Upcoming graduation short film that follows the journey of two siblings fighting for survival after the apocalypse.
What's the film about?
The relationship between Elise and Tyler is the central aspect of this story. Their journey leads them to the Chocolate Factory which brings a new lease of hope and excitement to the young siblings. Food was a rarity before but here there is plenty of chocolate to eat. They remember what life was before all the chaos and let themselves act like children again, in their new shelter. However this does not last long as they discover this might not be the safe haven they first thought. Soon unexpected visitors bring them back to the harsh reality of the world they live in. At this point Elise is forced to take action in order to protect what is left of her little brother's innocence.
want to make this an exciting and engaging short-film, that is not only
meaningful but at the same time entertaining to watch. Our main inspirations are films like The Road
(2009) and Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003) and we want Bittersweet to be a combination
of both. Elise is our hero and we are sure you won't forget her.
The Crew
We are a group of 3rd year Film and Television students from The University of York. Bittersweet is our graduation project, and we are all really excited about it. This year we will finish our University degrees and we want to create a memorable film that all of us can be proud of.
Why do we need your help?
There are many aspects of our film that require us to have a substantial budget. Though we are self funding some of the target, it won't be enough to cover all the costs of this production. Even though we are spending and budgeting carefully, creating a post apocalyptic world requires extra resources alongside the general costs of a production. We have already secured the old Terry's Chocolate Factory as our main location. We are really excited about filming there but this is only the first step towards the 'creation' of the world of Bittersweet. Now we need your help to do the rest.
Old Terry's Chocolate Factory
How will your money be used?
In order to
create this world we need to acquire and transport scrap cars, debris, and many other props
that will reflect damage. This is one of the biggest challenges of the film as
we need to make the world of the characters believable. This is where your
money will make a noticeable difference.
Though most
of the equipment is provided by the University, there are still a couple of
pieces that we need to hire from Provision, such as a Dolly, a Jib and extra lighting equipment. Filming
in an abandoned factory brings obvious problems such as power. Hiring a
generator for over a week and paying for the fuel to run it, will take a huge portion of our budget. We
really need your help because with the extra equipment we can create an amazing
looking film, but without a generator we cannot shoot it.
Transportation and Hospitality
All productions require a crew, with extra help including
make-up artists, grips and obviously a cast. All these people need transporting
to and from location, as well as accommodating and feeding for just over a week.
We will also be hiring a van in order to transport the equipment on a day to
day basis. Some of your donation will go towards these crucial things. The
welfare and comfort of our cast and crew is important to us, as well as the
safe transportation of everyone and everything involved.
James Homer (Producer): jeh533@york.ac.uk
Facebook: facebook.com/bittersweet2014
Twitter: twitter.com/Bittersweet2014
Thank you for your support,
Bittersweet Production Team