Fenix is a full
color gaming magazine from the cold north: Sweden. Six times a year for the
past decade we have released a new printed magazine full of gaming material,
reviews, interviews and even our very own comic strip. The magazine has only
been released in Sweden, and most of the material has subsequently been in
Swedish only.
The name
Fenix is the Swedish version of “phoenix”. We thought it was a good
name since we – Anders & Tove Gillbring - had just finished working on another
magazine for a Swedish gaming organization. The phoenix reference felt
appropriate, since the end of that previous magazine did not mean we were dead
and gone – quite the opposite. After a couple of years doing a magazine for
somebody else, and having to prioritize news from the organization above gaming
material it was a treat to be our own bosses and make all of the executive
decisions on the content.
The last three years we have included material
in English as well, since Kenneth Hite started spoiling our readers with writing a
brand new article to every issue (in the tradition of his Suppressed
Transmissions). Last year we added Pete Nash to our mix, providing material for
RuneQuest 6 (in the tradition of RuneRites).
We want to
celebrate our first decade as a gaming magazine by releasing our best gaming material
over the years – but this time all in English. In order to make it more
accessible for an international audience, we have excluded all material to games
only available in Swedish. The language in the printed books will have gone
through a proper English filter as well, thanks to Pete Nash and Jessica
Augustsson – both gamers with English as their first language.
It was hard
to make the selection, but after hours of agony we decided to reach
for the stars and go for three volumes from the start. Every volume will consist
of at least one stand alone card- or board game, a couple of articles by the
always impressive Kenneth Hite and at least one longer material (often printed
in black and white in the original), such as an entire role playing game,
campaign or setting. Last, but not least, Birger Barbaren, the very funny comic
strip Åke Rosenius creates to every issue of the magazine.
volume will be available in three different formats: as a pdf-file, in soft
cover or in a Deluxe edition (hardcover, inserts with gaming props printed on
thicker paper and additional illustrations)
We have a
wealth of material to choose from, and hope to be able to extend the scope of
what we release with new articles along the way – as different stretch goals
are reached.
When you participate in our crowdfunding you
will get special perks. Every time we reach $5.000 we will add a new article to
a Bonus Anthology in pdf-format.
We have now
unlocked Master Your Style by Tomas Alvin for Volume 1. The next stretch goal is The Devils Ship by Kenneth Hite to Volume 2 as well as a new bonus article to the pdf.
The Devil’s Ship –Kenneth
Hite’s campaign material is suitable for any game of modern horror. The Devil’s
ship is a strange, but yet eerily familiar and with a cargo of sins.
“From the mastheads to keel
She's a vessel surreal
It's one hell of a trip
On the black devil ship, aye!”
-- Iron Mask, “The
Black Devil Ship”
The waves
surge, lightning breaks. Winds blow hard from the icy north, or hot from the
tropic south. Lit by balefire, it crests the surf and rides down into the
rollers, sheets snapping in the storm. Only the Devil’s ship could survive this
night, as it has survived every night like this for centuries. If your ship
sees it, your ship will wreck. If you hear a hail or a crackling radio message
from its crew, you will die at sea maddened by the dark knowledge you were
granted. The steel of the ship’s hull seems to steam under the lashing rain, as
though the rivets were red-hot. Sonar and radar go mad, as though the ship was
never there or loomed vastly, the size of an island.
They say
that at night, if you sell your soul in the right way, mark it in the correct
ledger or click the right box on the nameless website, you will receive a bill
of lading. Your drayage is paid, or more likely you must sell everything you
value to reclaim it. Because that bill lets you onto the docks where a
twenty-foot steel box waits holding your heart’s darkest desire. Or perhaps the
box shows up in a vacant lot, delivered by a black Peterbilt truck that
unhitches and drives away before you can see the driver. But you know where the
box is – and you must kill to make sure nobody can take it from you. Anything
you want is in that box. Everything you want is in that box.
We will now start adding new articles. We will first add
one title in Volume 1, then one in Volume 2 and finally get to Volume 3 –
then go back to volume 1 and keep adding new articles. If the campaign
goes well enough, we will of course reach a point where we add a fourth
volume in the "Best of Fenix"-series.
To celebrate getting fully funded we will add a new article to the Bonus PDF that all funders
will receive, no matter which perk you have chosen. Every
time we reach a full $5.000 in funding we will add a new article to a Bonus
Anthology in pdf-format, only available to the funders of this campaign.
Diagoras Sector: An Interstellar War Zone – Kenneth Hite
presents an interstellar war campaign full of classical inspiration and
thoughts on how to construct the future we used to have, short-circuiting the
Balthazar Ndoe and the Chronostat – Christoffer Krämer will
introduce you to Balthazar Ndoe and the Chronostat. Timetravel with
unintended consequences is on the menu.
Fenix American Action Generator – David Bergkvist helps you create
your own action scenario in a style easily recognizable by anybody enjoying
b-movies from the back alleys of Hollywood.
In this our
first anthology you will find myths and legends of different kinds, some true
to classic source material and others warped through a brand new filter. In
this book you will find:
Once Upon a Time in the North – This setting
by Kenneth Hite is a Western moved a century into the future and restaged in
the far North. Can be played like anything from a classical western (northern)
to pulp, cyberpunk or horror.
In episode 77 of the always great podcast Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff
they discuss nerdtrooping the Western, using this article as an example on how to do it. You find the podcast at:
Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff
City of the Golden Vampires – Kenneth
Hite on one possible truth behind the lie and legend of El Dorado, with four
possible stories to stage in that setting, each set in its own era.
In episode 81 of the brilliant podcast Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff
they discuss this particular
You find the podcast at: Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff
Werewolves of Dacia – Kenneth
Hite’s campaign setting is a riff on Tolkien’s Middle-Earth, warped through a
classical sensibility with a hefty helping of werewolves.
In episode 74 of the brilliant podcast Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff
they discuss campaign setting creation through the lens of this particular
article. You find the podcast at:
Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff
Myths & Legends – David
Bergkvist on how to use myths, legends and fairytales, and basing
adventures on specific myths. The article also includes two creatures from
Norse mythology: Vittera and Näcken.
Spell Singers to RuneQuest 6 – Pete Nash
introduces a mercenary group of sword wielding, sorcery singers, which can be utilised
as foes in established campaigns, or perhaps an organization that Player
Characters can aspire to join.
Oz is Drowning – Global Apocalypse in Slow
Motion – One of
Sweden’s greatest design legends, Anders Blixt, presents this
apocalyptic rpg-campaign in retro setting inspired by John Wyndhams The Kraken
Auberond – In this
fantasy campaign setting by Christoffer Krämer an elf like race must try to
survive as their peaceful harmonic world turns into a hostile apocalyptic death
Krak de Drak – Christoffer
Krämer’s campaign combines the crusader kingdom of Outremer with an awakening
powerful dragon and the role of religion in any setting inspired by the Middle
Birger the Barbarian – Fenix’ own
comic has been a part of every issue of the magazine. Åke Rosenius, Sweden’s
funniest gaming cartoonist, has created this sly, lazy barbarian, mostly
interested in beer and women.
Fenix Fighters – The game
developer Peter Hansson, most known for the card game Spank the Monkey, has
created this boardgame for up to four players, each controlling a Fenix (Phoenix)
ready for battle. Fenix Fighters will be included in the pdf and the books. In
the Deluxe edition you will find a separate insert with the game props printed
on thicker paper as well.
Added Strech-goals
The Doomsday Clock – Christoffer
Krämer introduces an apocalyptic artefact and ideas on how to introduce it in
your own campaign, or build a brand new campaign around it.
The Kings of Old –Christoffer
Krämer on how to create the ruins in which the adventurers in your sci-fi
fantasy setting are wandering – and how to make the history of their world make
sense as well as being fun to play in.
Shadows of Babylon – Kenneth Hite uses the
mythical city of Babylon as a starting point for an urban fantasy setting, with
loads of scenario seeds.
The Chamber – How do you seal off
something powerful enough to threaten everything, man’s very existence – and
warn future explorers? And how will the adventurers in your campaign handle the
discovery? By Christoffer Krämer.
Master Your Style –Tomas
Allvin on how to identify and control your Gamemaster style, giving you the
opportunity to break old habits and surprise your players.
horrible volume should hopefully send chills down your spine. Kenneth Hite’s
game The Last Flight of KG 200 is quite possibly our most appreciated material
in Fenix ever.
The Demons of Memory – Kenneth
Hite on the demons affecting our memories and the hard to remember Nefastis
Institute. Hite also shares his thoughts on how to use the material in
different games and settings.
The Last Flight of KG 200 – Kenneth
Hite’s horror storytelling game presents a desperate crew, flying out of the
heart of darkness, into the heart of mystery. It might kill them all, or worse:
reveal the truth they fly from.
Just Add Rum – Kenneth
Hite provide you with everything you need in order to create pirates for your
own campaign that makes sense, adding flavor and excitement to the rest of your
world in the process.
The House That Jack Built – Martin Brodén Rother-Schirren incorporates Jack the Ripper with the Golden Dawn in a campaign setting
where the Whitechapel murders are the starting point to an occult/horror
campaign where almost anything can be added.
Smiles of a Summer Night – A horror
scenario by Åsa Roos, set in present day Stockholm, Sweden during the Summer.
The Mediterranean Museum is launching a new exhibition, including a mislabeled
The Many Faces of Horror – Pete Nash
on three main methods of supporting horror tropes using the core rules of
RuneQuest 6. In addition he introduces the horrifying monsters The Vengeful
Ones, to be inserted into any fantasy or sci-fi-setting.
Celestial Storm – A Crusade for Fallen Gods – A freeform fantasy
game for 3-5 players. Nils Hintze has written this a drama of galloping horses
faster than the wind, duels with curved blades, dramatic poetry, cunning djinns
and hopelessness.
Birger the Barbarian – Fenix’ own
comic has been a part of every issue of the magazine. Åke Rosenius, Sweden’s
funniest gaming cartoonist, has created this sly, lazy barbarian, mostly
interested in beer and women.
Moral Dilemma – A complete humoristic Cardgame – Game Developer Christoffer Krämer, probably best
known on the international scene for Gigantoskop's games Big Badaboom, Badaboom and
Kablamo, has developed this card game for Fenix readers. Moral Dilemma will be
included in the pdf and the books. In the Deluxe edition you will find a
separate insert with the game props printed on thicker paper as well.
Added Strech-goals
More than Zombies – Åsa
Roos on voodoo and how to incorporate this mythical religion into your
roleplaying campaign, and how to adjust it for different settings. The article
includes two scenario seeds.
Birger the Barbarian – Fenix’ own
comic has been a part of every issue of the magazine. Åke Rosenius, Sweden’s
funniest gaming cartoonist, has created this sly, lazy barbarian, mostly
interested in beer and women.
51 Mythos Dooms – Since almost any Mythos entity might trigger the apocalypse, this column from Kenneth Hite offers a choice of dooms, one for every entry in the Trail of Cthulhu core rulebook.
Lovecraftian Horror –H. P. Lovecraft is as huge in the roleplaying community as he is
unknown outside of it. Why? Martin Brodén takes a closer look at the man and
his methods in search of an explanation.
and space travel are two main ingredients in this volume.
Angels and Ministers of Space – Kenneth
Hite on Newtonian angel powered space travel in an alternate 17th
century on the seven planets. An inspiring article fat packed with weird.
Ichneumon – A brilliant
parasite steampunk rpg by Kenneth Hite. This game infects your existing
steampunk game, living behind its scenes, warping its stories and affecting the
Leviathan - Baroque
Escapades in the Belly of the Beast – Leviathan
is an rpg by Daniel Krauklis and the name of an interstellar ark starship
floating through cosmos without anybody at the helm, populated by a race who no
longer remembers its past.
The Red Planet – Christoffer
Krämer outlines the Native Americans successful conspiracy to conquer and
terraform the planet Mars during the upcoming 150 years – and how to put that
campaign setting into play.
Roma Umbrarum – X-Files
meets Gladiator in this horrifying fantasy campaign set in the city of Rome
during the reign of the infamous Emperor Nero. Anders Blixt wrote this article
for the second issue of Fenix.
AI: Automatic Intelligence – Johan
Salomonsson and Johan Englund combines I, Robot and Das Kapital in this
steampunk setting full of inspiration and scenario seeds.
Birger the Barbarian – Fenix’ own
comic has been a part of every issue of the magazine. Åke Rosenius, Sweden’s
funniest gaming cartoonist, has created this sly, lazy barbarian, mostly
interested in beer and women.
Sodom & Gomorrah – Mastermind
meets Battleship in this puzzling board game by Christoffer Krämer, where the
player’s goal is to find the ten righteous in order to save the cities. Sodom
& Gomorrah will be included in the pdf and the books. In the Deluxe edition
you will find a separate insert with the game props printed on thicker paper as
Added Strech-goals
The Man You’re Looking At: a Who’s Who of
Steampunk Spycraft – Kenneth
Hite’s dossier – a Who’s Who of Steampunk Spycraft - lets steampunk gamers get
down to brass tacks with an array of the real-life spies who flourished during
the Belle Epoque.
Birger the Barbarian – Fenix’ own
comic has been a part of every issue of the magazine. Åke Rosenius, Sweden’s
funniest gaming cartoonist, has created this sly, lazy barbarian, mostly
interested in beer and women.
The Restoration of Paradise Lost – Christoffer Krämer has turned the
eternal celestial love triangle in to a roleplaying game, where the players
take on the roles of angels, demons or humans.
Un-Made Men – Anarchy through the Steam –Kenneth Hite presents five fiendishly fantastic anarchist groups
and six terribly terrific anarchists in this follow up to The Man You’re
Looking At: A Who’s Who of Steampunk Spycraft.
You will be
able to buy each volume separately, but if you buy them all you will get
a better price. All volumes of Best of Fenix will be available in three
different formats: as a pdf-file, in softcover or in a Deluxe edition
(hardcover, inserts with gaming props printed on thicker paper and additional
If you buy a
physical copy of any of the books, you will also get thanked in that volume.
Every time
we reach a full $5.000 we will also add a new article to a Bonus Anthology in
pdf-format, only available to the funders of this campaign.
Shipping to
Sweden is included. For delivery to the US, Canada or Europe, please add $10 if
you buy a single book or $20 if you buy all three volumes at the same time.
Shipping to other parts of the world will be $15 for one title, or $30 for all
Fenix is
owned and published by the married couple Anders and Tove Gillbring. We have
taken an active part in the Swedish gaming community almost, but not quite since the very beginning. In 1989 Anders published the first edition of the old west
role-playing game Western (and the fourth edition of Western will be out this
spring). Anders Gillbring is Fenix’ AD, the man behind the design of the
magazine. Tove Gillbring is the editor in chief and copyrighter. Lukas Thelin
is our inhouse illustrator, and his artwork has been a part of Fenix in every
single issue ever released. Still, we could never have done it on our own.
Fenix is the result of a collaborative effort from the Swedish gaming community
and we are grateful to all the talented people that have participated in the
magazine over the years.
If you support
our crowdfunding you will be receiving what you ordered, whether it was a
pdf-file, a softcover or hardcover book. We will finalize all of three volumes,
no matter what. If we do not reach our goal (which we sincerely wish to avoid)
we will be stuck with the higher printing cost of digital print in order to
provide what we promise. If we reach our goal we be able to make a longer print
run and thus hopefully be giving Best of Fenix a longer life span, making it
easier to access at a later date as well.
We got a
huge advantage compiling the anthologies to Best of Fenix. All the articles we
have chosen already exist. Most of them have previously been printed in
Swedish, but some were in English the first time around as well. We will not
have to wait for artwork either, since the illustrations were published with
the articles the first time around. We have chosen to include material that
have received high praise when printed in the Swedish gaming magazine Fenix, so
it is a selection based on actual feedback from our readers. Some authors as
well as illustrators included have been allowed to make a touch up of their
original material, thus providing a higher quality this second time around.
When we
planned Best of Fenix we decided on 27 stretch goals. We have allotted time for
these articles to be translated and edited as well in order to reach our
deadline. Should the crowdfunding roll beyond that we will be adding a brand
new volume to the mix. We hope you will forgive us if that additional title
will have a later release date than the first three.
Fenix’ first decade the magazine has never missed a deadline, and we don’t
intend to break that cycle with these three volumes. We have vast experience in
working with printing and distribution partners in Sweden, which we hope will
benefit the upcoming books as well. The risk of printing errors and delays
caused by bad printing files are minimal.
We are currently in the process of translating
the articles included (and even some we hope to be able to unlock as
stretchgoals). We are willing to let that take some time, and thus not promise
to deliver the books until the end of 2014. We are eternally grateful to
Jessica Augustsson and Pete Nash, who are skilled as well as kind enough to
make sure that the texts you will be receiving won’t be riddled with as many
flaws as our texts here on indiegogo.
We have
received some questions about the crowdfunding campaign for Best of Fenix. Here
you can find the most common. If you have any additional questions, please ask
under the Comment section of our campaign.
1. Why is the shipping cost so high?
the cost of shipping books from Sweden is crazy high. We are very sorry for
this, not the least since it jacks up the total cost of our volumes more than
we would like. If you find the shipping cost too steep, we do understand if you
go straight for the pdf-files instead.
2. What will happen if you don’t reach
your goal?
funders will receive the perks they have choosen, but we won’t be able to make
a full print run and thus settle for digital print (another way of printing –
you will still get a softcover or hardcover book if that was your wish).
3. Have you considered releasing the
best material to Swedish games?
begin with, the less narrow selection felt better. Still, if the interest is
high enough we sure hope to be able to provide it.
4. I have all of the Swedish magazines
already. Why should I fund this project?
wish to get the best material compiled together in books as well. Or as a
pdf-file, since we have not released them before. Or just
to see the brushed up illustrations or extended texts included. But no, this
will be the best material already printed in the Swedish magazine. It will not
be brand new material.
5. I heard you got gamerfriendly
reviews, but I cannot find them in any in your proposed volumes?
We went straight for the gaming material, not making reviews, previews or even
interviews part of the selection.