Big Pharma. Big Influence. | CLICK HERE to share on Facebook
Whistleblowers? In big pharma? Don't count on it. The sinister methods that the big pharma uses to secure it's own market protection by buying the only expert voices that could most effectively topple it.
The GMO Set-Up | CLICK HERE to share on Facebook
Patrick Gentempo, DC, Nancy Weiser, Private Health Coach and Beth Beisel, the mom that successfully lobbied for Connecticut to require GMO labeling share some astounding insights on the effects of GMO foods.
Unnecessary Vaccinating | CLICK HERE to share on Facebook
How have vaccine schedules changed over the last 50+ years? The facts are rather compelling, or just plain scary... Patrick Gentempo, DC, Dr. Tim O'Shea, DC and Toni Bark, MD help us understand.
If not us, then who? If not now, then when?
We have to take a stand and
band together to create lasting change. We can’t wait for another generation…that may be too late…
The longer we wait the more
lives are at stake and the more risk we all face!
Why We Need Your Help
Funding a film as red hot
controversial as this via traditional methods simply is not an option.
We’ve already enlisted the
support and participation of the biggest names in this field, but we will get no support, zero, nothing, nada from corporate sponsors on this
It’s just too controversial,
it’s too red hot.
So we’re far more dependent on
good conscious people that are willing to step up, contribute, and spread the word, simply because they want things to change. If you’re reading this, it’ likely you’re one
of those people.
Think About This
Pharmaceutical companies spend
over $4 billion per year on advertising. That’s 4,000 times our best-case scenario, and they spend that budget EVERY year!
There is a story roaming
through my head, one that’s insisting to get out. It was born in over 100 interviews with genuine, loving, caring health care professionals, researchers and advocates last
We kept picking up a theme, a
sense that the game was rigged, that we’d already played and lost but didn’t know it. Our health has already been Bought. It’s a risky story to tell, but would be a tragedy
to passively consent to with silence.
Your support is the only way
this movie will happen. Please join us.
If not you, who? If not now,
Where We Are With The Film?
Filming is underway and we are
excited at the lineup we have assembled. We just finished filming a mother who spearheaded the passage of the first GMO labeling bill in the United States…to many she was
once labeled “just a mom.” To us, she proves one person can make a difference. You, as one person, can also make a difference. Help us by joining the cause
Bought is almost finished!
We’ll be sharing scene clips with you over the next few weeks as updates on the campaign. We’ve finished the first rough cut, (loved it, no joke, this is a monster!), now
we’re starting on graphics, music, color correction, etc. (And one final scene that we have to send a crew to Rome to film, but it will slide right
Matching Pledges
Our budget deficit is $80,000.
We missed our matching funds goal last time by $38,000. (We had matching funding for $150,000, we raised $112,000.)
But great news, one of our
donor/investors agreed to put up (up to) $40,000 if we could raise the balance in crowd funding.
I’ve never been a part of a
film that has the potential to make an impact that this film has. I almost held my breath watching the rough cut. All of my own personal fears lay just below the
“Did we really get what we
“What if it doesn’t flow together the way we
hoped?”, “What if it isn’t compelling?”, and worst of all,
“What if I didn’t do right by the precious
people that we captured on film, did we take care of them?”
I’m so glad to report that we’ve got it. It’s great, it’s
everything that I hoped it would be when we launched this.
3 Crowdfunding Campaigns Later
Our budget deficit is $80,000.
We missed our matching funds goal last time by $38,000. (We had matching funding for $150,000, we raised $112,000.)
But great news, one of our
donor/investors agreed to put up (up to) $40,000 if we could raise the balance in crowd funding.
So here we are.
Our budget is $700,000. Once finished, we’ll release it in
theaters and that will push our total costs to about $1,000,000. Our best case scenario is to fund the entire project with people like YOU who believe we all have a right to
Every dollar raised here will go toward the expense of
creating and distributing the film.