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Allairgoo: Air pollution alerting

You can go to to download our application to get personalized alerts about air pollution ...


Allairgoo: Air pollution alerting

Allairgoo: Air pollution alerting

Allairgoo: Air pollution alerting

Allairgoo: Air pollution alerting

Allairgoo: Air pollution alerting

You can go to to download our application to get personalized alerts about air pollution ...

You can go to to download our application to get personalized alerts about air pollution ...

You can go to to download our application to get personalized alerts about air pollution ...

You can go to to download our application to get personalized alerts about air pollution ...

Ronald Van Assche
Ronald Van Assche
Ronald Van Assche
Ronald Van Assche
1 Campaign |
Paris, France
$2,545 USD 43 backers
10% of $25,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

You can go to to download our application to get personalized alerts about air pollution ...

french speaking? vous voulez du français ? regardez ici.

Allairgoo: Air pollution & Pollen alerts

The air pollution is an increasingly important issue in developed countries. Everyone looks at CO2 and climate while other problems exist and involve a larger number of people breathing a polluted air by particles and gases produced by cars, industries.

In fact on some places, Not all air is good for breathing ! 

Air pollution causes cancer.  Just have look at this map that shows the premature mortality due to air pollution:

source : Nasa study.

Asthma is the most common chronic disease that affects Americans of all ages, about 40 million people . Asthmatic people are affected by this pollution, and must take care. To achieve this, they have to be informed correctly at time and adapt their behavior.. Sometimes for days.

Allairgoo  is designed to help Everyone who wants to live better, who wants healthier lives in a more and more polluted environment. Well informed you will suffer less and adapt your behavior to stay healthy. 

Allairgoo is designed to help every one, to understand what means technical information about pollution , AQI, µg/m3 of Ozone on their wealth. Without need of engineering or scientific degrees or wikipedia.

Allairgoo (TM) is a project that consists of a system of personalized alerts for allergy and asthma sufferers and ignorant victims of pollution episodes more frequent in OECD countries and south-west Asia, main Chinese cities…

Example: in New Zealand , one in four kid before 10 years  became asthmatic in Auckland following episodes of pollution. While the country has beautiful scenery for the Hollywood productions .

22 million allergic, 5 million asthmatics in France undergo episodes of air pollution at the same time and sometimes trigger new allergies (studies about PM role in allergic development). Their daily life (or night) and their work are then hit in a different way according to their level of sensitivity  or reaction to pollutant (PM, NOx, Ozone). 

The problems are identical for people in the USA, UE, biggest cities in China… It affects children, young adults, adults, old people.

They do not have simple alerts despite existing technologies and no comprehensible system of alert and responsive to the needs of each. Each of you does not answer, or react the same way than another. (UK Study 2009) 

Covered cities in the USA:

We have the same coverage for Europe, Australia and China, Singapour, Hong-Kong.



 Europe (at launch time, more cities to come)


  • Allergic, asthmatics.
  • Quantified self gurus
  • sportsman, sportswomen, athletes, trainers : most of them ignore that running or training under bad (and invisible) conditions is dangerous for their health.
  • parents who want to protect their children : "Parent" version for parents who want to alert their children.

We offer a simple solution via their smartphone: a subscription to a PERSONALIZED alert service with a low cost : 12€/year or 15 US $ .

With Allairgoo, you can choose when you receive notification alerts. 

It therefore concerns the preservation of health by allowing customers and users to change their behavior if the episode level concerns them . It is about getting older healthy as these problems affect henceforth ages people and affect life expectancy . Allairgoo plays on the well-being of all including sportsperson and well-being at home, and allows adjustment of lifestyle and hygienic behaviors.

Based on public data (1000 cities available about 800 millions of adults payers , and based on european or US medical estimations : 200 millions of potential users ) via proprietary algorithms we define a personalized threshold for each client: Empowerment and quantize yourself!

The more you use Allairgoo the more the algorithm learns about you.

All in a simple ergonomics user interface comparable to that of an application comparable to a weather-like app with a pedagogy of events , a small  number of screens, a "free" mode apparently not limited in terms of functionalities . 

This a freemium model. The free app offers all the functionalities , the customer registers , creates his account on our platform, is informed  on public thresholds & pollution alerts or pollen alerts (on larger zone) . The software will determine its personal threshold . 

But this personal threshold is not saved on the iPhone/android ( paid version only ), and the free version will lack of some other internal functionalities. And you will be alerted even if you move to another country (holidays, work), city covered by our service.

Allairgoo will alert you on your iPhone/Android phone at the time you want. 

People should be able to use Allairgoo easily and immediately, without training and without reading a user manual.

For this, the only device you need is a recent smatphone (IOS, Android) , no box, no über-modern watch on you, no home device.. and you.

But for people in zone where no datas are available or not available for the public, We will also sell a device for the customer that provides the level of PM10/PM2.5 micro-particles ( dust ) and ozone / nitrogen oxides at home, work, or any place where the device is installed  (even outside with additional furniture  ). 

Target price : 120  to 150 € (internal model)

It connects to the LAN of the client, and will need a PC / Mac or tablet / smartphone that enables it to manage and archive the datas and send them on a centralized server, which among other displays Google Map software. It will user OS/X or windows possibility of " alerting " or notifications of any kind , and on some DSL/Fiber devices/boxes and use the possibility to send messages on the screen of the TV or directly on the connected IP TV .

It is conceived to use a little bandwidth payload so it can be connected thru 2G network, edge connexions.

Target : power users, data gurus, open data revolutionaries, rural zones, low developed countries.

Key features

Logging : anonymous datas, no spam, full UE regulatory compliant.


Software will be available in English, French, Chinese and Spanish.


The project concerns me personally, I am a victim of air pollution (asthma) in addition to allergies. My case is identical to that of millions of people in the OECD and other countries.

My professional background goes from system administrator, computer system engineer and design services. I worked as a project manager for various companies including Fortune 500 index companies. I master in functional design, market research & studies, search for open data sources, modeling algorithms, data processing, study technical architecture and functional design of the application ..

With your help, we can: 

Manufacture the Box in the 2 versions and get all approvals needed to ship it. Develop all the  Android and iOS platforms.

Stretch Goal

5 000 $ with leverage we can borrow 5 times this amount and build the APPs, test the prototype with happy few users.

10 000 $ : we can borrow more money, and test its industrial production.

25 000 $ : we can borrow more money, and produce the box.

All this with a french touch.

Links :

Have a question about our project? discuss on crowdfundingForum



a preview of the alerting system , here with a parent and 2 children.

in this case, the parent is informed that our system has sent 2 alerts to the smartphones of his children. It will use his words (selected via his "parental mode"), because they are more efficient than other.

a preview of the main interface in advanced mode, here in Los Angeles, USER CASE : the personal threshold for the pollutant "NOx" nitrogen dioxide is in RED, that means that an alert has been sent via notification on his phone for this at the time the user decided to.

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$5 USD
Support the project..Your name on the Allairgoo Supporter Credits Page.
3 claimed

2 years abo

$25 USD
2 year full subscription offered. Your name on the Allairgoo Supporter Credits Page
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
16 claimed

The Device

$150 USD
One box in "inside" mode
Estimated Shipping
July 2014
2 out of 100 of claimed


$500 USD
Your name on the website as a big supporter. 3 Years of full subscription One box in "inside" mode
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
1 out of 100 of claimed
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