Avialogs.com is a online aviation library and communauty offering access to more than 6000 aviation related documents from the beginning of the Aviation to the late 90's.
Since one year, the new version of Avialogs.com is online. This version is more ambitious than the one launched in 2010 but, working alone on the site, I do not have the time to bring it to the level I wish.
In 2007, I had an accident and lost my medical for my private pilot license. In 2010, I decided to start this site as a way to keep in touch with other aviation enthusiasts. I earned back my medical end of 2011, but I decided to develop Avialogs to become the site I wanted from a WordPress blog to a more complex and complete service. This is the story behind the site.
Now, with new work responsibilities (I am working as enterprise architect for a financial institution in Canada), my family, I can not spend more time to develop the site than I do now (1 or 2 hours per day). The only solution is to hire a developer who will complete what has been started and introduce new fonctionalities.
What must be done:
- Fix all documents titles. Around 4100 documents and manuals need to have their title and description fixed (instead a Todo followed by Reference number).
- Add new documents : More than 1200 aviation manuals and book are already in PDF and waiting to be published.
- Fix the viewer to support IE10
- Add Aviation databases to the site with the possibility for registered user to add photos and comments for each aircraft.
Databases are ready, with info about more than 200 000 aircraft (Serial/Construction Number/Registration)
Other projects :
- Build mobile and tablet applications
- Start an aviation memorabilia marketplace
For this, I need one more time your help. I have set the subscription price the lowest possible in order to cover hosting fees. There is no budget right now to hire someone to do this work. I see only two possibilities : Advertising and donations. You allowed Avialogs in march to acquire not one , but two scanners. This time, your help is needed to bring the site to a new level.
I can hire a full time developer/webmaster for around 1500$/month (with a good knowledge about Joomla, the CMS used and Aviation). But I need to secure a 3 months budget before giving him the contract.
How you can help:
There are 3 ways you can help :
- Buy one manual in our bookstore. All money collected will be invested into the website.
- Do a donation, if all Avialogs members would give 5$, we would be able to hire someone full time for one year ...
- Advertise on Avialogs : You have one product related to aviation ? contact me and I will send you details.
All donors will have their Avialogs subscription extended or created.
Thanks for your help !
Benoit de Mulder - Avialogs.com