Some funds will be used to help people make their way in the struggles of their difficult lives. Other funds will contribute to restoring and continuing the stories of amazing people in every day circumstances. You will come to know people you would otherwise never know; help people who need a hand, and; share the satisfaction of making the world a better place. Something seemingly small, from enough people who care, will make a huge difference to them.
"Ronn's photographs go beyond the visual. They are an illustration of a larger story. Engage the subjects in his photos, and you will be prepared for the stories that will connect you with someone halfway around the world.
"Contributing to this campaign will allow Ronn to carry on with his work and be a voice for those souls that will connect with you in deep and meaningful ways. These are people in situations you would otherwise never get to know. Through diverse circumstances between despair and joy, their lives would otherwise be unknown and thus neglected. Everyone deserves to have their story told, and your pledge will help do that in a way only the intimate and artistic photography of Ronn Aldaman can do."
Matt Cline
Further reading:
I am Ronn Aldaman. Bangkok is home base, a sort of jumping off spot for South east Asia for almost a decade.
I have come to know Thailand well, by walking the streets of Bangkok, visiting the poor North East where people eke out a living and only 1% of all tourists ever go; the border towns , the kids. Always with camera in hand.
My photography shows daily life and reality of Thai people; monks, the elderly, children, the homeless, migrant workers. Some say I am a street photographer. I would say I photograph people who happen,s for the most part to be where life is lived here; in the streets.
Personal projects include work with border town kids, helping people in the countryside to be able to better fend for themselves, work in smaller temples or simply distributing food to the homeless.
Someone who has only seen the pictures in travel brochures, cannot understand why a small donation can help a family in need: a few chickens, or a sewing machine can augment a family income enough to keep a child in school instead of sending her or him to work in the fields, sweatshops...or worse. Not stupid and lazy, People just need enough to get started.
I do understand the need and effectiveness of "official" charity organizations but believe direct involvement is both more effective, and more rewarding.
The 2011 were the worst in over 100 years in Thailand. 800 people died, tens of thousands lost work, Many had their homes destroyed. As was mine.
After four months living in a small, North-Eastern village near the Laos border I returned to find home (in a working class district) studio and workshop in ruins. To repair and rebuild the house, and survive until now, I sold most of my personal belongings including my photographic gear. Close to $30,000.00 in total over these last years.
I am appealing to the ingiegogo community to help me acquire new photographic equipment, set up a studio and workshop/darkroom, and again work on projects meaningful, yes, to me but, more so to the people in the communities I have come to be a part of.
In return for funding I am offering photographic files prints and books of my previous work. In future you will be kept up to date of ongoing projects as they materialize.
All contributors will have their names listed on my website unless they request otherwise.
Contributions, no matter how small "a drop in the bucket", are helpful and welcome gestures of humanity.
It would be easy for me to pack my bags now that the going is tough, return to the USA or Europe and "save" myself. But while it is easy to turn my back on myself, it is impossible to turn my back on others.
I must stay here. I need to do what I can within the limits of my possibilities. For the sake of making what can be a big difference for others, I need you. We need you.
Of the funds approximately 50% will be used for again acquiring proper photographic gear and building a studio and darkroom. The rest of the funds will go to various projects and will be listed on my web site as they are used.
I will also begin my main project, a documentary, with the intention of using film footage, of a group of university-graduate monks who who help children in poor villages without proper schools. They supply books, clothing and food. These monks often travel to the villages by mopeds, to do the teaching themselves when there is a shortage of teachers. They deserve to be heard, seen and acknowledged. And the funds for them resulting from the completion of this project will be well used indeed.