Amy’s Arms is a Toronto based Goth band that has been
performing in various incarnations for the past seven years. We are attracting
the attention of underground radio stations in Canada and the US and will be
touring with David J (Bauhaus, Love and Rockets) in Spring 2014.
Help us take our music to the next level with a
professionally recorded album and the resources to distribute it to our devoted
fans (YOU!) as well as campus radio stations, promoters and record labels. Your
contribution will enable us to reach a much greater audience with our best
sound possible!
What’s the money go to? Hiring a professional sound engineer
to mix the songs. Hiring a studio to professionally record the band –
especially to properly mic the drums and to get the best vocal performances
from our beautiful singers! Once mixed, reproducing the album in CD and digital download format and creating press kits for labels and radio stations.
What you get! Hold on to that unique balsa wood coffin and
custom t-shirt! These are the type of collector’s items that will not only show
your personal support of the band but also be a tremendous reminder of helping the band move forward! …At the very least, you can get lots of photos of Goths cleaning
your bathroom!
The IMPACT: The immediate difference you will hear in your
stereo as well as radio play. The long term impact will be in the greater
audience we can reach distributing the album across the country, getting played
on college and university stations, going on extended tours and creating videos
for distribution and enjoyment. This album is the initial snowball that when we
roll it down the hill has the potential to become an avalanche!
Remember, even if you can’t donate financially, please
spread the word about our campaign and help us reach our goal by January 31st!