The goal was reached in 48 hours.
I must admit that the result is largely beyond my
expectation and I consider the success of this campaign very rewarding
for me and for each of BlenderFDS users.
I am still amazed by how
people that never met in person can share a common goal and reach
concrete results of mutual success: we started our common project more
than three years ago, and I really feel proud of the road we walked
So, let me thank you twice:
first, for your contribution to the shared cause of BlenderFDS3 development;
second, for letting me feel part once more of a better world.
Best regards,
My name is Emanuele Gissi, I am a fire officer since 2002, serving at the Comando provinciale dei Vigili del Fuoco, Genova (Italy), a branch of the governmental fire safety national organization.
I am a mechanical engineer and obtained a doctorate in Engineering Physics (EP) in 2001. My work is focused on incident command, review of performance based fire safety design, and fire investigation.
I am the main developer of BlenderFDS3, the only open, multi platform, user interface for FDS6.
FDS6 is a computational fluid dynamics model of fire-driven fluid flow, mainly developed at NIST. The software solves numerically a form of the Navier-Stokes equations appropriate for low-speed, thermally-driven flow, with an emphasis on smoke and heat transport from fires.
All these tools are open source and freely available.
I am looking forward to releasing a BlenderFDS3 Release Candidate before the end of the year, but you can always check the current state of the code from the SVN repository.
What we need?
I do not receive any direct compensation for the hours I dedicate to BlenderFDS3, except for the pleasure of pushing this great open source project.
The old Samsung NF310 I am using for development is breaking apart, I only need a new notebook to keep on working comfortably.
I do not request any special capability, except for Linux support and well documented hardware. A possible target notebook is the no frills Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E130 p/n NZUAXUK.
What You Get?
Whatever the outcome of this crowdfunding project I will keep on working on BlenderFDS3, as I owe a lot to the free software movement as a whole, and I am confident that BlenderFDS users will keep on contributing back to our Community.
So what you get is... BlenderFDS3!
How you can help?
Well, first of all, you could help me get the new notebook, before the old one dies. But if you can’t contribute, that doesn’t mean you can’t help the project:
- Test the soon to be released BlenderFDS3 Release Candidate and provide feedback;
- Contribute back example cases to our Community;
- Help us maintaining a decent documentation.
Thank you!