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Chanel,Dior,YSL have always made you dream ? Live your fashion addiction with a French creator and be part of the launching of his own collection in the USA

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Chanel,Dior,YSL have always made you dream ? Live your fashion addiction with a French creator and be part of the launching of his own collection in the USA

Chanel,Dior,YSL have always made you dream ? Live your fashion addiction with a French creator and be part of the launching of his own collection in the USA

Chanel,Dior,YSL have always made you dream ? Live your fashion addiction with a French creator and be part of the launching of his own collection in the USA

Chanel,Dior,YSL have always made you dream ? Live your fashion addiction with a French creator and be part of the launching of his own collection in the USA

gerard gueho
gerard gueho
gerard gueho
gerard gueho
1 Campaign |
Paris, France
$40 USD 1 backers
0% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Born in the authentic north of France and raised in green Bretagne, I have a "true nature influence". My inspiration as a fashion creator has grown after achieving a Law Dregree and pursuing a career with the Government that ended when fashion made the call.

My passion for design is only comparable to my admiration for the women's natural beauty and seduction. My style is modern with classics being recreated in a more fanciful way. Mixing dressing codes is one of the screts to obtain casual clothing with a touch of seduction.

The aim is to help to finance the costs of the involvement into professional shows in 2014 at New York, Vegas, Dallas and Atlanta . The funds will participate to the realization of prototypes and  technical drawings. On the spot, an style office will make the link with American buyers.

This project is made because of a career change, and I really care about it because the success of the collection would permit to raise funds for an orphanage in the Ukraine.

To thank the donators, a dress model with their names will be fashioned, short or long according to the numbers of donators.

On top of that, a photo shoot of the dress on a professional model   will take place in Paris, France , if possible, in your presence,  and a photo will be given to you during a nice evening party. 

Fashion is magical, be our own magicians by supporting our collection.                                                                                     

Thanks you

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  • Décrivez où les fonds iront si vous n'atteignez pas complètement votre objectif.


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  • Expliquez pourquoi votre projet est précieux pour le contributeur et pour le monde.
  • Mettez en avant vos expériences réussies sur des projets tels que celui-ci (si vous en avez).
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Et le tour est joué.

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Choose your Perk

Photo of the dress

$50 USD
A photo of the dress after a shooting in Paris
0 claimed

Dress model

$200 USD
A dress model with your name will be fashioned. A short dress or an evening dress
0 claimed

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