government.

El Impacto: 

Creemos que Wayka será un medio importante para que el pueblo se movilice hacia una mayor justicia social, y así retomar la esencia de la democracia, del bien común. Además, ayudará a contrarrestar el oligopolio mediático actual, fuertemente entrelazado con los poderes políticos.

What We Need:

We need to raise $20,000 in order to produce the first three months of issues of Wayka, attract advertisers, and become self-sufficient. We are starting by publishing 10,000 copies weekly, but our goal is to eventually expand into a daily newspaper that reaches at least 250,000 readers per day.

Most of the funds raised will be used to cover the printing costs of publishing our paper. Other expenses include the cost of distribution, designing and maintaining the website, and fair salaries for a designer, an accountant, and the various journalists who will collaborate on different issues.

Lo que necesitamos: 

Necesitamos  recolectar $20.000 dólares con el fin de garantizar la edición, publicación y distribución del periódico durante sus primeros meses. Este periodo permitirá atraer anunciantes que hagan sostenible el proyecto. Estamos empezando con la publicación de 10.000 ejemplares semanales (50 mil lectores aprox.), siendo nuestro objetivo llegar en el mediano plazo a 250 mil lectores diarios.

Other Ways You Can Help: 

You can also help us by promoting this page amongst your friends, family and people who you know to identify as citizens of the world and who are vested in supporting important social causes around the globe.

Otras maneras de ayudar: 

¡Toda ayuda es bienvenida!

También nos puede ayudar mediante la promoción de esta página entre sus amigos y familiares que se puedan sentir identificados con nuestra propuesta, ciudadanos globales que quieran apoyar causas sociales, más allá de las fronteras.

What You Get:

We are confident that we will reach our fundraising goal and that we will manage to make this dream a reality. We are committed to making Wayka possible, and your help will enable us to establish ourselves as a major publication and start making a difference in our society from day one.

Lo que obtendrá: 

Con su apoyo, estamos seguros  que haremos este sueño, realidad. Su ayuda nos permitirá establecernos como una importante publicación que marque la diferencia en libertad de expresión desde el primer día.


We would like to say thank you to you for contributing to our project in the name of social justice. Here are some of the ways we can show our appreciation:

    - Specially designed postcards and certificates of appreciation sent to you  from Peru. 

    - CD download of Peruvian award-winning musician and composer, Gaddafi Nuñes.

    - Your name listed on our website as a supporter of the freedom of expression for the the people of Peru. 

    - Specially designed T-shirts and ecological bags made in Peru.

    - Your name in the inaugural issue of Wayka and a copy sent to you via mail.

    - PDF versions of the publication sent directly to you. 


Por su contribución con Wayka, se hará acreedor a:

- Certificado de agradecimiento especialmente diseñado en Perú.

- El nuevo CD del músico y compositor peruano Gaddafi Nuñes titulado “Certeza”.

- Aparición de su nombre en la edición inaugural de Wayka y en nuestro sitio Web como defensor y promotor de libertad de expresión para el pueblo de Perú.

- Camisetas, bolsas ecológicas, y telares especialmente diseñados en Perú.

- Subscripción a las versiones en PDF de la publicación enviados a su correo electrónico.

The Team:

Our core team members are: Diana García, activist and journalist; Jose Carlos Lama, community activist and sustainable development researcher; Luciana Távara, communication specialist; Rael Mora, political scientist and media researcher; and Gonzalo Villamonte, cultural historian.  

Los organizadores: 

Nuestros miembros del equipo central son: Diana García, activista y periodista, José Carlos Lama, activista comunitario e investigador en desarrollo; Luciana Távara , comunicadora social; Rael Mora, politólogo e investigador de medios de comunicación; y Gonzalo Villamonte, historiador cultural.

In addition, many journalists, artists, graphic designers, activists, community organizers, and bloggers, have already signed up to contribute to the project.

This is a great group of people that is growing by the day. We are extremely excited about Wayka, and ready to go.

Thank you for your support! 

Además, muchos periodistas, artistas, diseñadores gráficos, activistas, organizadores comunitarios, y  blogueros se han inscrito para contribuir con el proyecto.

Este es un gran grupo de personas que está creciendo día a día. Estamos muy entusiasmados con Wayka  y listos para arrancar.

¡Gracias por su apoyo!

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Choose your Perk


Wayka Peruvian Music CD Pack!

$50 USD
All of the above plus a CD download code for the new album by Peruvian award-winning musician, Gaddafi Nuñes.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
18 out of 50 of claimed

Electronic card & certificate!

$10 USD
Specially designed Wayka certificate of appreciation sent via e-mail.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
12 out of 500 of claimed

Wayka Postcard & Certificate!

$25 USD
The above, plus a specially designed Peruvian themed postcard and an international supporter certificate sent to you from Peru via international mail.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
32 out of 200 of claimed

Wayka E-Subscription Pack!

$75 USD
All of the above plus PDF versions of the publication sent directly to you via e-mail for the whole first year of production.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
5 out of 100 of claimed

Wayka Website Pack!

$100 USD
All of the above plus your name listed as a top international supporter on a specially designed page on our website.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
13 out of 50 of claimed

Wayka Inaugural Issue Pack!

$200 USD
All of the above plus your name listed as a top international supporter in the inaugural issue of Wayka and a copy sent to you via international mail.
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
3 out of 50 of claimed

Wayka Shopping Bag Pack!

$250 USD
All of the above plus a hand made fair trade ecological shopping bag from Peru.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
3 out of 50 of claimed

Wayka T-shirt Pack!

$500 USD
All of the above plus a deluxe t-shirt made from Peruvian cotton with a special design of our logo.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
5 out of 50 of claimed

Wayka embroidery Pack!

$1,000 USD
All of the above plus a traditional and colorful decoration cloth from the Peruvian Andean region of Andahuaylas.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

Ultimate Wayka Pack!

$1,500 USD
All of the above plus exclusive access to all of our work and direct contact with all members of the Wayka team.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
0 out of 6 of claimed

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