Who We Are
are a group of Boston based professors, students, scientists, volunteers, and
friends who are actively involved in improving our coastal ecosystems through
research, education and outreach projects such as Green
Harbors Project (GHP) at UMass Boston, Biomimicry LivingLabs, and Born
To Be Wild: Oysters Today for a Better Tomorrow
What We are Doing
We are using oysters to restore our coves and harbors back into their clean, natural, and healthy state! In just one year, we have restored 2 acres of Wellfleet Harbor's muck into a thriving oyster reef habitat with 4 million oysters filtering 200 million gallons of ocean water per day!
Why Now
While Americans are poised to spend $60billion on Black Friday and another $450billion on Christmas, our coastal harbors are acidifying, our salt marshes degrading, and our marine life is suffocating. Does Dad really need another necktie?
Probably not. Let's gift better--'Adopt an Oyster!'
What We Need
Your most generous financial contribution. Our goal is to raise $100K between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thanks to our partnership with Foundation for a Green Future, 100% of your deduction is tax deductible!
What It Will Fund
•The seeding of 4,000,000 wild oysters.
•Labor and materials necessary for establishing oyster reef habitats and build floating islands in urban areas where natural salt marshes are unable to take root. Wild oysters will grow in clusters underneath these floating salt marshes.
The Impact
Restoring oyster population and their habitats will minimize eutrophication, invasive species, buffer ocean acidification, and increase biodiversity! In addition, oyster reefs will fortify our shorelines and help protect our homes from storms and erosion. It is a win-win-win for all, and the time is now.
Other Ways You Can Help
Spread the word about our
campaign to your friends and family! Use our 'share tools' to post our campaign
on Twitter and Facebook! Thank you in advance for your generous support! --Dr. Anamarija
Frankic, UMass Boston and The Foundation for a Green Future.