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Book In a Blanket - The Gift that Gives

RunwayBaby Organics is on an ecological and humanitarian mission. Book in a Blanket is a conceptual product for children. You Pledge One - We Donate One

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Book In a Blanket - The Gift that Gives

Book In a Blanket - The Gift that Gives

Book In a Blanket - The Gift that Gives

Book In a Blanket - The Gift that Gives

Book In a Blanket - The Gift that Gives

RunwayBaby Organics is on an ecological and humanitarian mission. Book in a Blanket is a conceptual product for children. You Pledge One - We Donate One

RunwayBaby Organics is on an ecological and humanitarian mission. Book in a Blanket is a conceptual product for children. You Pledge One - We Donate One

RunwayBaby Organics is on an ecological and humanitarian mission. Book in a Blanket is a conceptual product for children. You Pledge One - We Donate One

RunwayBaby Organics is on an ecological and humanitarian mission. Book in a Blanket is a conceptual product for children. You Pledge One - We Donate One

Runway Baby
Runway Baby
Runway Baby
Runway Baby
1 Campaign |
Boca Raton, United States
$1,776 USD 20 backers
7% of $25,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

Short Summary

Book in a Blanket (BIB) is a project based on the BuyOne - GiveOne business model. This innovative pocketed blanket is a unique item that stores not only a fully illustrated inspirational children's book, but through giving to children we love, it’s a soft reminder of the ultimate gift of love. Made of 100% certified organic Pakucho cotton, which is a soft, luxurious, and ultra-safe for your children and the environment cotton, the B.I.B exemplifies what a “security blanket” always meant.

Reserving one of these limited edition blankets for your loved one, ensures two children feeling the same security through your donation of a twin blanket to charities like: K.I.D.S., Good360, Mary Lee's House or directly to hospitals, and orphanages of your choosing even. A collectible item, B.I.B.’s value will be accentuated over time, its authenticity protected through IQAuthentic. We will produce only 10,000 of this first BIBs for distribution worldwide. The opportunity to secure one of these fabulous blankets on Indiegogo, at a wholesale price is a unique opportunity.

Whatever blankets are left from the initial 10,000 (if any) will then be available on the Runway Baby website, at the retail price. In the end, the more blankets we sell the more we donate to less privileged children. So, you may pledge with confidence and pride knowing that you will make a difference, by keeping a child in need warm and cozy, and that you sent out to another child the message the world really does care. 

What We Need

We need to raise funds in order to put in our first production orders. The more money we raise here on Indiegogo, the more we can and will produce for kids worldwide. We’ve requested the minimum amount of money needed to be able to put in the first order under our factory in Peru’s (where this wonderful cotton comes from) conditions as minimums, time frames for delivery, and of course production costs.

  • Most of the funds will go towards blankets production in Peru. The organic Pakucho yarn, which is a patented yarn, grows naturally colored, free of chemicals and pesticides there in Peru. A yarn that feels like luxurious cashmere, is actually safer for your children's skin than any conventional yarns.
  • Other funds will go towards shipping from the factory in Peru to Miami and customs related fees, plus associated costs of deliveries.
  • These much needed funds will ensure the printing of the book Planet Hope, which accompanies each B.I.B.
  • We have a fixed campaign, so it's all or nothing. We need this minimum to be able to order our first production of blankets and books. Please help us reach our goal so we could start making a difference. 

The top 10 reasons why Organic clothing
should be on your shopping list

  1. It helps protect your children's sensitive skin
  2. It reduces pesticide use
  3. It protects farm workers
  4. It protects water quality
  5. It prevents soil erosion
  6. It is a sturdier fabric
  7. It saves you money
  8. It feels amazing inside and out
  9. It supports a truly sustainable economy
  10. It supports a healthier environment

What You Get

Our reward system is substantial, and through your pledge it gives you the opportunity of acquiring a keepsake, collectible BIB for yourself, while making it possible for another child to receive the same luxurious gift via your pledge.

Our Hall of Pledge Expo (H.O.P.E.) section on our website will acknowledge all of you, rightfully so, as you made a real difference in a small child’s life. How does that feel?

The manufacturing is  in place, the designs and prototyping ready, the illustrations for the book ready, text ready, formatting ready, the printing company for the book chosen, the IQAuthentic system for authenticating your products ready, the charities that we intend to work with are ready, excited, and waiting to accept and distribute our unique BIBs, and most importantly, the children are waiting for us to act.


$10, $15, $20 - Planet Hope Book 1 in the specified format.

Book Specs:

  • Dimensions: 5.5in x 7.75in 
  • Fully illustrated book of 32 pages
  • This is Book1 from a series of 12.

Beautifully designed characters will delight you and your child and take you on their adventure when time for a nap, a bonding moment, a stroll in the park or a day at the beach.

Blanket choices and specs:

  • Blanket – 100cm x 120cm
  • Organic Pakucho Cotton
  • Pocket dimensions: 23cm x17cm
  • Cafe Color
  • Pocket trim – Magenta
  • 100% GOTS certified

This organic baby’s or children’s blanket is a luxurious, soft textured, totally chemical free work of woven art. Our blankets are far from ordinary. Each is oversized, and made from the finest Pakucho organic cotton. The blankets each have a pocket where our wonderful children’s storybooks are stored, and each is a collectible in its own right.

This is Blanket 1 from a series of 12.

$99 Natural Color/Magenta Pocket Trim + Planet Hope Book1 - Printed Format

$99 Natural Color/Turquoise Pocket Trim + Planet Hope Book1 - Printed Format

$115 Cafe Color/Magenta Pocket Trim + Planet Hope Book1 - Printed Format

$115 Cafe Color/Turquoise Pocket Trim + Planet Hope Book1 - Printed Format

The premium perks, please if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. Help us make a difference. 

  • $   500 - International Shipping $40
  • $  1000 - International Shipping $40
  • $  5000 - Shipping not included for International bakers. Contact us for more details, before pledging.
  • $10000 - Your collectible Blankets will have hand picked serial numbers as per description. They will be assigned in the order of your pledge. The first one will get BIB 000200, 000201 and so on. The next baker will get the next available sequence in the range mentioned.
  • $25000 - Your pledge also entitles you to chose the charity to which we will donate the 200 BIBs.

After all Book in a Blanket is "The Gift that Gives".

Thank you all so much!

The Impact

How do we begin to tell you about the ultimate impact of such a project?

Each time some caring parent or loved on gives a B.I.B.,  two children share in an invisible, yet ultimately angelic bond, a bond made from the purest kind of love – that of giving. Some small child receives a wonderful, even exclusively luxurious gift to hold close and keep warm, and to enjoy gleaning the stories from Planet Hope out of, and then the most amazing gift is felt, perhaps 12,000 miles away. Then, with no idea or concept of such a gift of love from afar, another child gets this same gift, a hug and a gentle caress from across a world perhaps. Somewhere in the far off world, such a luxury of an organic blanket and the immutable value of a book reaches a child who may not even have parents.

As you can begin to feel, we are starting a movement to keep all kids warm, loved and educated. It is little innovations and ideas like this, which can let everyone, everywhere know, they are not alone, though they may be scared. Then too, the characters from the book Planet Hope, will keep them company by telling them metaphorically that they are loved too. Our actions, our effort in caring here, can and will make all the difference. Your pledge will be one of those meaningful timestamps, on the humanity all of us are part of. No contribution is too small. Every little bit we do will help. Runway Baby is so happy to begin this movement now.

  • We have experience with production and the logistics of it.
  • You are part of a new movement and you are part of our team. 
  • With continual communications we’ll go farther faster 
  • We are planning a trip to Peru to the manufacturer and you will follow us closely as we film for you the facilities, the GOTS certifications, the mills, the people behind the Pakucho patented yarn and many other goodies.
  • Better still, you’ll be able to see the faces of the many children that will receive our BIBs, and their smile will make your heart sing with joy. You are the ones that did it! Thank you!

Pledge, Pledge, Pledge

this video is funny and it will put a smile on your face. Watch, enjoy, pledge and share.

Thank you!   



Risks are in every venture, project , driving, dating, weather, etc. We don't expect major hurricanes, earthquakes, snow storms or tsunamis but a risk software would probably prompt us to plug those elements in there, for sure:) We have more faith in humanity and in the law of the Universe so we will take in consideration elements that we could control. Production times and delivery dates are the common risks and we will do the impossible to make sure they will get to you in a timely manner.

The first thing that it will happen when we will send the production order in, they will start preparing the yarn. That could take between 10-14 days, then the making of the blankets, which depending on the quantity it could take about 4 -6 weeks, then labeling, embroidery, packaging and shipping. Phew:)

The books production it will be easier, as our quote from the printer includes about 30 days to print up to 10000 copies.

The digital goodies should have no risks attached to them, unless the internet seize it to exist which is a slim chance.

In other words the only risk that is common in the fashion industry, it's not to get the delivery in the time frame we expect it. You  will be updated constantly so you will know of our progress. Did you pledge yet?

Other Ways You Can Help

We fully understand that some of you want to help but you may not be able to commit financially. There is more good news. You can help regardless. Spread the word! Make our campaign viral and in your heart, where these things count most, you will know you got good karma points.

  • Tweet It, FaceBook It, Pintrest It, Instangram It, Vine It, Digg It, Email It, etc
  • Indiegogo sharing system rocks, make use of it. Thank you bunches.
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Choose your Perk

You are making a difference.

$5 USD
A personal thank you on our twitter account and a personal email from Ana Cristiana. If desired, we will add you on our contributors Hall Of Pledge Expo (H.O.P.E.) on our website when the campaign ends. Thank you!
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed

Digital Planet Hope - Book1

$10 USD
You will be among the first ones to get a digital copy of Planet Hope - Book1 for Kindle or iPad. We will donate a digital copy to a charity of our choice. Your name will be acknowledged in our Hall of Pledge Expo ( H.O.P.E.) on our website if you desire. After all you are giving the gift of reading to an underprivileged child, so you rock! You Pledge One-We Give One
Estimated Shipping
January 2014
0 claimed

Audio Planet Hope - Book1

$15 USD
You are getting an audio version of the book Planet Hope. The audio format would be downloadable to your computer or to your listening devices. You will be able to copy it on a CD or listen to the story on your other devices that will play an mp3 file. The recordings will be suitable for a children book. Your name will be in our Hall of Pledge Expo (H.O.P.E) section of our website, as you just gifted a child with an audio book. Thank you, you are wonderful!
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 claimed

Planet Hope - Book1

$20 USD
This pledge affords supporters the chance to be among the first ones to own a copy of Planet Hope- Book1, the printed version. This is a valuable reward as it is the first edition of the book and it is part of the "Book in a Blanket" movement. Your copy will be autographed by the author. Your name will be added to our Hall of Pledge Expo (H.O.P.E.) section of our website if you desire. Thank you. You Pledge One-We Give One
Estimated Shipping
February 2014
0 claimed

BIB - Natural/Magenta

$99 USD
One authentic B.I.B. which includes the 100% GOTS certified organic Packucho pocketed blanket and an autographed copy of Planet Hope-Book1. This item is a collectible and it will be certified and backed up by IQAuthentic system. Your name will be acknowledged in our Hall of Pledge Expo (H.O.P.E.) section of our website if you desire. You Pledge One - We Give One Thank you. You started the movement! International shipping, please add $20.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 2000 of claimed

BIB - Natural/Turquoise

$99 USD
One authentic B.I.B. which includes the 100% GOTS certified organic Packucho pocketed blanket and an autographed copy of Planet Hope-Book1. This item is a collectible and it will be certified and backed up by IQAuthentic system. Your name will be acknowledged in our Hall of Pledge Expo (H.O.P.E.) section of our website if you desire. You Pledge One - We Give One Thank you. You started the movement! International shipping, please add $20.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 2000 of claimed

BIB - Cafe/Magenta

$115 USD
One authentic B.I.B. which includes the 100% GOTS certified organic Packucho pocketed blanket and an autographed copy of Planet Hope-Book1. This item is a collectible and it will be certified and backed up by IQAuthentic system. Your name will be acknowledged in our Hall of Pledge Expo (H.O.P.E.) section of our website if you desire. You Pledge One - We Give One Thank you. You started the movement! International shipping, please add $20.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 2000 of claimed

BIB - Cafe/Turquoise

$115 USD
One authentic B.I.B. which includes the 100% GOTS certified organic Packucho pocketed blanket and an autographed copy of Planet Hope-Book1. This item is a collectible and it will be certified and backed up by IQAuthentic system. Your name will be acknowledged in our Hall of Pledge Expo (H.O.P.E.) section of our website if you desire. You Pledge One - We Give One Thank you. You started the movement! International shipping, please add $20.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 2000 of claimed

Collector's Package

$500 USD
You are getting all four BIBs! You could reserve one from each color or all four the same. For this reward we will donate 6 BIB's. We appreciate your generosity and we are sure that your gift will be a blessing for homeless or orphan children. Your name will be acknowledged in our Hall of Pledge Expo (H.O.P.E.) section of our website if you desire. Authenticity of your products will be verified and assured by the revolutionary system, IQ Authentic. Thank you. You are charitable!
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 10 of claimed

Charitable VIP

$1,000 USD
You will get all 4 collectible BIB's where all the books are autographed. We will donate 12 BIBs to a charity of our choice where children are the beneficiaries. As a special privilege to you, you will be able to pick your serial numbers in the 01000-02000 range in perfect sequence. Your collectibles with be verified by IQ Authentic. Giving is receiving. Your name will be acknowledged in our Hall of Pledge Expo (H.O.P.E.) section of our website if you desire. Thank you. You are magical!
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 5 of claimed

Reseller's Package

$5,000 USD
Be one of the 3 exclusive boutiques in the world to carry Book in a Blanket. No other retailer will have this unique item as the only authorized dealer at the moment is 40 Pocketed Blankets in perfect sequence ( 10 of each color), 40 books signed or not, and we will donate 40 BIB's to a charity of our choice. We will recognize you as a socially paying forward company. Ask about MSRP. Thank You.You are the movement's ambassadors.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed

Grand Prix of Charity

$10,000 USD
This is a reward for your soul. You will get 10 collectible BIBs, all autographed books and the serial numbers in the range of 00100 - 00200. This pledge will entitle you to get one BIB from all our future 11 collections. You will be the first in the world to have a complete collection! All your BIBs will be verified by IQAuthentic. Because of you, 100 children will smile and for that, you are a hero. Your names will be in our H.O.P.E. section, if you desire. Thank you. You are Love.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 3 of claimed

Platinum Angel

$25,000 USD
12 BIBs are being held for the individual/company that pledges at this level. Serial numbers will run from 00002-000030, to include 3 of each color blanket, all autographed Planet Hope books and 200 BIBs donated. Ana Cristiana will be available to speak at a charity event of the donor's choice anywhere in the US/Canada. Alternatively, she will welcome you to Miami to visit one of the children's shelters that will benefit from this program. A complete collection of future BIBs will be rewarded.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 1 of claimed

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