Pre - order our shirts to help us launch!
When you experience the Gospel it changes everything. - Romans 2:4
1. How do I pick which colors/designs I want? Soon after you pledge on Indiegogo, we will send a confirmation email allowing you to select your designs and colors. If you pledge $120, you'll simply get all 6 shirts.
*We'll also request your size at this point*
2. What happens if you don't make your goal? You still get the shirt you ordered...but we are confident we will reach our goal.
3. When will my shirts arrive? Mid to Late February 2013.
4. For international orders - shipping will be added.
5. Questions/comments? Please email abbathreads@gmail.com
Simple Designs. Comfortable Apparel. Authentic Gospel.
Comfortable clothing that reveals the Truth about God’s(Jesus) Goodness. Simple, authentic message and laid back designs that connect your heart to His.
We'll take stories and scriptures that reveal God's goodness and nature, and produce designs that you can wear or share. We'll start with T-shirts and grow the product line from there. (headwear, art, etc.)
Our Shirts:
Our focus is on comfort and simplicity. We will start with a heathered Tri-blend t-shirt for our intial designs. They are super comfortable...and the heather gives a vintage look.
![Abba Logo Shirt]()
Abba - Logo Shirt
![Abba Face Shirt]()
Abba's Beardly Shirt
![Desire Mercy - Matt. 9:13]()
Desire Mercy - (Matt. 9:13) "But go and learn what this means; "I desire Mercy not sacrifice" for I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.
Read more click here
I AM - Burning Bush (Exodus 3:14) "...I AM has sent me to you"
Read more click here
![Glory Shirt]()
Glory Cloud - Step In - (Ex. 24:12-18) Moses stepping into the cloud of Glory
Read more click here
![filled up Acts 2:1-4]()
Filled Up - (Acts 2:1-4) "...all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit.."
Read more click here
Current Design in the works: Prodigal - based on Lk. 15: 11-32
Also other design ideas enroute....
- Forgiven Much - based on: Luke 7:36 - 50
- Deep Calls - based on: Psalm 42:7
- Living Water - based on: Jn. 7:38
- Mighty Warrior - based on: Judges 6:12
- New Wine - based on: Lk. 5:37 - 39
- Seek and Save - based on: Lk. 19:1 - 10
- Sons and Daughters - based on: Gal. 4: 6
1 new design per month
We plan to produce a new design per month based on some of our ideas and testimonies. We also plan to incorporate the ideas and testimonies of our customers.
We're working with some amazing designers. Check'm out below
Jay Roberts - thetinyhorse.com
James Graves - hellovoom.com
Doug Penick - dougpenick.com
more to come..
We need $2500 to help launch the company. This will give us the:
- Ability to purchase initial inventory
- Ability to purchase equipment to print the shirts here in Selma, AL.
- Ability to continue producing new designs
- Ability to pursue a dream to create a sustainable business in my hometown.
Impact People
We hope to impact people by producing products that reveal the Truth about how Good Jesus is.
Impact the community
We'll not only produce some great designs and products but also be able help our community. Selma, AL is where I live and like most small towns in the Deep South, it's in need of some fresh ideas and sustainable sources of income. I'd like to hire some folks from the community once we get rollin'.
Once we're launched our goal is to continue developing a creative community around the 'Good News'.
Ways You Can Help:
Pre - order our shirts - just pick an option on the right side of the page.
If you don't like the shirts or and don't want to buy one you can still help:
Share this campaign on your facebook page, twitter feed, pinterest page, or email it to a friend, etc.
Share your opinion by contacting me at abbathreads(at)gmail.com or visiting blog.abbathreads.com
Share using the buttons below...