Hi All!
We are Shelby Bartelstein & John Hollingsworth, the creators & writers of the hippest, hottest, coolest, most awesome up-and-coming web series: “BACK TO REALITY.”
"BACK TO REALITY is a web series about the off-camera life of 4 camera-hungry reality TV stars. Oh... and they're actors. Living in NYC."
The drama is just oozing already…
In order to make B2R a reality, we need help from lovely, amazing people…YOU!
Contributions will aid in all aspects of producing B2R: From hiring phenomenal Cinematographers to editing to permits to marketing! And we will be documenting this entire process via social media so you will always be in the loop! Because YOU are what will take us “BACK TO REALITY!”
Anything and everything will help because a little goes a very, very long way!
We truly feel that this concept is an untouched niche just waiting to blast onto the commercial market, and we want to be the people who bring it to the forefront! Help us make our dream a reality, and you won’t be sorry!
Not only will your contributions bring witty, snappy “webisodes” to the World Wide Web, but there are PHENOMENAL PERKS and incentives to donate! SEE PERKS TO THE RIGHT!
But even if you are not able to contribute monetarily, YOU CAN STILL HELP!
- Use the forces of social media to get the word out: Twitter, Facebook, Intagram, & Vine your hearts out!
- Donate your TIME: Want experience on set of a professional set? We always are looking for help during the shoot! It’s a priceless experience that lets you see the inner workings of making a web-series!
- Most importantly, just start talking! Tell EVERYONE about B2R and start spreading the word
- DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE INDIEGOGO SHARE TOOLS! Because if you can’t contribute, maybe someone you know can, so that’s a giant help!
- Use Hashtag #B2R!
- Follow us on Twitter @BTRealitySeries; "Like" us on facebook at "Back To Reality"