Thank you to everyone who contributed to our first round of funding. Your contributions provided meals for the cast & crew during our first 3 day shoot.
We have estimated another 4 days of shooting before we complete principle photography. We are determined to NOT cut any corners on this and make this a film of which fans can be proud. We have undergone 40+ hours of editing and shooting already and still have well over 100 hours left.
More Ways You Can Help
We are low/no budget filmmakers…for the time being…so we certainly empathize with lack of funds. You can still help! Help us make some noise and direct traffic to our campaign. Click or tap a share tool above and ask your followers to contribute and/or share, too. The more people we can reach the better our odds of getting funded! Click or tap the heart to sign up for email updates. You will be the first to know any progress and behind-the-scenes details on the project.
Contributors will be added to a secret Facebook group where they will receive exclusive content about the film. No one else will have access to these details.
Any dollar amount helps move us forward. Click or tap "contribute" and enter the amount you are able to contribute. If you have your eye on a specific "Perk," but want to contribute a bit more, go ahead and click on that perk, then enter your custom amount to contribute. Easy peasy.
Stay tuned for weekly updates, videos, and exclusive contributor content!