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Barn Swallow Concerts

We're raising funds to launch a series of charitable house concerts in Ann Arbor. The events will focus on amazing music, sustainability, and community!

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Barn Swallow Concerts

Barn Swallow Concerts

Barn Swallow Concerts

Barn Swallow Concerts

Barn Swallow Concerts

We're raising funds to launch a series of charitable house concerts in Ann Arbor. The events will focus on amazing music, sustainability, and community!

We're raising funds to launch a series of charitable house concerts in Ann Arbor. The events will focus on amazing music, sustainability, and community!

We're raising funds to launch a series of charitable house concerts in Ann Arbor. The events will focus on amazing music, sustainability, and community!

We're raising funds to launch a series of charitable house concerts in Ann Arbor. The events will focus on amazing music, sustainability, and community!

Katie Lee
Katie Lee
Katie Lee
Katie Lee
1 Campaign |
Ann Arbor, United States
$2,280 USD 37 backers
32% of $7,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Hello friends and welcome to Barn Swallow Concerts!

In case you don’t know me, my name is Katie Lee. You may have seen me on the stage as myself, performing with The Appleseed Collective, Orpheum Bell, or any number of other wonderful Michigan bands over the last several years. Music is a wonderfully rewarding career; I get to travel the country performing tunes, meeting new people and sharing new experiences. I don’t make much money (yet), but I’ve got a full heart and so much hope for the future.

As a traveling musician, I’ve seen firsthand the power of music to affect change and bring people together. As a resident of Ann Arbor, I’ve seen the power of local business and local-minded thinking to create an intense sense of community. As a foodie, I understand the magic of growing and making that which nourishes your body and soul. Taking all of these things into account, I felt the pull to draw upon all facets of my life in order to bring a unique musical experience to my community.

When I tour with my band, The Appleseed Collective, we make so many new friends. We like to call these folks our “family ‘round the world.” I want to bring my extended family here to Ann Arbor and introduce them to you, my local family. I will be hosting a series of summer house concerts at my home in Ann Arbor. The focus will be to bring amazing talent to the welcoming ears of the Ann Arbor community in a setting that is intimate, casual, and highlights the essence of the summer season. The concerts will also function as a fundraising system for both The Gift of Music Fund,  SEEDS, and The Agrarian Adventure (*see below).

In order to make all of this happen, I need to raise enough money to cover the startup costs of creating something of this magnitude. I want the concerts to be wonderfully cozy and accessible, but as a musician myself, I want to be able to give our performers what they deserve. We also need to cover the costs of various supplies (drinking water, seating, foodstuffs, lighting, recording technology), online and in person promotion for the shows, developing a web presence, and more in order to accomodate all of our needs. There are so many little things that add up to a big number, which is why I need your help.

I know I have the skills and the desire to make this idea into a reality and I’m working every day to bring this dream of mine to you. I’ve told you why I want this to happen, so let me tell you why you might want it, too:








AND MORE! I can’t even tell you how excited I am about all the wonderful music that will be here, just for you! All of these musicians are incredibly talented and inspiring and I hold them near and dear to my heart and cannot wait for you all to meet. These people and their music are what drive me to always strive for the best.

So please, help me to make this concert series into something no one has experienced before. We will come together as a community that cares about music, culture, inspiration, food growth, learning, and we will build a stronger future focused on loving the land and our local economy. You’ll be sure to see many local farmers at these events, often with fresh veggies in tow, as well as some local food businesses that may have tasty treats on hand for you to try! 

This summer is not the only season for Barn Swallow Concerts. I plan to continue hosting events throughout the year, and growing this entity into something that people can really get involved in. I want to host educational events connecting the community with their food, musical workshops as a satellite of The Gift of Music Fund, develop a blog connecting music, food, and community, and much more. This is not just a concert series, but a way to create together.

In addition to your dollars contributing to making this possible, any money that is raised past what is required will be donated to the charity. There are even some reward levels that have a donation built in for those of you who can’t make it to the shows but want to help out. Take a look at our other snazzy perks, mark your calendars, and get ready for something so very special! I can’t do this without you, so even if you can’t donate, please share this campaign with your friends and be sure to catch the shows in the coming months!


Big love,

Katie Lee

*About The Non-Profits

Music education can be an incredibly important part of a young person’s upbringing. I started classical violin lessons at age 5, and have picked up countless instruments since then. Without incredible teachers and the opportunities to explore those interests, I would not be where I am today. The Gift of Music Fund offers free music lessons and instruments to at-risk and underprivileged children who would otherwise be unable to have this experience. In doing so, the organization also provides a dynamic platform for local musicians to share their passion for their craft, creating an extensive, full-circle community benefiting many.

SEEDS has grown immensely since its start in 1999. Bringing together a wide range of talents, SEEDS offers solutions surrounding three general concepts: building community locally, energy and environmental analysis, and ecological engineering and design. SEEDS has created an extensive network of programs ranging from farmer residencies that allow people to develop the skills necessary to run a successful agricultural business, to a "rock camp" hosted in the summer that provides local youth the opportunity to hone their rockstar skills under the guidance of well-known Michigan musicians.

The Agrarian Adventure partners with K-12 schools to enrich students' connection between the foods they eat, their personal health, and the health of their communities and the environment. Through experiential education in sustainable food and agriculture, local food, and healthy learning in the cafeteria, we connect students to the sources of their food and empower them to transform their lives and the food culture in positive ways.

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Choose your Perk


$10 USD
You'll put a smile on your face knowing that you're part of something important.
4 claimed


$25 USD
You'll get to download a mix of tracks from the wonderful artists performing this season to get you oh so excited to come and see them!
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
13 claimed


$50 USD
You'll receive an original poster signed by all the artists at the end of the season! Limited edition.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
3 claimed


$75 USD
You'll receive a original t-shirt with the lovely Barn Swallow Concert Series logo!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 claimed

Blue Jay

$100 USD
You'll be able to reserve a table with ample viewing ability at the concert of your choice! The perfect place for a candlelit picnic. *Up to 4 seats
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
1 claimed


$100 USD
You are a really lovely bird because you're choosing to contribute $50 to the concert series and $50 to the charities, right here, right now. You'll also receive an original signed poster.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 claimed


$250 USD
You'll be the first to receive an exclusive download of a series of live tracks recorded throughout the season at the Barn Swallow Concert Series. Also includes the Blue Jay reward and a full-color poster.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 claimed


$250 USD
Thank you deeply for choosing to contribute $100 to the concert series and $150 to the charities, right here, right now. You'll also receive an original t-shirt.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 claimed

Red-Breasted Robin

$500 USD
You'll receive "season tickets" to the Barn Swallow [Summer] Concert Series. This means that you're welcome to attend every show, free of charge. You'll also receive a fancy badge so everyone knows how you helped to make this happen. Also includes the Blue Jay reward and a full-color poster.
Estimated Shipping
June 2013
0 claimed


$500 USD
What a gem you are! Thank you for choosing to contribute $250 to the concert series and $250 to the charities, right here, right now. You will also receive a signed poster and t-shirt.
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
1 claimed

Barn Swallow

$1,000 USD
VIP! You'll receive "season tickets" to The Barn Swallow [Summer] Concert Series, a reserved table, a full-color poster, t-shirt, and a personal thank you recorded by the band of your choice. You'll also be mentioned as a sponsor at every show and on our website. You are a true humanitarian and you are helping to make something wonderful happen!
Estimated Shipping
October 2013
0 claimed
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