What I’m Doing
Six months ago I left my home in southern California with a honda civic, a few belongings, and my camera to drive around North America and interview people I met along the way about what makes them happy and gives their lives meaning. It’s been a life-long dream of mine to make this film and I’ve worked any job I could over the last couple years to finally make it happen!
Where the Money Goes
I’ve done my best to make this trip happen on my own dime, and thanks to my money and donations from friends and family I’ve made it this far. I’m coming to you to help me continue.
Your donations will go toward gas money (I’m driving a Honda Civic so it’s not too bad), feeding me (I’m a cheap date) and post production costs (editing, promotion, etc)
If you believe in this project and feel like contributing a few dollars, it will go a long way toward helping me. Either way, please check out my website 50000milestohappiness.com to see clips of interviews I’ve conducted with truly inspiring and incredible people and follow along with me on my journey
I’m an idealist, admittedly, but I think this film has a huge upside. I think those who view it will find it to be both entertaining and profound. My hope is that this project will help bring about happier individuals, and in turn, a happier world.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you can’t give money don’t worry about it! You can help in other ways.
- You can check out my website and tell your friends about the project
- House me or connect me with interesting people when I pass through your city or state
- Work toward making yourself and others happier – it all starts with you
Thank you so much for your interest in this project. I’ve been humbled by the support of friends, family, and strangers who have learned about my project. I never cease to be amazing by the generosity of others.