What is Africa Creates & What will it do?
I’m Vered, a South African / Canadian who’s been living in Kenya for the past 12 years. Africa has a lot of creative people with rich and unique stories, but most of them are unknown to the rest of the world. And that’s a real pity, for the world and for these talented artists.
So I’m developing a radio show called Africa Creates that will provide a platform for African writers, musicians and filmmakers to be heard and promoted both locally and internationally.
Every week, Africa Creates will highlight and interview one artist, and give the listeners a glimpse into another realm of music and storytelling. Through these interviews, we will learn about another Africa, one that is far greater than the disasters we hear about on the news, a continent that is brimming over with positive, creative energy.
I already have one online radio station that has agreed to air the show, and I will be approaching others as well. A number of artists have signed up for interviews, excited about the potential to reach out to a larger audience.
With a modest amount of funds, I can purchase a couple basic pieces of recording equipment that I need and cover the cost of the station’s technician for the first year. I’ll be able to guarantee interviews to 52 writers, musicians and filmmakers, and give them a chance to be heard. I hope you’ll help me launch Africa Creates!
What I Need
As for the specifics, here it is in gory detail: Almost half the budget goes towards the cost of the radio station’s technician, which is $25 per show ($1,300 for the first year). Another $350 is to cover phone calls to artists outside of Kenya and for website maintenance. The remainder is for purchasing the recording equipment and to cover IndieGoGo-related costs (bank fee transfer and their cut of funds raised).
It would be great if I could meet the total target. If I go over, I’ll be able to book more artist interviews. If I ’m under, then I’ll just fund the number of interviews that I can.
What You Get
Now let me tell you about the fantastic perks! In addition to the immense satisfaction you receive from helping promote African artists, you also have a chance to get:
- Hand-painted artwork from a Kenyan artist, pasted onto the front of a thank-you card, so beautiful you will want to frame it;
- An autographed CD from Eric Wainaina (a very cool, very popular and talented Kenyan musician);
- An original batik; and
- Airtime on the show! Now who doesn’t want their 60 seconds of fame?!
What the Artists Get
Writers, musicians and filmmakers from across Africa will now have a show that focuses exclusively on them and helps them to promote their work locally and internationally. It’s a chance for both the well-known and the less well-known artists to be heard and it’s an opportunity for the world to learn about them.
Other Ways You Can Help
The show’s success depends on more than just funds, as important as those are. I also need social support. That means:
* Leave encouraging comments on this site and AfricaCreates.net
* Use your phone, text, email, Facebook, Twitter, smoke signal, carrier pigeon and any other form of communication, to tell everyone about Africa Creates!
* Ask your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, dentist, doctor and bus driver to visit Africa Creates and support it
* Use the Indiegogo share tools
* Subscribe to the blog on AfricaCreates.net, so you hear about all the upcoming interviews
* And when the show hits the airwaves, listen in!
Thanks so much!