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Cameroon re-imagines Higher Education In Universities

Help us Launch the first ever sms/web based Blackboard for African Universities

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Cameroon re-imagines Higher Education In Universities

Cameroon re-imagines Higher Education In Universities

Cameroon re-imagines Higher Education In Universities

Cameroon re-imagines Higher Education In Universities

Cameroon re-imagines Higher Education In Universities

Help us Launch the first ever sms/web based Blackboard for African Universities

Help us Launch the first ever sms/web based Blackboard for African Universities

Help us Launch the first ever sms/web based Blackboard for African Universities

Help us Launch the first ever sms/web based Blackboard for African Universities

Leslie Tita
Leslie Tita
Leslie Tita
Leslie Tita
1 Campaign |
Buea, Cameroon
$930 USD 14 backers
6% of $15,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Start with Why

The 2011 MIT100k YouPitch finalist was born out of frustration due to the inefficient communication channels used in the university of Buea (UB) and countless other Universities in Cameroon W. Africa. In 2012 you may ask why? Well this is because the students and faculty still rely solely on Notice Boards, In Class Announcements and Mouth to Mouth to communicate. 


So together with Horace, Nara, Quincy and Leslie, we worked hand in hand with some seasoned educators and students to design the usePULSE platform which enables students, administrators and professors to communicate in real-time using primarily their mobile phones via SMS, web and email, in addition the platform also puts in place the usage of inexpensive android powered tablet devices, that cost about $50 per device. These devices allow convenient and efficient access to the platform maximizing capabilities.

In the last quarter of 2011 we obtained the go ahead from the University of Buea (UB) to commence with the first pilot program.  UB has about 17,000 students yet the pilot program will start with an initial 1000 users. Our Project is set to begin March 2012. 

You can also check out our beta

Here is what we will do during the pilot project

1. Empower the faculty through diverse training initiatives so that they can operate independently, assist students and find innovative new ways to use the platform.

2. Organize training sessions with the students and provide them with intuitive demos on how they can use the platform. The students will be able to immediately activate their usePULSE account through SMS.

3. The trained Faculty will invite the students to follow their course groups through an SMS. 

4. Film and document the entire experience and story of several students and lecturers from before the the pilot project to start of the project, till the end of the pilot project.  This footage will be used as feedback, analysis and also to create the documentary short which will be available as one of the perks to our contributors.

What about the Tablets 

These are low-cost tablet devices (android 2.2 devices have Wifi enabled, 2G of internal memory, SD slot, Mic, Stand by time: 10 hours (working time: 3-4 hours), and 7in Resistive touch screen), we will hold diverse training sessions for students and faculty on usage of the devices and platform and allow the students and faculty to use these devices free of charge.


You may have Tablets, but where is the Internet

Major campuses in Cameroon are covered by Wifi Hotspots. The University of Buea have a signed partnership with Ringo Sa to provide wireless Internet on the campus.

The PULSE Impact
Short Term: usePULSE is based of interactive education using ICT tools, this has the most profound lifelong impact on young entrepreneurial minds. it has been instrumental in influencing, encouraging and building hope amongst young Cameroonians.
Long Term: it will empower students allowing them to become independent learners who are well versed with ICT tools and therefore capable of unlimited achievement in their communities.  Long term goals are to scale to other universities in Cameroon and other African regions. 


Are you Guys really Serious

Yeah, we are more than serious, we have been featured on the Huffington PostMywekuTechloy and VC4Africa.

Why do you need our money

For the past 12months we made excellent progress on the platform, and currently have a working "beta" version ready but we have gone as much as our pockets can push us, we need this last push to finish and get the product into the hands of the students.

Our fund-raising goal is $15,000, when we reach our goal we will use the money for:

1. Accelerate the development and in addition to getting 100 devices which will be used by the participating students and faculty.

2. Acquiring a local sms shortcode and tons of bulk sms to cover us for at least a year. 

3. Organize training sessions for faculty and students. 

4. Prepare merchandise, ebook and the documentation about the usePULSE experience. So we are able to get our educational start up to reach students, universities, fans and supporters currently and in the future. 

5. Fees for the filming, and editing the footage for our documentary short. (re-imagine education will be edited by Cameroonian Director, William Nsai) 

If we raise more than our campaign goal, we will be able acquire more sms, devices and also increase the number students in our pilot phase.  Which would be beyond amazing. 

If we do not reach our campaign goal we will still continue on with our project and adapt our Tablet and sms short-code, faculty and student training and minimum team expenditures to the raised fund amount.


In return for your kind contribution to this Pulse project, we're offering a number of cool personalized rewards, including Pulse Tablets, t-shirts, thank you page mentions, beta testing, high-resolution portraits, an ebook and a Documentary short about the project experience.

The perks are cumulative, which means that when you donate enough for a bigger perk, you also receive all the smaller perks below it. Hum !!! c'est pas lait.

Please add $10 for Shipping and Handling outside the U.S.

Others ways you can help

If you're inspired by the usePULSE project, please take a moment to share on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Blog or whatever social media you use to spread ideas your excited about and you can also twitter (follow) and or facebook (like click) :)  and by all means fell free to say hello.  We love hearing from our supporters from around the globe.  We are driven and appreciate positive support. Thank you.



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Choose your Perk

Read it and Keep it

$5 USD
All our amazing supported get the re-imagine education eBook on the project, documenting the project events and mile stones with stories from students, the usePULSE team and professors involved + a twitter & facebook shout-out. We truly appreciate every supporter that will help us re-imagine higher education.
4 claimed

Reimagine Edu Documentary

$15 USD
In addition to the above perks, You’ll get a HD digital downloaded edition of the usePULSE re-imagine education documentary short that documents the experience of the students and professors involved in the usePULSE Project.
1 claimed

Re-imagine education t-shirt.

$25 USD
In addition to the above perks, we’ll ship you a custom graphic designed limited-edition "Re-imagine education" organic cotton t-shirt.
6 claimed

8"x12" HD print

$50 USD
In addition to the above perks, you will get a 8"x12" print from limited-edition high resolution portraits of the students, faculty and the UB paysage (landscape) in Black-and-white and or color shipped to you.
0 claimed

One for you and one for them

$150 USD
Get all the above perks + get your very own PULSE Android Tablet as a small token of our appreciation. This is the exact same tablet the students will be using at the University of Buea (UB). Thanks to your awesome contribution.
2 claimed

usePulse Silver Sponsor

$250 USD
Your donation will give you all perks above which includes the PULSE Android Tablet + get your name (or name of your choice in the credits; make it a gift) listed in the re-imagine ebook and the re-imagine Documentary Short that will be entered into several international Documentary Short film competitions.
1 claimed

usePulse Gold Sponsor

$500 USD
Your donation will give you all perks above + you will appear as a Gold Sponsor on the Documentary credits + Skype in with the usePULSE team in Cameroon W. Africa. (Meet the amazing team) and of course you can even get a Skype with Mr. Leslie Tita if you like :)
0 claimed

Platinum Signature Tablets

$1,000 USD
Apart from us being forever thankful, your contribution gets you all perks above + you will appear as a Platinum Sponsor + Honorary co-Producer of the Documentary credits + Your signature on all the Pulse Android Tablets in the UB usePULSE Project ex. "Offered by (your name)"+ A special blogpost to thank you + Special thank you in the ebook credits and forward
0 out of 5 of claimed

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