This campaign is closed

B2B - Joga Capoeira

B2B stands for Bay to Bahia by bicycle. Legendary master, Mestre Acordeon embarks on a journey to produce a compelling transmedia project on capoeira.


B2B - Joga Capoeira

B2B - Joga Capoeira

B2B - Joga Capoeira

B2B - Joga Capoeira

B2B - Joga Capoeira

B2B stands for Bay to Bahia by bicycle. Legendary master, Mestre Acordeon embarks on a journey to produce a compelling transmedia project on capoeira.

B2B stands for Bay to Bahia by bicycle. Legendary master, Mestre Acordeon embarks on a journey to produce a compelling transmedia project on capoeira.

B2B stands for Bay to Bahia by bicycle. Legendary master, Mestre Acordeon embarks on a journey to produce a compelling transmedia project on capoeira.

B2B stands for Bay to Bahia by bicycle. Legendary master, Mestre Acordeon embarks on a journey to produce a compelling transmedia project on capoeira.

Mestre Acordeon
Mestre Acordeon
Mestre Acordeon
Mestre Acordeon
1 Campaign |
Berkeley, United States
$63,418 USD 604 backers
45% of $140,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Latest Message From Mestre Acordeon:



Portuguese - Para versão com legendas em Português, click aqui

Spanish - Para ver el video con subtítulos, clique aquí.

Para a versão do text em Portugues, click aqui


Some thoughts from Mestre Acordeon


Dancers showing their support for B2B Joga Capoeira



Kids showing their support for B2B Joga Capoeira

1 Man, 1 bike, 1 cause.



B2B – Joga Capoeira

I have been talking about the B2B Project for a couple of years now. It has become such a complex project that I feel like my mind is beginning to melt. I’m just a capoeirista who likes to play capoeira and to write songs and produce musical CDs; who once in a while pretends to be a writer and scribes magazine articles, and a couple of books.  Above all, I know that I am a passionate capoeira teacher who wants to see my students growing and capoeira blossoming. B2B is a project born from my intense desire to buy some time to produce a few projects that I have in mind that could contribute to these. Of course, I want to ride my bicycle to Brazil. Who would not want to undertake such a wonderful adventure? Now, the departure day is arriving pretty fast and butterflies are flying in my stomach.


Mestre Acordeon 

Mestre Acordeon’s Bay to Bahia by Bicycle dream is about to happen…

On September 2nd, at the end of the 2013 UCA Capoeira Encounter & Batizado, Mestre Acordeon will begin a long journey, biking from the Bay Area - Berkeley, California to his beloved homeland, Salvador da Bahia. One year later and 14,000 miles away, he intends to arrive in the historical plaza Terreiro de Jesus in time to celebrate his 71st birthday and 56 years of capoeira. He is expecting that this will happen in the most rewarding way he can imagine: a roda de capoeira with his fellow capoeiristas. It is essential to him that this ride and its various endeavors generate a useful social result: It needs to give visibility to the program for at-risk kids in Salvador that he initiated 7 years ago, Projeto Kirimurê ( He seeks funds to create an infra-structure which will facilitate self-sustainability for Kirimurê.

Mestre Acordeon’s plans for this trip incorporate the projects below, most of them already in progress:

  • An exciting and spontaneous ride of capoeiristas from Berkeley to San Diego as a kickoff for the journey. These riders will be visiting ten capoeira academies along the California coastal route down to the border with Mexico;
  • Participation in workshops and events promoted by numerous capoeira groups throughout the Americas, exchanging knowledge and learning how capoeira has influenced the lives of people outside of Brazil;
  • A documentary film that will weave old historical capoeira footage with great clips of today’s display of this exciting art, through the eyes of a master of great experience. Acordeon will register significant moments of the ride and discussions about relevant cultural aspects. Even while camping on desert beaches he will present special tips and tricks on how to improve your capoeira game and how to play the berimbau, in tune with yourself. From the Bay Area - Berkeley, California, this project will document the stories of people who are intimate with the transformative qualities of capoeira;
  • Mestre Acordeon will record a collaborative film soundtrack and a new CD that will reflect the diverse musical and cultural backgrounds of the talented capoeiristas en route.
  • He also intends to finish a book in progress that reflects his life on the capoeira path. He will use the lyrics of his songs as vignettes to depart from, explaining the Afro-Brazilian cultural context where capoeira thrived for so long. It will be, in a loose sense, be a sequel of his book “Capoeira: a Brazilian Art Form”, with more philosophical insights, greater emphasis on techniques, and more photos.

In route, confronting the difficulties of countless hours of riding, unpredictable obstacles, and his physical capabilities, Mestre Acordeon wants to dive into a process of introspection where past, present and future may fuse together in his quest for self-knowledge and further understanding of capoeira. In Mestre Acordeon’s own words, he has “the personal commitment and determination to meet this challenge”, and he wants to emerge from it as a better person and teacher.

A major project of this sort is complex and nonlinear, and it is not meant to be attempted alone. It requires a diverse group of people helping in all kinds of ways. We are very thankful to those who have been helping so far. Now, we are asking that all of you, capoeiristas, friends, and potential supporters, extend your hands and donate to our project.  “Join us, and together, we will have a compelling film documentary and a beautiful work for generations to come”. Be a part of Mestre Acordeon’s journey!


Additional Information:

Mestra Suelly—the first American female capoeira master and long-time companion of Mestre Acordeon—will be a part of the small group of dedicated students who will double as support crew throughout the trip.

Students that plan to be a part of the entire journey with Mestre Acordeon:
Mariano Weschler-Bonsieppe (Galã):
Diego Armando Arena (Tarântula):
Elisa Pasquini (Tuchegas):
Amber Nelson(Peninha):
Ashlee Trueb:
Keith Chong(Balão):
Tora Akiyama:
Audiovisual Production:
Jorge Itapuã Beiramar, Kelly Calderon Barauna, Jonatan Romarico Roma
Kjeld Pederson (Requeijão)


Perks Information:

How do I get my t-shirt/jersey or select my CD or Book?

  • When the campaign is over, you will recieve an email with instructions for sizing options and/or your choice of CD or Book
  • All perks $40 and above will recieve the "thank you" email, monthly updates, ringtones, and the B2B commemorative t-shirt. 


Additional incentives to select perks:


  • Preliminary B2B Commemorative T-shirt concept designed by Sean Monroe



  • 3 Mile - $30 

    B2B Joga Capoeira cycling cap

  • 7 Mile - $70 addition:

    . This book was a work of love in collaboration with many students. At some point, the Capoeira Arts Café was an inspiration for many capoeiristas all over the world. You should not miss this opportunity. There are only 2000 copies available.


  • 10 Mile - $100 addition:

    Our best selling DVD: "MUSIC OF THE MESTRES, VOL. 1", directed by Kelly Calderon. This DVD won the 2005 Berkeley Video and Film Festival.  The DVD's main feature is 40 minutes long with 30 minutes of bonus material and formatted for all DVD players.  This DVD features the musical talents of several of the world's greatest Mestres.
    • Mestre Acordeon
    • Mestre Amen
    • Mestre Lobão
    • Mestre Olavo
    • Mestre Suassuna
    • Mestra Suelly
    • Mestre Rã
    • Mestre Virgulino


  • 50 Mile - $500 addition:

    VIP Cycling Jersey:

    Mestre Acordeon's music anthology
    via This includes approximately 100 of my redcordings spanning my career as a capoeira teacher and musician. 



Title of the B2B projects:

B2B - Joga Capoeira, The film: “Flat Tires and Berimbaus.” 

B2B - Joga Capoeira, The CD: “Las Americas Cantan La Capoeira.”

B2B - Joga Capoeira, The Book: “Lyrics On The Capoeira Path.”


Who is Mestre Acordeon?

Mestre Acordeon (Ubirajara Guimarães Almeida) is a well-regarded capoeira master born in Bahia, Brazil almost 70 years ago. He has been teaching in the United States for 35 years and is considered one of the few older and influential masters who embodies the link between the deep roots and the contemporary trends of this richly universal cultural expression. Acordeon was a student of the legendary Mestre Bimba, and has a well-established reputation acquired through many years of teaching in Brazil and in the Bay Area - Berkeley, California, where he has developed his capoeira academy as the hub of a larger association of schools called the United Capoeira Association. He has traveled to Mexico, Canada, Lebanon, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and many countries in Europe promoting capoeira. Throughout 56 years, Mestre Acordeon has developed a broad array of projects that include music CDs, books, magazine articles, videos, theatrical plays, and cultural events. In addition he also has a formal academic background in Business Administration. From 1970 to the beginning of 1978, he taught Theory of Communication and Industrial Relations at the Business School of the Catholic University in Salvador, and at the Escola de Administração de Emprêsas da Bahia.


What is Capoeira?

Capoeira is a dynamic expression of Afro-Brazilian culture. “Capoeira is an art form that involves movement, music, and elements of practical philosophy. One experiences the essence of capoeira by playing a physical game called jogo de capoeira (game of capoeira) or simply “jogo.” During this ritualized combat, two capoeiristas (players of capoeira) exchange movements of attack and defense in a constant flow while observing rituals and proper manners of the art. Both players attempt to control the space by confusing the opponent with feints and deceptive moves. During the jogo, the capoeiristas explore their strengths and weaknesses, fears and fatigue in a sometimes frustrating, but nevertheless enjoyable and challenging process of personal expression, self-reflection, and growth.”

 Almeida, Bira  (Mestre Acordeon) in “Capoeira: A Brazilian Art Form”, North Atlantic Books: 1985


What is Projeto Kirimurê?

Projeto Kirimurê (PK) is a project of the 7-year-old nonprofit Brazilian organization IMA-Instituto Mestre Acordeon. This project is dedicated to enriching the lives of at-risk children in the neighborhood of Itapuã in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The mission of Projeto Kirimurê is to help young children learn about human values, social responsibility, and environmental education in order to empower them to choose a positive path in life and to influence their communities. We provide training tools to complement their limited formal education. Those kids are from a specific neighborhood with a great number of under-privileged inhabitants who suffer from lack of formal education, consequences of drug trafficking, and family violence. Our main emphasis is on the teaching of capoeira as a tool of personal transformation through discipline, physical maintenance self-knowledge, and mutual respect. We also offer other activities such as literacy classes, homework help, psychological follow up, and field trips to cultural events and organizations.

A substantial part of the revenues of our 501 (c)(3) California based nonprofit organization is dedicated to Projeto Kirimurê. This organization is called Capoeira Arts Foundation and it is the legal entity behind our capoeira operation and projects.


B2B - Joga Capoeira

Clique aqui e veja o “trailer” do video!

Mestre Acordeon está nas vésperas de começar o B2B - Joga Capoeira, seu projeto mais recente e o mais ambicioso em toda sua carreira. No último dia do “2013 UCA Batizado” em Berkeley na California e, ao completar 70 anos de idade, ele irá embarcar em uma jornada de introspecção e pesquisa profunda sobre a capoeiragem nas Américas. Em sua maneira de pensar, este projeto além de ser um marco para um novo estágio em sua existência, deverá ser também uma contribuição para o entendimento da trajetória da capoeiragem fora do Brasil.

Numa decisão pouco comum, porém consistente com sua personalidade e determinação, Mestre Acordeon escolheu sua bicicleta de mais de 20 anos de idade para viajar quase 23,000 km da Baia de San Francisco na California até a Bahia de Todos os Santos. Em suas palavras: “… indo de bicicleta eu terei oportunidade de imergir gradualmente nas culturas dos paises que irei visitar.” O B2B tem vários objetivos, sendo o mais significante para o Mestre Acordeon promover a visibilidade do Projeto Kirimurê, um programa social que ele mantêm na vizinhança de Itapuã para crianças entre 4 a 15 anos de idade. Este projeto irá completar 7 anos de existência e os fundos gerados pela comercialização dos produtos do B2B serão doados para esta entidade.

Os outros objetivos a serem realizados durante esta trajetória são os
• No dia 2 de setembro, Mestre Acordeon sairá de Berkeley com destino à San Diego com um grupo de alunos e amigos que o acompanharão nas suas bicicletas. Será uma jornada emocionante em que eles visitarão 9 cademias de capoeira até a fronteira dos Estados Unidos com o México. Em ordem cronológica, estas academias estão sob a liderança dos mestres, contramestres e professores a seguir: Papiba, Mariano, Chin, Guatambu, Batata, Amen, Boneco, Paulo Batuta e Mindinho, todos amigos do Mestre Acordeon e comprometidos com o sucesso do B2B;

• Entrando no México através da Baja California, Acordeon participará em vários eventos promovidos por muitos grupos de capoeira na América Central, como também na Colombia, Venezuela e Brasil. Durante esta visita, ele pretende trocar conhecimentos e aprender ainda mais sobre como a capoeira tem influenciado a vida das pessoas fora do nosso pais e, como estas pessoas também influenciam capoeira;

• Um documentário que irá fundir através dos olhos de um mestre experiente, imagens de um arquivo histórico relevante com momentos da capoeira que se pratica hoje em dia. Este filme terá uma trama dinâmica que também
registrará momentos inesperados durante a jornada, incluindo sugestões de como um capoeirista poderá melhorar seu jogo, como tocar berimbau de maneira expressiva e como interpretar a música da capoeira, refletindo sua própria personalidade. A trilha sonora planejada para este filme pretende refletir a influência das diversas formações culturais dos capoeiristas participantes. Parte dela será utilizada para a criação de um novo CD musical de alta qualidade.

• Mestre Acordeon concluirá um livro usando as letras de suas cantigas como ponto de partida para explorar vários assuntos relevantes para o capoeirista de hoje em dia, incluindo, um pouco de historia e filosofia. Em um sentido amplo, este trabalho será uma continuação de seu livro “Agua de Beber: Um Bate Papo de Capoeira”, com mais ênfase na capoeira atual, técnicas de treino e ilustrações.

Enfrentando as dificuldades de inúmeras horas pedalando, a emergência de obstáculos imprevisíveis e os limites de sua próprias capacidade física, Mestre Acordeon espera mergulhar em um processo de introspecção em que passado, presente e futuro possam fundir-se numa alquimia mágica capaz de promover um nível maior de auto-conhecimento e crescimento pessoal. Nas palavras do próprio Mestre, “espero terminar esta experiência como um ser humano melhor e um mestre capaz de influenciar de maneira ainda mais positiva a vida de meus discípulos”.

Um projeto desta grandeza, tão complexo e não-linear, não poderá ser realizado sozinho. Ele exige um grupo diversificado de pessoas, colaborando em diferentes frentes. Estamos muito gratos àqueles quetêm nos ajudado até então. Agora, estamos pedindo que todos vocês, capoeiristas, amigos e simpatizantes da causa, estendam as mãos e colaborem com este projeto. "Juntos seremos capazes de criar um documentário visual de alta qualidade e um belo trabalho para as gerações futuras". Faça parte da jornada do Mestre Acordeon!

Informações adicionais:
Suelly (Suellen Einarsen), a primeira mulher americana a se tornar mestre de capoeira irá fazer parte de um grupo de alunos dedicados que acompanhará o Mestre durante toda a viagem. Por muito tempo, Mestra Suelly tem sido a companheira do Mestre Acordeon.
Alunos que pretendem acompanhar Mestre Acordeon:
Mariano Weschler-Bonsieppe (Galã):
Diego Armando Arena (Tarântula):
Elisa Pasquini (Tuchegas):
Amber Nelson(Peninha):
Ashlee Trueb:
Keith Chong(Balão):
Tora Akiyama:
Produção audiovisual:
Jorge Itapuã Beiramar, Kelly Calderon Barauna, Jonatan Romarico Roma
Kjeld Pederson (Requeijão)


Informações dos brindes:

Como faço para receber minha camiseta ou selecionar um CD ou livro?

  • Quando a campanha estiver concluída, você receberá um e-mail com instruções para as opções de tamanho e/ou sua escolha de CD ou livro.
  • Todos os que doaram $40 ou mais receberão os seguintes brindes: um e-mail de agradecimento personalizado, atualizações mensais, ringtones e camiseta comemorativa do Projeto B2B. 

 Incentivos adicionais: 

  • Conceito preliminar da camisa comemorativa do Projeto B2B desenhado por Sean Monroe

  •  7 Milhas - $70 adicional:

    Este livro foi um trabalho realizado com muito amor, com a colaboração de vários alunos. Em algum momento, o “Capoeira Arts Café” foi uma inspiração para muitos capoeiristas de todo o mundo. Você não deve perder esta oportunidade. Existem apenas 2.000 cópias disponíveis.


  • 10 Milhas - $100 adicional:

    "MUSICA dos Mestres, Vol. 1", dirigido por Kelly Calderón. Este DVD ganhou em 2005 o Festival de Vídeo e Cinema de Berkeley. Este DVD tem 40 minutos de duração com 30 minutos de extras e está em formatação universal. Este trabalho apresenta os talentos musicais de vários dos grandes Mestres do mundo.
    • Mestre Acordeon
    • Mestre Amen
    • Mestre Lobão
    • Mestre Olavo
    • Mestre Suassuna
    • Mestra Suelly
    • Mestre Rã
    • Mestre Virgulino



  • 50 Milhas - $500 adicional:

VIP Cycling Jersey:


  • Antologia musical de Mestre Acordeon via Isso inclui cerca de 100 das gravações, que abrangem a carreira do Mestre como professor de capoeira e músico. 


Título dos projetos Incluidos no B2B:
B2B - Joga Capoeira, o filme: “Pneus Furados e Um Berimbau"
B2B - Joga Capoeira, o CD: "Las Americas Cantam La Capoeira"
B2B - Joga Capoeira, o livro: “A Poesia no Caminho da Capoeira”


Caso vocês queiram fazer uma contribuição em Reais,
oferecemos também a possibilidade de depositar na conta
poupança 08707-3/500 em nome do Instituto Mestre
Acordeon, Banco Itaú, Agência 1510. Envie o comprovante de
deposito para o endereço, para
receber um brinde em setembro, no final da campanha.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

1 Mile

$10 USD
B2B is a project of love. I want my passion for capoeira and for capoeiristas reflected in all aspects of it, including in our fundraising. The PERKS that I am offering are worth your contribution. I intend to raise $140,000 to complement our funds already allocated to the project. Each $10 dollars that you donate symbolically represents 1 mile less from the 14,000 total that I will ride to Bahia. For the amount of $10 dollars I will send you a personalized thank you email and monthly updates.
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
41 claimed

2 Miles

$20 USD
Let your phone ring! At this level you will receive an email that contains a redemption code for 3 ringtones created from 3 of my favorite recordings to be downloaded at In addition to the ringtones, you will receive the ”thank you” email and monthly updates.
Estimated Shipping
July 2013
44 claimed

B2B Special Additional Perk!

$30 USD
For those of you who graciously contributed 20 miles and up to the B2B Joga Capoeira campaign, we have a something special for you. Now until the end of our campaign you have a chance to receive another wonderful perk. A limited addition B2B Joga Capoeira original cycling cap! "How can I get one?" You ask. All you have to do is donate another 10 miles to our campaign and consider your head covered, B2B style. Don't let this chance pass you by!
Estimated Shipping
August 2013
7 claimed

4 Miles

$40 USD
At this level of support, you will receive a beautiful B2B-Joga Capoeira commemorative t-shirt. Wear it to show your support towards this journey of a life time. In addition to the commemorative t-shirt, you will receive the ”thank you” email, monthly updates, and ringtones. Please, email us your size and gender via our campaign page. * Note: All the donors at the following levels will receive the perks of this tear.
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
139 claimed

7 Miles

$70 USD
Choose either my new book “LYRICS ON THE CAPOEIRA PATH” or the B2B documentary film soundtrack CD, “LAS AMERICAS CANTAN LA CAPOEIRA" The book will contain my reflections on capoeira, as well as pictures and stories from the B2B ride. The new CD will reflect the diverse musical and cultural backgrounds of all the talented participating capoeiristas. First 2K will receive the "Capoeira Arts Cafe: Uma academia de Capoeira" book Please, email us your choice, CD or BOOK, via our campaign page
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
44 out of 2000 of claimed

10 Miles

$100 USD
You get a hard copy of the B2B film “Flat Tires and Berimbaus”. In this documentary, I want to create a work of art on par with other professional documentaries, showing the breadth and depth of capoeira, and its power to positively transform lives. In addition, the first 500 donors will receive a hard copy of our best selling DVD “Music of the Mestres Volume I”.
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
88 out of 500 of claimed

20 Miles

$200 USD
Here we have available for you the “Box Set” of all of the new media for the B2B project. This includes the documentary film, musical CD, book, and a personalized trip poster signed by Mestre Acordeon.
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
48 claimed

50 Miles

$500 USD
At this level, we will show our appreciation for your donation by sending you the “Deluxe B2B Box Set” which includes all new B2B media, plus an autographed VIP Cycling Jersey. You will also receive a redemption code to download my music anthology from Also included are the "thank you" email, monthly updates, ringtones, and the B2B commemorative t-shirt. Please, email us your size and gender via our campaign page.
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
14 claimed

100 Miles

$1,000 USD
(CONGRATULATIONS YOU ARE CONTRIBUTING TO 100 MILES OF THE RIDE!) You will get all of the gifts in the previous tier, plus your name will be listed in the credits of the film, book, and CD as an “Associate Producer”.
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
11 claimed

500+ Miles

$5,000 USD
For this amount or more, YOU ARE CONTRIBUTING TO A FULL 500 MILES PLUS. You are an “Executive Producer”! The perks will include everything mentioned at the $500 level. In addition, your name will be listed as “Executive Producer” in the credits of the film, book, and CD. And, I will autograph and give the bicycle used on my 14,000 mile journey to whom gives the highest donation.
Estimated Shipping
August 2015
1 claimed
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