At this moment “Balta Alba [White Pond]” is a work in progress documentary and we need some help to get it finish!
At the moment we have more than 20 interviews and music performances from artists covering 3 generations who managed to change the Romanian musical landscape.
Balta Alba is the place where artists where outspoken about the communist regime and musical genres like hip-hop and heavy-metal entered Romania.
Our producer, Silviu Munteanu, who initiated this project, lived here from 1975 and he is also the documentary “guide” of this amazing place.
In 10 square kilometers live incredible musicians like:
-Composer & Singer Marius Teicu an iconic Romanian pop symbol and pioneer,
-drummer Nelu Dumitrescu from the most famous Romanian rock band called Iris,
-jazzman Iordache,
-new wave post punk band Timpuri Noi/Partizan,
-hip hop artists IL-Egal, 6ase 6ase & Marijuana,
- avangarde band Oedip Piaf,
-Brazda lui Novac electro project,
-heavy metal Metrock,
-blues rock band Mike & the Blue Spirit,
-music from 150 ago of slums project 3 Parale,
-classic guitarist Maxim Belciug
and many, many others.
The documentary contains music of those artists, their stories about how they survived in 80’s, during the communism years, how they adapted and created new sounds in the 90’s and how they reinvented themselves in the new millennia.
Let people of all around the world find out about this cultural effervescence.
Everyone who will support this project will sustain promotion of all those valuable musicians.
What We Need
To finish this documentary we need 5000 euros.
This amount of money means:
- Post production costs (hard drives, color correction, sound, editing, etc.)
- Website
- PR & Marketing Campaign Costs
The Impact
When we are speaking to the world about the values of Romania, we only talk about athletes like tennis star Ilie Nastase, the gymnast Nadia Comaneci and the football player Gheorghe Hagi.
I think our music deserves promotion campaigns just like the sport stars.
We want this documentary to place Romania on the music world map.
Other Ways You Can Help
We trully appreciate not only material help. You can promote our campaign in your accounts Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and any other social networking platform and beyond.
Use Indiegogo share tools.
Our amazing team who volunteer for this project:
Silviu Muntean : Producer, presenter
Cristian Georgescu: Director, DoP, cameraman and editor
Catalin Butufei: Cameraman
Bogdan Mosorescu: Sound, camera assistant