Leave us a comment above, encouragement helps!
Our Story
My grandmother loves to tell stories and she has a lot of them. As a retired nurse, her stories can range from funny to sad. A few years ago, she started writing the story of her father who worked as a sharecropper in South Carolina, took the midnight train to NYC, worked as a janitor in Manhattan for years and finally moved his family of 9 children and his wife to their very own home in Brooklyn.
After spending days typing it out on her typewriter, she has been asking for the last three years to have it compiled the way she wrote it into book form. I have been saying forever that I would get it done. Now is the time.
The Impact
The publication of this book will greatly affect my family and the larger community as a whole.
1) My grandmother is getting up in years and I would love to surprise her with real copies of her book for her to cherish for the rest of her days. It would also be of great importance to have the story of my great grandfather passed down for generations to come.
2)Though this is a personal story of one man, it represents the wider, less told story of black Americans moving from the bottoms of the South to make a way for themselves by capturing the American Dream in the North, known as the Great Migration. This movement helped determine the make up of modern cities and suburbs. I will be donating copies of the book to libraries for the community to enjoy and gain awareness.
What We Need & What You Get
I have decided against entering the world of publishing by choosing a self-publishing service. As much as I would love to get this book printed on my own, I do not have the editing skills nor the funds to make this book a reality in the near future.
This is where you come in. With your contributions, I can obtain professional help from start to finish, including:
- Cover Design
- Formatting
- Editing
- 100 paperback and 25 hardcover copies to start with
- The ability to create an ebook version, obtain an ISBN, and sell the book on sites like amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com
The cost of this service is $5,000.
Help this dream become a reality in the next two months.
If we do not receive all the funds needed to obtain these professional services, the amount received will go toward publishing on a lower level. Meaning, we will still publish this book but the time factor will push the production back considerably.
If we raise more than the $5,000 needed, we will purchase more copies of the books and mail them out to libraries and other interested parties all over the country. The extra funds will cover the cost of production and mailing services.
As a sponsor of this project, you will receive perks. Please check out the list to your right and choose your gift amount today.
Other Ways You Can Help
Spread this story to everyone you know, people of all ages, strangers even. If you can not contribute the smallest amount, letting others know about this campaign would be greatly appreciated. The more people who know, the faster we will be able to put this book together and make my grandmother's dream a reality.
- Create a quick email blast
- Shout it out on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites
- Text your contact list or give someone a call
- Tell your own grandparents, butcher, favorite bartender.
- Print out the flyers from the gallery and hand them out.
- Leave words of encouragement in the comment section.
Whatever it takes to get the word out!!!
Come back often, as I will be updating daily.