![The 4 Doctors]()
Let's save the Land of Frankincense
My name is Brian Miller, I am an artist who is fortunate enough to be married to an archaeologist. I am spending the summer helping out on an archaeological excavation at Al Baleed, Oman, also known as the Land of Frankincense. Al Baleed is a Unesco World Heritage site and the largest archaeological site in Oman. The ancient port city of Al Baleed served as a hub of trading between the west and the far east and was the primary port for exporting frankincense. My wife, Kristy Miller, is working with Dr. Krista Lewis, Sarah Graff, and Lamya Khalidi. The locals refer to them as, "The 4 Doctors". Dr. Lewis and her team are doing amazing work excavating and preserving the buildings and artifacts at Al Baleed.
You can get involved with this archaeological excavation by supplying some of the much needed technology, lab equipment, and field supplies for the 2013 excavation season.
Technology needs: The 4 Doctors are using iPads to collect data and images in the field. One iPad was supplied by UALR, the rest were purchased at the expense of the archaeologists who are using them to record information in the field and photograph the Al Baleed site. These iPads are encased by military spec cases to protect against sand and water damage. An iPad is also being used in the field lab to document and catalog each artifact. There is a laptop in the lab where Dr. Lewis has created a database for the excavation. The one missing element is the require specialized software to sync the information collected via iPad to the database. The cost of this software is over $900 for the laptop and 4 iPads. This software is important for to ensure the artifacts are cataloged properly for the Museum of the Land of Frankincense. The database will also ensure the artifacts can be studied in the future allowing The 4 Doctors to learn more about the lives of the people who worked and lived in Al Baleed. Other technology needs include a scanner to capture cross sections of pottery and a printer.
Field and Lab Supplies: The team also needs supplies for use in the field and lab. When the artifacts are collected in the field they are currently being transferred to he lab using readily available (and cheap) plastic bags which can trap moisture potentially damaging delicate pottery and metals while awaiting cleaning and cataloging. The team would like to purchase cloth bags along with tags, drying trays, and archival storage containers to ensure the artifacts found are preserved for future research and museum display. In addition The 4 Doctors need scientific equipment like a microscope, scales, & calipers. Many of these items can be purchased once and used for years to come.
Dr. Krista Lewis and her team are working with the Museum of the Land of Frankincense and the Sultanate of Oman to save this historical site for the world. Your contribution directly goes to preserve the buildings and artifacts unearthed at Al Baleed - the Land of Frankincense.
Perks, perks, perks!
Commemorative Coin, Lithograph, & Dig Patch Combo. Save $30 when you pledge at the $100 level and get the three most popular perks!
![Poster, Coin, & patch]()
Indiana Jones original artwork
This is one of a handful of sketch cards Brian Miller illustrated for the Indiana Jones Masterpieces trading card series from Topps. This is an original pencil and copic marker drawing from Brian's personal archives. (Excuse the photo quality as a family member back in the U.S. snapped this pic). Get involved with a real archaeological excavation and get your hands on this one of a kind Indiana Jones illustration.
![Doctor Jones]()
Land of Frankincense commemorative coin
While are the artifacts unearthed at Al Baleed go directly to the Museum of the Land of Frankincense this commemorative coin is one treasure from the 2013 excavation season at Al Baleed you can proudly display as a keepsake of your involvement with the dig. The coin features a map of Oman with X marking the spot for Al Baleed on the "heads" side and a Frankincense tree set in a desert oasis with camels on the "tails" side. The Land of Frankincense commemorative coin measures 1.5 inches in diameter and is limited to only 50 pieces. Each coin is struck from real metal with an "antique gold" finish.
Limited Edition Lithograph
Dream of visiting the Land of Frankincense with this vintage style travel poster illustrated by Brian Miller (artist for DC Comics, Marvel, Disney, & Lucasfilm). Each full color lithographic print measures 13" x 19" and is printed in the U.S.A. on heavy card stock. The print edition is limited to 250 pieces all signed by the illustrator.
![Limited Edition Litho]()
Dig Patch
Archaeologist commonly refer to excavations as "digs". As an honorary archaeologist you will receive this Al Baleed 2013 Dig Patch.
![Dig Patch]()
Photo Archaeology
A collection of photos from the 2013 excavation season and site at Al Baleed, including photos captured by The 4 Doctors. This Perk is available exclusively as a digital download.
![Photo Archaeology]()
100% of the proceeds raised will go to Dr. Krista Lewis to help purchase much needed software and supplies for the excavation at Al Baleed.
Stretch Goals!
$2,500 Stretch Goal UNLOCKED!
Thanks to you we have met the first stretch goal of $2,500. Everyone who pledged $30 or more will now receive a Wick an Kelty Go To Egypt art print as a FREE BONUS!
$3,000 Stretch Goal !!LOCKED!!
Stay tuned for the reveal...
Other Ways You Can Help
Share this campaign with your friends, family, and social networks using he Indiegogo share tools.
Tell your local, school, university, library, or civic group about Al Baleed, the land of Frankincense, and the work The 4 Doctors are doing to save and preserve this amazing archaeological site.
![thank you]()
Thanks for getting involved with this historic archaeological excavation. Please share this Indiegogo campaign with your friends and together we can save the Land of Frankincense.
Krista and Lamya discus the layers of fish bone packed in every nook and cranny of this excavation area.
![Lamya & Fish bone]()
Lamya points to a gray layer in the earth which is full of fish bone...
Sarah and local laborers take measurments before starting the day's excavaton.
Progress on the newest area of excavation. The walls unearthed show many chambers in this structure.
There are major happenings at the site. Take a look at these photos to see the work in progress at Al Baleed - the Land of Frankincense.
![A pillar still standing at Al Baleed - the Land of Frankincense Pillar]()
A pillar still standing at Al Baleed
Dr. Krista Lewis takes photos of the new excavation using an iPad with our improvised hood to block the glare of the desert sun.
Krista, Lamya, and Kristy take refuge under a shade structure to avoid the heat of the desert sun for a few moments.
Sarah and the local laborers excavating a new unit
Kristy showing us some of the walls and features revealed in the new excavation area. Soon we may know what this building was used for.
Sunset over the excavation site at Al Baleed - the Land of Frankincense