Welcome to Build Joan a house!
This one is not for me. This one is for you, this is your opertunity to change the lives of an entire family.
My name is Maria and I'm the sponsor of a beautiful, smart, hard working child called Joan who lives in Buubwe, Uganda.
I live in Skovde, Sweden and I've been a sponsor to Joan since 2010. During these years I've been able to help her out in several ways, but there's one thing I've sadly come to realize over the years that I will not be able to give her on my own and that is a new house.
(A photo of Joan from when I started sponsoring her.)
Joan lives with both her parents and 4 siblings in an old mud house. When I first started sponsoring Joan she and her family only had money to eat twice a day. They all slept on old clothes on the ground in their mud house.
But with my help and most of all their own hard work they're now able to eat three times a day. They grow beans and maize on their land and Joan is doing well in school. It takes her one hour to walk to school and her favourite subjects there are mathematics and English. Her grades have increased with their living standard and I bet that with a new house she would do even better!
Her favorite dish to eat is rice and she eats it once a month. The family has 3 goats and 2 pigs which they keep on their land and today they have matresses, blankets and some pillows to sleep on. Some might say that this should be enough, but I don't agree.
Joan has suffered several times over the years from fungus infections on her face because of how she sleeps (close to the damp ground) and if there's one thing I want to be able to give her and her family it's a good house. One made of brick instead of mud. One where they have 4 rooms instead of 3. A house with a concrete floor and a good door that they can lock when they leave for the day.
(Joan with the fungus infection visible on her cheek and above her eyes.)
If I don't reach my goal the money will still go to Joan and her family, only to other things. Maybe it will be enough to buy them a cow? Or a goat? Or at least a bag of rice?
I believe we all can do good around the world and it all starts with one person, YOU. So even if you can't help my campaign, maybe you can spread the word onto others? Please share it!
And I know I don't have many perks, but if there is something you would like that you think I can help you with, please let me know!
So please, please, pretty please help me make my dream come true and let's:
Thank you for reading and helping our dream come true, lots of love Maria and Joan!