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Adnonify - Take back your privacy

Adnonify is a simple plug & play network device that will enable you to hide your location and remove all advertising without any changes to your computer

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Adnonify - Take back your privacy

Adnonify - Take back your privacy

Adnonify - Take back your privacy

Adnonify - Take back your privacy

Adnonify - Take back your privacy

Adnonify is a simple plug & play network device that will enable you to hide your location and remove all advertising without any changes to your computer

Adnonify is a simple plug & play network device that will enable you to hide your location and remove all advertising without any changes to your computer

Adnonify is a simple plug & play network device that will enable you to hide your location and remove all advertising without any changes to your computer

Adnonify is a simple plug & play network device that will enable you to hide your location and remove all advertising without any changes to your computer

Isidro Larrubia
Isidro Larrubia
Isidro Larrubia
Isidro Larrubia
1 Campaign |
Malaga, Spain
$741 USD $741 USD 8 backers
0% of $104,423 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

Adnonify - Take back your privacy

Adnonify is a simple plug & play network device that will enable you to anonimize your surfing behaviour, avoid you being tracked by media/advertising companies and remove all intrusive advertising without any changes to your computer or network configuration.

We decided to launch this project to contribute something back to the community which will enable people without the technical know-how to access information freely and without any government control, filtering, censorship, tracking and intrusive advertising.

Over the years we have seen privacy laws erode and become less important:

  • Governments tracking every website your surf and storing this information on you.
  • Media companies tracking your likes and dislike
  • Censorship by ISP's, Media companies, Governments
  • Intrusive advertising
  • Limits on information access depending on which location you are
  • Bandwith throttling for certain protocolls (P2P, Torrents, ...)
  • Companies storing information about you without your knowledge or conscent

Why is this so important to us?

Growing up with the internet as an engineers we have seen the technical aspects of technology change for the worse. Innovation is spurred by media companies and certain governments who push for tracking systems, cookies, intrusive javascripts that pull cookies from other sites you have visited and collecting all this information on your in huge databases.

There used to be a saying "You can be who you want on the internet". This used to be true 10 years ago and maybe still applies for tech-savy people who know how to protect themself.
We want our children to be able to express themself freely, surf the net without being tracked, profiled and put into some database. Giving them the ability to be who they want to be and access whatever information they want freely! 

What We Need & What You Get

To make Adnonify we need to

  • Design PCB printplate
  • Manufacture a PCB (electronic printplate) 
  • Design and manufacture plastic casing for the printplate & packaging
  • Build, debug, test the software
  • Optimize the software so the device is plug&play and userfriendly

Technical hardware specification are currently being discussed with several manufacturers and we will update this page in the coming days and weeks when the PCB design is finalized! (To Be Updated)

We have been working on the sofware fulltime for several weeks now and its currently being tested, debugged and improved. Powering the Adnonify will be a custom-written Peer-2-Peer decentralized, encrypted VPN software to hide your location, block advertising and trackers. The VPN network will run on standard HTTPS port 443 making the traffic indistinguisible from standard HTTPS websites like your bank or email account making it impossible for ISP's to block or tamper or throttle the Adnonify traffic. The adnonify will allow you to chose the country or jurisdiction where your traffic/connection is terminated onto the internet, allowing you to bypass government/geographic restrictions and hide your location.

Keeping in line with aproximate manufacture cost and development cost we have calculated that to make this feasable we would need to order 1 000 pieces of the Adnonify to make this a successtory, however we will be able to fill demand for more devices if we surpass our goal.

If we are not able to reach our goal of 1 000 pieces being preordered, all the funds will be simply refunded to all the contributers;

The Impact

Adnonify will change the way we surf and behave on the internet giving us back our basic rights & freedoms.

Currently there is no alternative to the Adnonify and media companies and governments just continue to blatently ignore privacy laws.

With the Adnonify we hope to change the behaviour of these companies when advertising income drops and users completely block ads and trackers on the edge of their network.

Who are we?

Isidro Larrubia - Electronics engineer, graduate of university of Malaga and lead hardware designer for Adnonify. Most of my time is spent designing new devices based on Raspberry PI, Arduino breakout boards.

Adnan Ahmad - Systems engineer, Systems Architect, with over 10 years of experience working at several fortune-500 companies, banks and government institutions designing, deploying, and managing mission critical systems and mainframes based on *nix (Cisco, CEH, RHEL)

Together we are making the Adnonify a reality.

How You Can Help

Please help us to get the word out and make some noise about Adnonify or Pre-order your device! 


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Choose your Perk

1x Adnonify

Currency Conversion $104 USD
€100 EUR
What you get: * Adnonify (black) * User Manual * Your privacy * A Big Thank You! - Shipping within the (E.U) is free - Other countries please add 20 €
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 claimed

1x Adnonify VIP

Currency Conversion $157 USD
€150 EUR
What you get: * Adnonify VIP (glossy white VIP edition) * User Manual * Your privacy * Adnonify T-shirt * A Big Thank You! - Shipping within the (E.U) is free - Other countries please add 20 €
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 out of 500 of claimed

7x Adnonify VIP

Currency Conversion $1,044 USD
€1,000 EUR
What you get: * 7x Adnonify VIP (glossy white VIP edition) * User Manual * Your privacy * 7x Adnonify T-shirt * 7x Adnonify bumper sticker * Your name in the software credits as a contributor * Your name on our blog & homepage * 10 x A Big Thank You! - Shipping within the (E.U) is free - Other countries please add 50 €
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 out of 25 of claimed

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