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Explore a unique and incredible 2.5D RPG/metroidvania adventure based on the content of your computer.

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Explore a unique and incredible 2.5D RPG/metroidvania adventure based on the content of your computer.

Explore a unique and incredible 2.5D RPG/metroidvania adventure based on the content of your computer.

Explore a unique and incredible 2.5D RPG/metroidvania adventure based on the content of your computer.

Explore a unique and incredible 2.5D RPG/metroidvania adventure based on the content of your computer.

Evelend Games
Evelend Games
Evelend Games
Evelend Games
1 Campaign |
Tokyo, Japan
$21,323 USD 1,899 backers
213% of $10,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal



Link to the greenlight page:

Stretch goal Nº1 -  $15.000 (ACHIEVED)


Coop mode: You will be able to play with your friends as help anytime on your castle!

Clock and date: The game will use your system's clock to change the enviroment (day/night) and special events will be displayed.


Stretch goal Nº2 -  $20.000



Refinement: More detailed graphic and animations for all characters and enemies. More complex bossfights. More fighting styles (better bows system, two weapons at once, war hammer) and more magic skills. More items and more scenarios ambientations.

Multilanguage: The game will be available in as many languages as we can.

Challenge mode: Enjoy awesome challenges, see how far you can go in a series of huge fights and boss fights. Challenge your friends on vs mode.

Explore a unique RPG/metroidvania adventure based on the content of your computer.


AdventureOS is an 2.5D RPG/Metroidvania adventure based game that is entirely auto-generated by the content (folders and files) of your computer. Each room, object, enemy, puzzle, key, treasure, boss... Is actually an interpretation of the files you can find on the computer where the game is running, making each adventure as exciting as exclusive for each user.

                                (Click here to see the prototype screenshots)


                            (Click here to see the prototype screenshots)

he architect has a problem.
Together with his castle, all the creatures who live in it are in danger. A big crisis is to be faced. Regardless the safety measures taken to protect his castle, the fateful day has come.
There is an unwished visitor among his guests, hidden behind a harmless appearance. This despicable intruder has casted a curse in order to achieve his goal: To take over the architect's wealth and dominate all his inhabitants.
A caravan of voluntaries has now settled into his castle, leaded by their heroic captain who is determined to free them from the curse.
Will he be able to overcome the challenges the evil intruder develops?
Like in all epic stories, the greatest roles are played from behind the scenes.

As you may know all computers have a directory of folders where all the system files are organized pretty much like this:
AdventureOS takes your folders and the files inside them, to generate a huge castle where the folders become the rooms, staying connected to each other as usual, and the files become the NPCs, decoration, items, enemies etc, depending on their format. Yes, it can be a little difficult to imagine such an innovative concept before actually playing it. Here you have some illustrative examples: In this example folder you have two .txt files and other two folders. Depending on the name of the current folder you are in, its weight, the number of subfolders inside, and the type of files, all the environment changes generating a unique kind of room in the castle.

In this particular one the “.txt” turns into a pacific NPC. As mentioned before each extension of the files turns into something different. The other two folders become doors which direct the player to another room generated by this same process when entered.

In this particular folder we have “.txt”, “.xls” and “.zip” files. Just as before, its content creates a certain environment and again the different files inside of it turn into different objects.
We have another pacific NPC from a “.txt”, we have snakes from the “.xls” files and a treasure from the “.zip” files. There are no more folders so no doors are created.

Note that in certain cases (depending on the amount of files with the same extension inside a folder) a few files can merge creating an upgraded version of an item or NPC. "In" the example, the big treasure is made out of three “.zip” files and a big snake is created out of three “.xls” files.
All the platforms and puzzles are created according to the needs of each room and according to the difficulty needed for this section of the castle.

For better understanding we will explain the game's mechanics, such as difficulty, objectives etc in the next section!

The castle is divided in segments, representedos by the depth of the folder in relation to the others. The closest folders to the hard drive will be at level 1. Every new folder inside a previous one will be found at the next level from it.


To access upper levels you will need to learn special abilities such as double jumps, wall breaking, speed boost, super size and so on.

The game works like a complex Metroidvania where getting to new levels requires exploring previous rooms, fighting enemies and solving puzzles to keep going. Your main goal is to clean all the castle's rooms from the curse casted by the Intruder. To clean a room you must set all the NPCs free by killing the creatures that keep those NPCs inside them. Once you clean a room you don't have to clean it again. But watch out! if you miss one enemy you will have to start over the next time you visit it. 

The skills must be acquired by earning experience inside previous levels. Every explored room gives a little more experience to the character, which will be invested on unlocking the required skills from a skill tree.

Fallen enemies will drop random items depending on the folder level, size, power and drop rate.
Items such as hoods, swords, books or shields will increase the character's stats and add element modifyers.

These elements are Liquid, Plasma, Mineral, Steam, Life, "Psique", Natural, Combat (similar to the ones in the videogame "Pokèmon", which interact exactly the same way with their resistances and weaknesses)


Each folder generally counts on a predominant amount of a certain  kind of files, for instance, folders containing music or pictures.

The  type of file, its weight and its name will define the general  environment of the folder as well as its size and the different puzzles  or platforms to be solved in order to access the different areas of the  room.

This way we will find countless possibilities regarding  sizes, distances and platforms depending on the requirements of each  level.

It will be possible to find a long corridor with doors  linking us to new rooms, as well as rooms containing a single small  space where to find a special object for your character or maybe a  reward.

It might be a big hall full of enemies along the different obstacles and platforms, and also a huge room where to fight enemies or even bosses. 

There will be as many possibilities as users, and more! Each computer allows a different new world to be created!

With each unlocked and clear room the general map will be updated in the inventory of your character.  You will be able to spot all visited rooms, all locations of relevant objects and obstacles where special abilities are required. It will be your guide through your huge castle made out of links and folders.

Expect infinite possibilities from this innovative game! Along with the Indiegogo updates deeper explanations will be given.

Feel free to ask any questions you can't find at our FAQ section!

 - Which platforms will be AdventurOS released on?

        AdventurOS will be released for Windows, Mac and Linux.

- How does the game analyze my computer? Is it safe?

        The game will only index a folder when entered, and it only reads the information while being inside it. The game is not going to change any file except the ones inside the game folder.

- How will the funding be spent?

        Since there are three of us in the team making the game (living in different countries) , after taking around 25% for taxes once the campaign gets funded, the rest will be used to pay rent, utilities and equipment such as software and hardware for the development of the game. If we get any extra funding we will add stretch goals to the campaign with more features since we will be able to extend the development process then.

- How and when do I get my perks?

       How: Right after the campaign ends we'll contact all the backers to thank them for their contribution and we will explain any particular case on how to get their perks. When: Usually, and depending on the type of perk, all of them will be delivered in the first and second month from the end of the campaign. This always in the case the project gets successfully funded.

-What happens when some changes are made to the programs, files or directories of my computer?

        The game will index the folder when entered. When some change has been made (only rooms that has been already visited) the player gets a message, something like "The castle has trembled, it seems like the Architect has made some changes" then you can visit those rooms again to update the map and clean the new area if needed.


(Please feel free to ask any question in the commentaries, We'll add the most common ones to this list with an answer as soon as we get your feedback)

André Marí Coppola: He takes care of the project's audiovisual aspects and general game design. Characters, graphics (environment, scenarios, etc...), music and sounds. He also gives advice on how to refine details to help improve aspects of the gameplay and visual experience.

Emilio Coppola:  He is the hermit who spends many hours at a time as needed to make every speck of dust move as it should be. That is, the programmer. Game developer by day and open-source programmer by night.

Lorena Casanova a.k.a @MissScripter: This devoted indie is responsible for the code of Super Tower Rush, with André as an artist as mentioned before.
She was introduced to programming while she collaborated with the Evelend brothers as a proofreader for Pixelry.
Not long after that she was encouraged to materialize her first solo release, which brought Antipodes to life, the first in what is becoming a long list of development achievements.


Other games made by André, Emilio or/and Lorena:

Super Tower Rush



Pixelry: A Day At The Races (mini game)

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk


$5 USD
Play AdventurOS! Get a copy of the game when published and a thank you letter.
1503 claimed


$10 USD
Get the previous perks PLUS a pack of exclusive digital wallpapers for the Indiegogo supporters.
128 claimed


$20 USD
Get all previous perks PLUS the Original Sound Track by the Marí Coppola brothers AND the concept art.
104 claimed


$30 USD
Get all previous perks PLUS the Evelend-Scripter pack including a copy of Pixelry and Super Tower Rush. Enjoy the pixelated chivalry and race your friends down the tower!
52 claimed


$50 USD
Get all previous perks PLUS early access to AdventurOS. Have the chance to play it before its release date and contribute as much as you wish by giving us your feedback!
46 claimed


$80 USD
Get all previous perks PLUS a caricature of a picture of your choice by the artist.
3 claimed

Hard drive

$100 USD
Get all previous perks, PLUS your name listed on the credits, PLUS an indiegogo backers' exclusive items set.
15 claimed


$150 USD
Get all previous perks PLUS the chance to design both your customized boss or character AND its room environment.
Only 1 left


$2,147,483,647 USD
You won't get any of the perks listed before, BUT you get the warm feeling of doing the right thing.
0 claimed
sold out


$200 USD
10 out of 10 of claimed
sold out


$400 USD
3 out of 3 of claimed

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