After Hurricane
Katrina devastated New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward, one resident called the destruction indescribable – even compared with his
experience as a Vietnam War veteran. Although the Katrina survivor wants to
come home, he says "there’s nothing to come back to.”
displaced thousands of people and ruined billions of dollars of property. Although
more than eight years have passed, the Lower 9th Ward is still
struggling to rebuild its community. Out of 14,000 people, only
3,000 have returned; properties are still vacant, and the remains of houses speckle the landscape.
Clearly, there
exists an entire population of displaced Americans, and our institutions have
failed them. One question remains: How can we take an active and effective role
in rebuilding this once vibrant community?
Apparatus X is a
redesigned RV with the following goals:
an adaptable tool trailer that can expand into a construction workspace;
as a mobile design studio;
as a highly efficient mobile living unit that will exemplify sustainable
living; and,
and engage communities in need.
Apparatus X in its fully
expanded form
Your donation will help fund the Apparatus X prototype, which will travel to the
Lower 9th Ward upon completion. After its arrival, its workshop will
allow Aaron, our design leader, to aid in the physical rebuilding of the
community. Its expandability will also create a makeshift community center,
fostering an open environment that is crucial to long-term education and
Designed specifically for the needs of the Lower 9th Ward, Apparatus X has three sections:
· The expandable WORK SPACE offers multiple work surfaces and a wide variety of tools, allowing Apparatus X to transform an empty lot into a construction site;
· The FLEX SPACE functions as a social space, encouraging collaboration and community design; and,
· The LIVE SPACE allows the emergency relief team to live among the disaster victims. By becoming trusted community members, the team will be better able to support and empower the affected area.
X will exist completely off-grid once it reaches its destination. The highly
efficient food, water, and power systems function almost entirely
self-sufficiently, as described below.
Apparatus X will include a
“Garden-in-a-Box,” which is a do-it-yourself kit for starting a garden.
Wherever Apparatus X goes, it can easily provide everything the community needs
to enjoy a sustainable and healthy source of food.
rainwater collection and purification system, combined with a water recycling
system, creates a nearly completely closed loop. Water used for hygiene will
later be used to clean tools, water the garden, and so on.
array of solar panels will produce 2000 watts, enough to power a small home. This ensures that even in areas without access to power, emergency relief
teams can still charge power tools and access safe, reliable shelter.
Although your
donation will specifically support our New Orleans-bound prototype, we envision
an entire fleet of Apparatus X emergency relief vehicles. Not only will they be
perfect first-responders, since they can provide basic needs like food, water,
and power, but they will also provide long-term relief rebuilding damaged
Ultimately, your
donation will help develop our prototype, but beyond that, it will help us
revolutionize disaster relief in a way that is sustainable, mobile, and
We have the
tools, willpower, and expertise to build Apparatus X, but we currently don’t
have the funds. We’ve earned $6,000 in sponsorships from IBM, Boeing, and various competitions, but we still
need more funding to make it to New Orleans.
If you support
our project, you’ll receive an exclusive reward that reflects your contribution
to disaster victims. The award levels are listed below, and remember -- perks are cumulative, so each donation level includes every level before it!
In addition to
benefiting people affected by Hurricane Katrina, your donation will also help a
diverse team of students enrich their academics with real-world experience.
Designing and constructing Apparatus X will offer future designers the
meaningful work they need to kick-start an entire career of social and ethical
The team leader
of Apparatus X is Aaron Wertman, a graduate student studying Architecture. Aaron
visited the Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans last year, and was shocked by the
parallels between an American community and a developing country. As an
architect, Aaron decided to design a solution for the people of New Orleans. He
wanted to join the community and teach them the skills they needed to
rejuvenate the Lower Ninth Ward. Thus, his idea of a mobile design studio
evolved into today’s designs for Apparatus X.
Aaron is
collaborating with an organization called Engineers for a Sustainable World, a
club that seeks to solve complex problems with green solutions. These students
have experience designing and building solar panel systems, and are at the helm
of Apparatus X’s sustainability initiative.
In addition to
Aaron and Engineers for a Sustainable World, a number of additional
Architecture, Engineering, and Agricultural Science students have joined the
team, designing and building functional components of the vehicle.
In creating Apparatus X, we've partnered with a non-profit organization called the Lower 9th Ward Village. This organization was created in response to Hurricane Katrina, and it's committed to redeveloping the community.
As described in its mission statement, "The Lower 9th Ward Village is a community center that serves as a hub where all community members can access or create essential resources to empower themselves, be self-sufficient, become whole after Katrina and beyond, and sustain an equitable quality of life."
Mack, the Executive Director, is very excited for the Apparatus X project to grow in harmony with the Lower 9th Ward Village, and he's greatly anticipating its arrival. "This can't come soon enough," he says; "It's a great idea, and it needs to be here."
We have an
incredible opportunity to change the lives of people who need it most. There
are only twenty of us, but there are thousands of generous contributors like
you. Please support us as we help the Lower 9th Ward Village and thousands of displaced Americans rebuild one of the most historical, culturally vibrant, and thriving
communities in New Orleans.
For more information about Apparatus X, please check us out at