Ludum Dare 26 Jam Entry
This April, we set out along with many thousands of other excited game developers from across the world, amateur and professional alike, to create a game over the course of a single weekend. The event, Ludum Dare, is a global game jam, and ostensibly a competition, but everyone gets the same prize: the opportunity to create a game and share it with the world. Our prize was a game called Aduno, and we're quite excited about it!
First thing's first, though - if you haven't heard of Ludum Dare before today, please stop what you're doing and check out the games! We're biased to our game, of course, but there are so many other spectacular entries (Over 2,000!), it would be a shame if ours was the only one you played!
Okay, now that that's said: you can play the competition version of Aduno for free today. Play it here: Aduno: Ludum Dare 26 Entry, or click the Gallery tab above for downloads.
Where We Stand Today
With very positive reception so far, and a number of requests from fellow competitors to create a mobile version of the game, we're looking to fully polish and complete Aduno, and optimize the presentation of the game with mobile phones and tablets in mind. We have all the ability and motivation we need to do so, but we're looking for a bit of help with the basic costs of getting there.
What We Need
We don't need much to get started - we're not looking to take time off from our day jobs or for extra cash in our pockets at the end of the day. The costs for us to bring Aduno to Android and iOS are as follows:
- $399 for a Xamarin.iOS/MonoTouch license, which will allow us to release Aduno on iOS. The framework we are using (LibGDX) allows for a speedy and relatively painless release on iOS, but we need to purchase a MonoTouch license first.
- $99 for an iOS developer license, a requirement to publish on the App Store, and $25 for an Android developer registration.
- ~$400-500 for a nice web domain - this will give us somewhere to host the desktop version of Aduno, news about the game, and also to provide support and have a web presence for Aduno, as well as any future creations of ours.
We are able to front some of this cost ourselves, but not all - that's why we're hoping we can receive just a tiny push from the community to help us get where we're going. Even just a dollar would be much appreciated, and very helpful.
Thanks for checking out Aduno, and thanks for supporting events like Ludum Dare! Now go play a few more Ludum Dare entries!