"Wow, I can’t believe everything you’re doing! Just incredible!" - Pat Roy, co-creator of Jonathan Park
"This is very exciting! Lord bless BTS!" - Chris, hostess on Adventures in Odyssey
I'm excited about your endeavor on several levels. When I was growing up, my dream was to do radio dramas. When I was in college, I wrote a paper on the renaissance of radio--something I wanted to make happen. God blessed me with the opportunity to work on eight different audio drama projects! And now, I'm seeing radio drama take hold in the next generation. This is wonderful to see! You've got a great team with you--I'm friends with many of them. Keep going! - John Fornof, Producer/Director/Writer Lamplighter Theatre, Adventures in Odyssey & The Extraordinary Adventures Of G.A. Henty
"Peter, this is very exciting!" - Mark Hamby, Executive Producer of Lamplighter Theatre
"Yes, I would like to be an interviewee for the film! Just let me know when and where!" - Phil Lollar, creator of Iliad House, co-creator of Adventures in Odyssey
Photography by Laura Byler of Impressions Photography
"Audio dramatists develop characters but listeners develop character."
It’s heard everywhere; in the breezes blowing through the
cities, the driving winds that move the desert sandstorm; in a lamb’s bleat, in
a lion’s roar. You can hear it in a newborn's cry for Daddy and in man’s soul
crying out for his Heavenly Father. It’s the sound of His voice echoing throughout all creation, in the
beginning and then in the stories His Son told, drawing all people to Himself.
But there’s a problem, a growing, almost deafening silence. Silence about
Christ. Can we still hear Him?
Greetings! I’m Peter James Johnson, a scriptwriter,
director, producer and servant of our King. Jesus spread the Good News through
stories and parables. "Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable." Matthew 13:34. I’m committed to following Christ’s example, by using
redemptive audio stories to continue pointing people to the Master Storyteller.
Together we can break the silence about Christ in our culture! Audio dramas compel us to use
our imagination through sound, to think about what we’re hearing; making every day biblical
answers to today’s overwhelming issues…unforgettable.
Chris Anthony Lansdowne · Hostess of Adventures in Odyssey/ Voice of Barbie 8yrs. at AVO Talent/ voiceover artist had this to say about my documentary, Break The Silence: "This is very exciting! Lord Bless BTS!"
This is a documentary film to remember the history of Christian audio drama. To remember the bold men and women who stepped out in faith to create the first modern Christ-centered children's audio dramas like the legendary duo Steve Harris and Phil Lollar the co-creators of Adventures in Odyssey. To honor the champions of today's dramatic audios, like international ministry leader Mark Hamby and prolific writer, director and producer John Fornof of Lamplighter Theatre who have gone on to build Christ-like character through dramatic audio for children and adults of all ages. This film will inspire YOU to join us to embark
on a journey following Christ into the future of dramatic audio stories. This film will launch three new projects and explain how you can get involved with each of them:
AN UPCOMING DRAMATIC AUDIO SERIES- Renting to Parakletos, a new Christian dramatic audio series that promotes Biblical literacy, a deep and personal understanding of God's Word! This new series is designed to invite beginners and masters alike to work alongside each other in the fields of voice-acting, music composition, sound design, recording engineering, voice directing, marketing, photography, art, graphic art, recording studios, research, theology, creation science, singing, songwriting, bands, Christian counseling, comedy, and much more!
A DRAMATIC AUDIO DRIVE- Distributing donated new and gently used MP3 players or iPods that we will pre-load
with Christian dramatic audios and send into mission fields for orphans, veterans, homeless shelters, prisons, rehabilitation centers, children's hospitals and victims of human trafficking!
A DRAMATIC AUDIO FESTIVAL- Bringing audio dramatist professionals and beginners alike from across the nation to join together to tell the world about the power of Christian audio stories through a dynamic event with awards for Christian creative innovation and excellence in this craft for both veterans and newbies alike, interactive workshops, refreshing times of fun fellowship, live performances and much more! This event is for the purpose of building a nation-wide collaborative community of beginner and expert audio dramatists!
Your contributions are vital to:
- the success of bringing the hope of God through impacting audio drama stories to people who just need one touch from the Lord Jesus Christ
- encouraging the young and the old to use their God-given gifts and talents alongside each other to build up the Kingdom of God through this creative medium
- create opportunities for the seasoned veterans to mentor the newcomers
FEATURING: Click on the names below to hear an exclusive audio bio for each one of these BTS documentary interviewees.
"...we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses..." Hebrews 12:1
Our documentary is featured on the ATC website!
Kathy Buchanan Rivercross-Adventures in Odyssey-Lamplighter Theatre
Todd Busteed Left Behind-Lamplighter Theatre-Adventures in Odyssey
John Campbell Lamplighter Theatre - Adventures in Odyssey - G.A. Henty
John Fornof Lamplighter Theatre - Adventures in Odyssey - G.A. Henty
Aaron Fullan The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty